Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1050: Four original chaotic fruits

"Chaotic law, come back!"

With the help of Mu Linger, he successfully killed a Jiuyuan Shenzun, and Ye Chenfeng’s suppression suddenly reduced, quickly summoning back the chaotic law, and fighting with another Jiuyuan god.

"Rules bound!"

When Ye Chenfeng and Jiuyuan God respected fierce battles, Mu Linger continued to mobilize the power of powerful rules, turning into a shackle, bound to the Jiuyuan gods.

"A sword is godless!"

The moment when Jiuyuan Shenzun was bound, the virtual **** sword soul immediately merged with the master sword of all things, the attack power of the amplitude of all the mother swords, a sword stabbed in the heart of Jiuyuan Shenzun.

More than five trillion kilograms of power, four ancestral road maps, and the power of the field broke out at the same time, constantly breaking the trenches of Jiuyuan Shenzun and attacking his heart.

"Ah, die for the deity!"

The trenches are constantly broken, the heart is attacked by all kinds of maternal temperament, and the Jiuyuan gods are mad, and the infinite source of power spurts out his body, tearing down the rule chain, and will attack the leaves. The morning wind flew out.

"Wan Jian is a patriarch!"

Forcibly stabilize the body, Ye Chenfeng inspired the invincible sword body, evolved into tens of thousands of invincible swords, continued to attack the heart of Jiuyuan Shenzun, want to break his body and break his heart.

"The origin of the sky, the sky!"

The Achilles heel is constantly being attacked, and Jiuyuan Shenzun has inspired the strongest source of the sky, turning into a party and sweeping to Ye Chenfeng.

"Wan Jian is a patriarch!"


"Chaotic Promise!"

In the face of the heavenly attack of the nine-source gods, Ye Chenfeng immediately raised his own combat power to the extreme, continuously exerting the three supernatural powers to attack, constantly tearing the sky that swept through.

But the power of Jiuyuan Shenzun far exceeds Ye Chenfeng, and the power of the power of the source is beyond imagination. The three supernatural powers that Ye Chenfeng has simultaneously displayed cannot tear the sky.

Looking at Ye Chenfeng was swept by the sky, Mu Linger shot again, controlling the powerful universe to be turned into countless packings, wrapped around the body of Ye Chenfeng, resisting the attack of heaven.

"Virtual Spirit Soul, Hey!"

In the dense packing, the deliberate deduction of the brain is locked, and the true body of Jiuyuan Shenzun is locked. Then, Ye Chenfeng controls the virtual swordsmanship to fly out of the regular packing, and the speed is extremely fast. The true body of Jiuyuan Shenzun.

The imaginary sword soul is full of powerful hits, but it can't hurt Jiuyuan Shenzun.

But this attack allowed Mu Linger to discover the exact position of Jiuyuan Shenzun and immediately control the powerful rules of the universe to bind him.

The moment when Jiuyuan Shenzun was tied, Ye Chenfeng threw a sword to swallow the sky, and stabbed the heart of Jiuyuan Shenzun.

Next, Ye Chenfeng once again evolved an unparalleled murder, blending invincible swords, imaginary swordsmanship, blending with the sword of all things, stabbing the swordsmanship of the Excalibur, increasing the sword The power.


Under the overlapping attacks of the two virtual swords, the body of Jiuyuan Shenzun was pierced, and the sharp and unpredictable swallowing sword tipped into the heart filled with the power of the source, constantly destroying it!

"Ah, I want your life!"

The heart was pierced by the Excalibur, and the painful Jiuyuan Shenzun launched the madness. At this time, the Shenjian swallowed the infinite sword in the sky, directly smashing his heart and detonating the heart. The power of the source breaks his body.

The heart is broken, and the fighting power of Jiuyuan Shenzun has plummeted, and it has not been able to threaten Ye Chenfeng.

"Chaotic God Wood, Devouring!"

Ye Chenfeng quickly controlled the chaotic method to become a chaotic **** wood, rooted in the broken body of Jiuyuan Shenzun, crazy to devour the power of his body.

