Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1048: hard regrets too gods

"You are really getting more and more surprised by this god. I didn't expect you to have not only entered this place earlier, but also found three keys!"

Tai Shentian looked at Ye Chenfeng indifferently and walked into the ancestral array under the Phoenix God.


Tai Shentian entered the ancestral moment, the Phoenix God started the ancestral array, controlled a large number of ancestral lights, such as the stars falling all over the sky, attacking the gods, trapping him as much as possible, delaying the time .

"Hey, this ancestor wants to hurt me, phoenix, are you too naive?" The gods screamed coldly, and the power of the dying boulevard in the body smashed into a rolling wave, directly The fallen ancestors shattered.

The next moment, Taishen Day took a step, and a sacred **** went through the ancestral array, directly tearing the phoenix **** with the ancestral array under the flag of 30,000.

"The Way to the Imperial!"

The ancestral tears, Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate to play the royal way, activated the gods in the two virtual artifacts, and turned to the gods.

"I didn't expect you to be the strongest hit of the two virtual artifacts!"

Tai Shen Tian’s pupils shrink, and an ancient Shenmu emerges from his body, resisting the strongest blow to the two virtual artifacts.


The ancient **** wood trembled a bit, and a lot of space power shot out in the tree, constantly attacking the two invincible attacks, smashing the strongest blow of the two virtual artifacts, breaking the morning The big kill of the wind.

"Space Shenmu!"

It feels that the ancient **** wood summoned by the gods contains the complete spatial meaning. Ye Chenfeng immediately guessed the true and false of this ancient wood. It is the space **** of one of the three great gods of the universe.

"I didn't expect space Shenmu to master the gods!"

Ye Chenfeng is very clear about the power of the three great gods. If the three great gods grow to the extreme, the power definitely exceeds the general virtual artifact.


By the space Shenmu to resist the most powerful blow of the Shenjian swallowing the sky and the sword of all things, the gods control the space Shenmu brushed a bit.

A moment, a lot of space power broke the tough space of the tomb of the wilderness, swept to Ye Chenfeng.

"Phoenix Nirvana!"

In the face of the attack of space Shenmu, the Phoenix God inspired the strongest Nirvana power and played the demon clock.

And Ye Chenfeng, this moment, inspires the invincible sword body, and continues to display the three supernatural powers.


The power of several annihilation collided together, and the power of the explosion directly broke the space in the square.

The attack by Ye Chenfeng and the Phoenix God was horrible, but it could not withstand the attack of the space **** Mu, and it was broken in an instant.

Looking at the power of Nirvana, the three supernatural powers were annihilated, and Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate to continue the attack.

But the difference between them and Taishentian is too great. Their continuous killings can only weaken the power of space, but they cannot break it.

Looking at the force of the rolling space, the body of the morning wind was broken. Ye Chenfeng suddenly stopped in front of the phoenix god, crushing the amulet that Taiyi gave him, and the power of the bodyguard was hard. Resist the deadly blow of the power of space.

"I didn't expect you to have these treasures on your body! But no treasure can save you, let's go to hell."

Looking at the broken amulet, Taishen’s control space Shenmu launched a second hit.

The power of this attack is even more terrifying, and Ye Chenfeng is simply unable to resist.

When Ye Chenfeng took out the destroying stone of the re-created intermediate-level virtual **** obtained from the treasure house of evil spirits, when he tried his best, Mu Linger, who fully promoted the three major rules of the universe, suddenly opened the closed Double eyes, the three rule powers spewed out of her body.

Next, she quickly made a complicated handprint, mobilized the three major forces of the universe to wrap Ye Chenfeng and the Phoenix God, resisting the power of the space that was torn through the space.


Thank God's brow slightly wrinkled, and cast his gaze to Mu Linger, surprised that she could resist the attack of space Shenmu.

"The surprise you gave me is getting bigger and bigger!"

Tai Shen Tian 邃 邃 邃 的 的 迸 迸 迸 迸 迸 迸 迸 , 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太

"Thirty-six animal sculptures, attack!"

The space gods are getting bigger and bigger, and when the power of the space is swept over, Mu Linger controls the thirty-six different sculptures of the beasts sitting outside the main tomb of the flood.


Thirty-six stocks of beasts and beasts are mixed together and turned into a stream of sound wavelengths, which smashes the attack of the space **** wood. The bombardment of Yu Wei is on the space **** wood, and the terrible sound vibrates the space and the earth shook violently. And the Taishen Tianzheng took a step back.

Although Taishen only stepped back, his face became very ugly.

He stood in the sacred world of the gods, and he was shocked, which made him annoyed.


Tai Shen Tian blasted a punch, the terrible fist directly broke the tough space of the main tomb of the flood, with an unparalleled destructive attack to the three people of Ye Chenfeng, wanting to punch them .


At this time, the 36-day-old beast sculpture once again made a terrible roar, converging the invincible whistle, smashing the punch of Taishentian, and once again shocked him back.

"Thirty-six-soul sculpture, resurrection!"

Mu Linger, who completely controls the three major rules of the universe, constantly creates complex handprints, condenses a mysterious light symbol, merges into the thirty-six beast sculptures, activates them all, and sieges too. God heaven.

That is a horrible power, but these thirty-six beasts come from different universes. They all reached the ultimate in strength and extremely horrible. They combined to create a lot of trouble for Taishen, let him completely Into the encirclement, can not pull out and attack the three people of Ye Chenfeng.

Take the opportunity of the thirty-six beasts to besiege the Taishen Heaven, Mu Linger quickly bite his finger and press it on the huge tomb door, forcibly open with his own blood and mastery of the three major rules of the universe. The door to the main tomb.

"Give death to God!"

Feeling that the door of the main tomb is surging with a strange power, too angry, and holding the space Shenmu to attack the 36th beast that besieged him, killing six extremely The horrible beasts, they are drawn into blood.

But the next moment, the remaining beasts continue to attack him, once again let him fall into the encirclement, unable to pull out.

As soon as the gods became more and more angry, summoning a black avatar and killing the beasts that were besieging him, the tomb of the main tomb of the ruins suddenly revealed a lot of space power, revealing a A black hole in the bottom of the space.

"Ye Ge, Phoenix God, let's go!"

The space black hole appeared, and Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate any more. Before the attack on Taishentian, he entered the main tomb of the flood, and the gas was too mad.

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