Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1055: I am a virtual god

"River, there is a river in front!"

Into the flooded temple, the phoenix **** saw a large river in front of it, such as the white dragon slowly flowing.

"That's not a river, but a dragon!" As a fairy, Mu Linger said softly: "Ye brother, Phoenix God, are we practicing in the Dragon Wave for a while? I want to refine this blood, and then Enter the flooded temple."

"Well, I also want to refine the blood of Hongmeng, and then challenge Hong and wasteland!" Ye Chenfeng nodded.

Seeing the strength of the black man, Ye Chenfeng feels the lack of strength, but also wants to refine the blood of Hongmeng, hit the virtual world, and then challenge the flood and the wild, so the winning rate will be larger.


Ye Chenfeng three people walked into the huge dragon veins, and a high-pitched dragon humming sounded in the dragon vein, and the sound was strong and vibrated for nine days.

"Ye Gege, Phoenix God, we work together to suppress the Dragon!"

Feeling the dragon riots, Mu Linger's hands twisted quickly, condensing a large number of regular chains, breaking into the violent dragon veins, forcibly suppressing it.

Ye Chenfeng, Phoenix God also summoned their own treasures, opened up powerful fields, and forcibly suppressed the dragons.

There was a forcible suppression by the three people of Ye Chenfeng. A huge dragon shadow appeared in the dragon vein, and the mouth of the blood was opened, and the three people of Ye Chenfeng made a terrible roar.

"This dragon shadow is handed over to me!"

The phoenix gods looked sharply at the dragon shadow, which was several kilometers long. The change became the phoenix body and ushered in, and the dragon shadow fought in the void.

The phoenix **** refining the red fire, the strength is greatly improved, rolling the phoenix fire, constantly launching a fierce attack on the dragon shadow, suppressing the dragon shadow's offensive, breaking its attack.

"Rules chain, bind!"

Dragon Shadow can't resist the phoenix god's ferocious offensive, and Mu Linger condenses a huge chain of rules, entangled in the dragon **** of Dragon Shadow, and directly binds him.

"Phoenix Day Attack."

The dragon shadow was bound by the regular chain, and the phoenix **** immediately launched a fatal blow to it. The hot phoenix fire spurted out, with the power to burn everything, and the dragon shadow was broken by a blow.

The dragon shadow is broken, and it becomes the energy of the sky. The dragon veins are quiet at this time.

"Ye Ge, Phoenix God, I have to cultivate!"

Successfully suppressed this dragon vein, Mu Linger snorted, controlled a large number of rules to ban the space around the body, swallowed the mysterious green blood, quickly refining.

"Good power!"

Although Mu Linger banned the space around the body, but she took the green moment, Ye Chenfeng still clearly felt a breath that made him fearful in the body of Mu Linger.

"Is this the power of God? Just a breath makes me feel adored!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and stayed away from the Mu Linger in the cultivation. He came to a few kilometers away and took the blood of the incomparably pure and powerful Hongmeng and swallowed it directly.


Swallowing the blood of Hongmeng, Ye Chenfeng feels that he has swallowed a hot sun, and the force of the blood in his body erupted in his body, directly propping his incomparably powerful body, and a large amount of blood through The pores of his body flowed out.

"Chaotic law, suppression!"

The body is expanding more and more, and the meridians of the whole body are torn by the energy released by the blood of Hongmeng. Ye Chenfeng immediately controls the chaos method to forcibly suppress the blood of this group.

Under the suppression of chaotic law, the speed of the blood of Hongmeng's blood release is constantly slowing down, enduring great pain, and Ye Chenfeng is fully motivating his own potential to refine the blood of the blood of Hongmeng.

Ye Chenfeng, Mu Linger both entered the cultivation, the Phoenix God began to practice.


Served the incomparably powerful Nirvana heart, and the sky was shining into the sky, dyeing the gray space reddish.

Then, under the attraction of the body energy of the phoenix god, the power of the dragon's pulse rushed to her body.

When the Phoenix God merged enough dragon power, her whole body exploded and turned into a flaming phoenix fire.

In the phoenix fire, a constantly beating Nirvana heart constantly releases powerful energy, blends into the phoenix's bones, transforms the phoenix into the body of the fire, and accelerates her to complete the eighth nirvana.

Time goes by.

When Ye Chenfeng was practicing outside the Hongyao Temple, Taishentian, Taihuangtian relied on absolute strength to break into the universe and constantly killing the enemies that blocked them and flew to the end of the starry sky.

But the universe's starry sky is too big, and they don't have deep penetration into the rules of the universe, which makes it impossible to find an exit that leaves the universe.

As time passed, the two of them gradually lost their patience and began to split up. The tomb of the wilderness was blocked by the power of the gods and the demons, and did not give Ye Chenfeng and others a heavy treasure. The opportunity to leave.

Soon, one month passed.

Suddenly, the Nirvana heart bathed in the fire of God is broken, blending with the burning fire.

In the next moment, the fire of the fire will be more and more prosperous, and the sound of the phoenix will continue to sound in the fire.

Slowly, there is an incomparably huge phoenix virtual shadow in the fire, and the power of the rolling dragon is even more madly integrated into the virtual shadow, accelerating the virtual shadow.

Finally, a huge phoenix with a sacred light appeared in the dragon vein.


A high phoenix sounds for nine days.

The Phoenix gods merged with Nirvana, swallowed the power of the vast dragon veins, completed the qualitative transformation, and became a powerful **** phoenix, and crossed the end of the virtual **** to the extreme, and stepped into the virtual god.

However, the illusion of the gods is not the ultimate in the virtual world. After the illusion of the gods, there is still the peak of the imaginary god, the virtual **** is the two realms, but with the strength of the phoenix god, it has the strength to compete against the emperor or the god. It is.

The Phoenix God controlled the smoldering into a Xia Yi, sitting in the dragon veins and continuing to practice, consolidating the realm.

As she slowly consolidated her realm, she was suddenly awakened by a powerful wave of power.

The refining of a large group of Hongmeng blood, Ye Chenfeng's blood level of Hongmeng, raised a full two grades, almost reached the blood level of Hongmeng.

And he borrowed the powerful blood of Hongmeng, and it was extremely difficult to break through the bottleneck of the realm, and stepped into the virtual state of God. The physical strength of the body was raised by the blood of Hongmeng, reaching the trillions of horror.


The moment when Ye Chenfeng stepped into the virtual state, a large number of visions suddenly appeared in the sky, and the force of the rolling rule rushed wildly, turning into an invincible sword, constantly attacking Ye Chenfeng, thinking Ye Chenfeng, who has the blood of Hongmeng and whose strength exceeds the realm, will be destroyed.

But the blood of Hongmeng is too thorough to transform Ye Chenfeng, not only makes his body comparable to the virtual artifact, but also makes his strength more than 100 times.

In the face of the rule of the power of the sacred sword, Ye Chenfeng does not evade, let a sword to attack the flesh, and madly devour the power of the dragon to consolidate the realm.

After about three days, a sword that could see through the cosmic sky spurted out the body of the morning wind, and a sword tore up the cloud of rules gathered on his head.

Ye Chenfeng broke through the subordinate virtual state for a long time, and Mu Linger refining the mysterious green blood.

Although the refinement of green blood, Mu Linger's strength is not refined, but her temperament is more dusty, so that Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God have a feeling that this cultivation is not the biggest, not the Phoenix. God, but Mu Linger.

ps: Cloud tears WeChat public number: ylty83, want to see the addition of the eight wild people!

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