"Linger, speed to help the Phoenix God!"

When Chaomu Shenmu quickly swallowed Jiuyuan Shenzun, Ye Chenfeng let Mu Linger quickly help the Phoenix God to defend the enemy.

At this time, the Phoenix God and the two great Jiuyuan gods fought fiercely to the stage of white heat. The hot phoenix gods burned the heavens and the earth, and the demon **** clock was also inspired by the phoenix god, and evolved invincible light.

The two great nine-source gods are not willing to show weakness, constantly exerting their original powers, inciting nine days and ten places, and fiercely killing with the phoenix gods, they can never let the phoenix gods smash their hearts.

"Rules lock chain!"

Mu Linger is as close as a fairy, and immediately controls the universe to bind the body of a fierce fierce battle.

The phoenix gods lead the gods, inspiring the power of Nirvana, like a sharp and unpredictable sword, cutting all the barriers, attacking the chest of Jiuyuan Shenzun bound by the regular chain.


The trenches worn by Jiuyuan Shenzun were broken, and then the power of the phoenix Nirvana stabbed his body.

"Bronze Ancient Sword!"

When the power of Nirvana broke into the body of Jiuyuan Shenzun, the Phoenix God summoned the killing cockroach, and the bronze ancient sword that was obtained was thrown out forcefully, piercing his heart unstoppably.


The heart was broken by bronze ancient swords, and the body of Jiuyuan Shenzun immediately burst.

At this time, the chaos of the second Jiuyuan Shenzun was swallowed up, rooted in his broken body, madly swallowing the power of his body and cutting off his vitality.

"Hey, you are coming!"

The three companions died and angered the only female Jiuyuan Shenzun. She sent out an angry shout, inspiring the essence of Qiankun and fiercely attacking the Phoenix God.

When the Phoenix God was under the fierce attack of Qiankun, Ye Chenfeng took two virtual swords to kill and helped her against the fierce attack of Jiuyuan Shenzun.

Ye Chenfeng and the Phoenix God, Mu Linger joined forces, instantly suppressing the ferocious offensive of Jiuyuan God, constantly attacking her heart.

After Ye Chenfeng, the phoenix god's unremitting attack, the trenches she wore were broken, and the heart was directly pierced by two virtual swords, which was eventually swallowed by Chaos.

"Four Chaos Gods!"

The roots of the four Jiuyuan gods are swallowed up, the chaotic gods become more powerful, and the chaotic powers that are bred are more pure, condensing four chaotic gods.

Although the number of chaotic gods is not much, each chaotic fruit contains a strong source of power, which is not comparable to the early condensation of chaos.

"Phoenix God, give you a chaotic god, speed refining and recovery to recover the injury!"

Ye Chenfeng didn't have a flaw, and he took off a chaotic **** fruit and gave it to the scarred, consuming Phoenix god.

"Ye brother, chaotic **** fruit is useless to me, you don't have to give it to me!"

When Ye Chenfeng took off the second chaotic **** fruit and gave him a great help to Mu Linger, Mu Linger did not accept it.

"Well, that Linger, you help us protect the law!"

Ye Chenfeng did not force him to take the chaotic goddess in his hand, and the phoenix **** was kneeling in the sky, quickly refining the original power contained in the chaotic fruit, healing the body and improving his strength.

When Ye Chenfeng and the Phoenix God practiced healing under the stars, Taihuangtian entered the main tomb of the flood, summoning the militia who was far more powerful than the virtual artifact, and helped Taishen to attack the main tomb of the flood.

The attack of the two men almost reached the extreme of the virtual world, but they could not break the door of the main cemetery that sealed the three major rules of the universe.

This makes the two people standing at the peak of the virtual world irritated.

But they did not give up, and constantly summoned a piece of heavy treasures to suppress Cangyu to continue to attack, it is necessary to break through the main tomb of the flood, enter into it, get the opportunity of Hong and the desert.

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