Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1049: Hungry Tomb, Jiuyuan Shenzun

"Huh, finally entered the main tomb of the flood!" Thrillingly entered the main tomb of the flood, Ye Chenfeng sighed with relief, and said with a heart: "Linger, you said that God will not Forced to break through the main tomb door."

"No!" Mu Linger shook his head and said: "Tai Shentian strength is strong, but there should be no such strength to break the main tomb of the flood."

"That's good!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "Let's go, let's go deep into this main tomb to see what the chances of Hong and Waste have left here."

When finished, Ye Chenfeng walked to the depths of the main tomb of the flood.

"A good repressed breath!"

Feeling the power in the main tomb of the wilderness, Ye Chenfeng’s inexplicable feeling is suppressed, as if a big mountain is pressed in his heart, giving him a feeling of not breathing.

Walking around, the three of them passed through the dark passage and saw an incomparably huge yin temple in front. When they walked into the yin temple, a glaring light pierced them. They can't open their eyes.

Adapted to the glare in the Yin Hall, the three people of Ye Chenfeng saw that there were three high-definition lights in the Yin Hall. The light gates were condensed by countless white light. The light gate was an endless star sky. In addition, there is nothing else in the yin hall.

Looking at the light door in front of you, Ye Chenfeng knows that the three light doors connect the inner space of the main tomb, but they do not blindly enter the light door, but silently sense and choose the light that suits them best. door.

"We choose the light door on the left. I feel the regular atmosphere of our universe in this light door. In my universe, I can help you!" Mu Linger pointed to the light door on the left.


Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God nodded, followed Mu Linger into the left light door and entered a mysterious starry sky.

The cosmic rules in this space are completely different from the universe in which Ye Chenfeng is located, so that Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix are extremely unsuitable, and their strength has been greatly affected.

But with Mu Linger passing this cosmic rule to Ye Chenfeng, they quickly adapted to the space rules of the alien universe, and their strength basically recovered, followed by Mu Linger flying to the distant starry sky.

Flying and flying, suddenly a huge space crack appeared in front of them, intercepting their way.

Next, three men and one woman, wearing the trenches of the power to get out of the space crack.

The chain of rules is entangled around the bodies of their four people. Each chain has a weight of one hundred kilograms, suppressing one side of the world.

"Jiuyuan Shenzun, they are the ultimate master of our world, Jiuyuan Shenzun!"

Feeling the regular atmosphere of the three men and a woman, Mu Linger immediately guessed their identity, revealing a dignified color.

"Jiuyuan Shenzun...Linger, how is the strength of this nine-source god?"

Ye Chenfeng does not understand the strength of Mu Linger, and he does not know the true combat power of Jiuyuan Shenzun.

"Jiuyuan Shenzun is equivalent to the virtual **** of this universe. It is the most peak existence, but Jiuyuan Shenzun has deeper understanding of the rules and more terrible combat power!" Mu Linger introduced in detail: "But Jiuyuan Shenzun also has weaknesses. Their weakness is the heart. As long as they break the heart of the power of Jiuyuan, they can kill them."

"Heart!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said: "Linger, you back some, I and the Phoenix God deal with these four Jiuyuan gods."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng combines three big cards to raise his own combat power to the extreme, summoning two virtual artifacts, and welcoming the four great Jiuyuan gods with the Phoenix god.

Ye Chenfeng is close to each other, and the powerful power of the four major Jiuyuan gods has erupted, and the four great soldiers have greeted Ye Chenfeng, and they are fiercely strangled under the stars. stand up.

Just a hand, Ye Chenfeng deeply understands the horror of Jiuyuan Shenzun, the powerful source of power far exceeds the power of their bodies, shaking his arms and shaking, retreating.

Phoenix God was also suppressed by a man and a woman, the two major Jiuyuan gods, and turned into a mountain-sized monster of the demon, but also the source of the two people together to fly out.

"Good, how can the strength of Jiuyuan Shenzun be so strong!"

In the face of the two major Jiuyuan gods, Ye Chenfeng felt tremendous pressure, and the continuous attacks were constantly broken. Even the field of swords could not suppress the two. .

"Time Mitigation Rules!"

The attack was broken, and Ye Chenfeng immediately applied the time-slowing rule, stabbing a seemingly incomparably slow sword, and attacking the two major Jiuyuan gods by the force of time.


The two great Jiuyuan gods are horrible, but they are unable to capture the changes in the rules of time. They are stabbed in the heart by the sharp swords of all things.

Next, the mother-in-law is squirting out and wants to pierce the body of Jiuyuan Shenzun and penetrate his heart.

But the two great nine-source gods, not only the superiority of the battle, the defensive power is even more terrible, the master sword of all things can not pierce the trenches and stab into his body.


When Ye Chenfeng clenched his teeth and continued to attack, this Jiuyuan Shenzun body broke out a terrible five-line source, turned into a five-line big hand, shaking the space and crushing it to Ye Chenfeng.


By borrowing two virtual swords, Ye Chenfeng resisted the attack of the five elements, but he was injured by this palm, and a large amount of blood was sprayed in his mouth.

Don't wait for Ye Chenfeng to have a breather, another Jiuyuan gods surging out the powerful force of the sky, like a day of punishment for destroying everything, bombarding Ye Chenfeng, once again bombing him , shattered the best artifacts he wore.

Ye Chenfeng was injured by the two major Jiuyuan gods. Although the Phoenix God relied on absolute strength, it did not fall into the wind, but her attack was difficult to break the defense of the two.

"Lee brother, let me help you!"

Mu Linger saw the danger of Ye Chenfeng, and the light of the rules of the foot flew over.

The next moment, Mu Linger's entire body is integrated with the rules of the universe, and the force of forcing the rules is bound to the two major sources.

"Good opportunity!"

The moment when the two great Jiuyuan gods were bound by the rules of the universe, Ye Chenfeng immediately took the power of the whole body, hit the path of the imperial device, and threw the two virtual swords that inspire the most powerful power, attacking one. The Jiuyuan Shenzun, who is limited in mobility, attacked his heart.


Under the strongest attack of the two virtual swords, the heart of the Jiuyuan Shenzun was pierced, and a large number of sources of power exploded in his body, quickly breaking his body.

"Chaotic Shenmu devours!"

When Jiuyuan Shenzun’s body collapsed, Ye Chenfeng summoned the chaotic law phase, and the control law changed into a tall chaotic **** wood, rooted in the body of Jiuyuan Shenzun, madly devour the origin of its body. .

"Good horror energy!"

Ye Chenfeng and Chaos Shenmu are closely connected. It is felt that Chaos Shenmu devours Jiuyuan Shenzun, and the power of chaos that has been bred is rapidly changing, revealing a deep surprise.

He has a feeling that Chaos Shenmu devours a sufficient number of Jiuyuan Shenzun, which may allow the Fa to break through to the late Demon.


Looking at the companion being swallowed by Chaos Shenmu, another Jiuyuan Shenzun tore the rules and shackles, holding the source of the gods and smashing over, wanting to destroy the chaotic **** wood.

But the chaos is too powerful, and his attack can't hurt the chaos.

Soon, Chaos Shenmu swallowed Jiuyuan Shenzun into a human being, and condensed a chaotic **** with precious resources.

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