Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1042: Demon

"Well, what is this!"

The shackles of the late realm of the illusion of the gods, a dark gold, the key to the ancient lines appearing in his broken body.

"This should be the key to open the space inside the tomb of the wilderness." Mu Linger gently walked into the void, slowly came over, took the key from Ye Chenfeng's hand, and carefully identified it.

"That said, with this key, we can enter the space inside the tomb of the wilderness!" Ye Chenfeng asked in surprise.

"It's hard to say!" Mu Linger shook his head and said: "But if we want to take the initiative, we may have to find a few more keys. If a key can only enter one person, it will be troublesome."

"Let's find a few more keys!" Ye Chenfeng's brows are tightly screwed together.

Tai Shentian, Taihuangtian and others are in the dead cemetery, and they may come across at any time. At this time, the risk of finding a key is too great!

But the inheritance of Hong and the wild, Ye Chenfeng was sure to win, hesitated a moment, Ye Chenfeng summoned the sacredness of God, handed a space transfer to him, and let him wait in this grave.

If Ye Chenfeng and others are really bad luck, they will encounter Taiwangtian, Taishentian and others, and they can also escape from the space transmission of Taiyi.

"Linger, take us to the second tomb!"

Leave the space transfer to the sacred, Ye Chenfeng took away the bronze ancient sword and black gold chain that is comparable in hardness to the virtual artifact, and left Ye Chenfeng to leave the tomb and fly to the next tomb.

The death cemetery is very great. Even if Mu Linger grasps the space rules in the cemetery and leads a safe road, Ye Chenfeng and his party spent more than five days and came to another exit of the tomb. , found the second huge tomb.

While on the way to the tomb, the evil spirits finally took the last step, breaking through to the late stage of the virtual god, and the combat power soared nearly a hundred times.

The breakthrough of evil spirits has greatly enhanced the strength of Ye Chenfeng and others, but still can not eliminate the threat of Taishentian and Taihuangtian. When they meet them, Ye Chenfeng and others will encounter the crisis of life and death. .

"Go, let's go in!"

Ye Chenfeng found that the entrance to the tomb was intact, and immediately broke the entrance ban, and entered the gloomy tomb with the Phoenix God, Mu Linger and the evil spirit.

"Well, the rules in this tomb are so familiar!" After entering the tomb, Mu Linger’s eyes suddenly brightened: "This seems to be the rule of our universe! Perhaps buried in this tomb is The big man in our universe."

"Go, let's go in and see if the big man buried here really comes from my universe, maybe I can easily find the fatal thing on him


When finished, Ye Chenfeng and his party speeded up their steps, followed Mu Linger, followed by a stone corridor, and continued to penetrate the tomb.

In the process of going deep into the tomb, Ye Chenfeng and his entourage encountered a lot of strange insect attacks in the body, but with the breakthrough of the Phoenix God and the evil spirits, these strange insects could not threaten them at all. killed.

After more than an hour, Ye Chenfeng and his entourage came to the deepest part of the tomb. They saw two stone gates with dozens of feet high and depicting ancient lines and totems.

"Yes, the lines on this stone door are coming from our universe!" Mu Linger gently walked forward and stroked the ancient lines on the stone door. Slightly surprised.


Mu Linger quickly made several complicated handprints, and he shot a ray of light into the stone door, and easily broke the stone door seal.

Next, Ye Chenfeng’s arms broke out with a force of tens of thousands of pounds, pushing away the heavy stone gates of the seal Yin Hall and entering the Yin Hall filled with thick yin. Seeing the center of the Yin Hall, there is a stone sarcophagus depicting the demonic totem.

"These patterns, is it a demon in the seal of the stone?" Looking at the surface of the stone and the demonic totem portrayed on a stone pillar, Mu Linger vaguely guessed who was in the seal of Shijie,

"Demon... Linger, how is the strength of this demon?"

Ye Chenfeng heard the devil's name, but he never saw it. He didn't know about the devil.

"The demon family is rare in our universe, and every demon is a brave and powerful warrior. The fighting power is far more than my elves, and the devil's body is very strong, comparable to you. The world's strongest demon, the general virtual artifact can not be destroyed!" Mu Linger detailed introduction.

"The virtual artifacts can't be destroyed! Does the demon family have weaknesses?" Ye Chenfeng glanced and asked.

"I don't know... I know very little about the demon family. As far as I know, I want to kill the devil, only to break his body!" Mu Linger shook his head.

"In any case, the key to the demon guard must be obtained!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and walked slowly to the stone sarcophagus. He held the sword and swallowed the sky, forcibly breaking the seal in the stone sarcophagus.


The seal of the stone sarcophagus was broken, and a horrible evil force permeated the stone sarcophagus, and the incomparable hard stone sarcophagus shattered the road crack.


The stone sarcophagus is broken, one is tall enough to be two feet, the whole body is reddish, the muscles are like steel casting, and there is a pair of devil horns. There is a pair of blood red flesh-wings behind them. The demons with similar forms and evil spirits appear in Ye Chenfeng et al. In front of you.

"The demon of the late gods!"

Although the demon does not belong to this universe, Ye Chenfeng still breathes through his breath, feeling that his strength is equivalent to the late stage of the virtual god, and he is even more sturdy than the phoenix **** who just broke through.

However, unlike the cockroaches killed by Ye Chenfeng and others, Ye Chenfeng feels a powerful force of life in the demon body, which means that the demon in front of him is alive and harder to deal with than the cockroach.

"Elves, the blood of the elves are flowing in you!"

The devil licked his blood-red eyes and looked at Mu Linger, making a fierce voice.

"Yes!" Mu Linger nodded.

"I want to drink your blood and give your blood to me!"

The elves and the demon family are deadly enemies. It is determined that Mu Linger’s blood flows from the elves. The demon immediately opened the **** mouth and fanned the blood-red flesh, attacking Mu Linger.

"Hundreds of evil soldiers, hey!"

The demon turned into a **** light, and the evil spirit immediately stopped in front of Mu Linger, holding the virtual artifact and the evil spirits, and forced the devil to force him back.

"The Devil's Fork!"

Suddenly, a blood-red, fork covered with ancient lines flew out of the devil's mouth, and under his control of mind, he continued to grow bigger and flew to the sinister sect.


The two great warriors collided together and sounded a deafening voice, shaking the soul of Mu Ling’s soul and feeling uncomfortable.

The evil spirits were even more defeated by the devil.

"Linger, you quickly hide in the distance, this demon is handed over to us!"

Ye Chenfeng didn’t think that the demon’s combat power was so embarrassing, and immediately summoned the **** tower and the evil brakes to protect Mu Linger, so that she could hide in the farthest part of the Yin Hall, so as not to be affected by fierce competition. And injured.

When Mu Linger retreated to the distance, the Phoenix God immediately changed into the strongest combat form, and the demon **** clock attacked the demon.


When the demon and the evil spirits fought fiercely, the phoenix **** controlled the demon **** to hit the demon red body.

But with the attack of the demon **** clock, the demon's strong body only trembled and was not injured, which made Ye Chenfeng and others clearly feel the horror of the demon body.

"Hong Meng blood burning, the heart of the gods, the fusion of chaos method!"

Under the horror of the demon, Ye Chenfeng instantly merged the three big cards, and promoted his own strength to the ultimate virtual god, holding the two virtual swords to the devil.

In the face of the attack of the three people of Ye Chenfeng, the demon's offensive was not reduced, and the fierce slaughter continued to destroy the offensive of the three of them.

When Ye Chenfeng’s three people joined forces to make a whole attack, the demon soul suddenly reflected a soul light in the sea, and a red-red sword soul flew out of his soul sea, intertwined with boundless Jianmang, squatting to Ye Chenfeng three people.

"Red Sword Soul!"

Looking at the red-sworded soul of the scorpion, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes were rounded, and I didn’t expect the devil to practice the sword.

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