Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1056: The gods are angry, the gods are robbing

"Let's go, let's go into the flooded temple!"

Mu Linger opened the closed eyes, just like a fairy, slowly walked to Ye Chenfeng.

Between walking, a large number of rules force constantly rushed to Mu Linger, and various illusions were formed around her body, which set off her more dust.

"Linger, what level do you reach now?"

Ye Chenfeng was full of curiosity about Mu Linger’s current strength and asked softly.

"Ye brother, my realm is quite special, but refining the blood of my great-grandmother, I am awakened by a **** force, and the control of the rules is stronger, it should help you to defeat the flood!" Mu Linger voice Said clearly.

The three people left the dragon vein and came to the Hongyin Temple. They are like a mountain. They depict ancient lines and are inlaid with two lion heads. They immediately feel the pressure of the mountains and the sea. Flocked to them.

This strong momentum, the peak ancestral power can be crushed into minced meat, but there is no threat to Ye Chenfeng.

With the pressure of terror, Ye Chenfeng’s arms broke out more than three trillion kilograms of force, pushing the door of dozens of feet long, and the powerful force constantly tore the temple door, which would be hundreds of millions of pounds. The heavy temple door pushed away a little.

"Let's go, let's go into the flooded temple!"

In the ancient atmosphere of the gushing, Ye Chenfeng walked into the most mysterious flooded temple of the tomb of the wilderness, challenging the masters of the tomb of the wilderness.

"Hong, waste!"

Into the Hongyin Temple, Ye Chenfeng saw two large heights in the vast and imposing temple, two feet tall enough to hang around the body with a lot of regular light, like a mountain, giving me the only respect, not the feeling of power Man.

"Well, they should be Hong, wasteland!"

Mu Linger glanced at the two men, who were closed and closed, and turned their eyes to a sculpture that was standing in the middle of the floodplain.

"Linger, is there a problem with the sculpture?"

Looking at Mu Linger’s gaze, he stared at the sculpture of a Shenwu man. Ye Chenfeng repeatedly felt that he did not notice what was special about the sculpture and asked softly.

"That was the sculpture of my great-grandfather!"

Mu Linger’s beautiful eyes showed obvious clear fluctuations, and slowly came over and came to the sculpture.

"Grandfather, Linger dumb, has been here for so long, but you can rest assured that Linger will pass the test!" Mu Linger gently stroked the mysterious sculpture, revealing the color of nostalgia in his eyes, Silently said.

"Linger, this tomb of the wilderness will not be left by your great-grandfather!" When she heard the words of Mu Linger, she thought of her identity, and Ye Chenfeng suddenly had a bold guess.

"No, the tomb of the wilderness was not created by my great-grandfather, but here is the opportunity left by my great-grandfather. If I can pass the test of flood and wasteland, I will be able to get the chance that my great-grandfather stayed here, and return to us. The universe!" Mu Linger shook his head.

"Linger, do you say that we have a chance to beat Hong and wasteland?"

Although the three people have gained a chance in the tomb of the wilderness, their strength has been greatly improved, but the gap between the powers of the virtual gods is very large, and the flood and the wild are still two, Ye Chenfeng feels himself The chances of passing the test of flood and waste are negligible.

"Yes, I believe we can beat Hong and the wasteland." Mu Linger took a deep breath and said firmly.

"Since you have confidence, let us challenge Hong and wasteland!" Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath.

"Wait for Ye brother, I have a chance to give you a chance to see if you can get it!" Mu Linger suddenly shouted.

"What chance!" Ye Chenfeng, the phoenix **** brows a glimpse, and brushed the look of Mu Linger.

The more the end, the more precious the opportunity in the tomb of the wilderness, if it can be obtained, it will be very helpful for them to stabilize the martial arts in the future.

"I said the opportunity is in the image of my great-grandfather, you can try to sense it!" Mu Linger gently touched the statue, vaguely said.


Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God glanced at each other and came to the side of the statue, gently reaching out and touching the statue.

"Good cool!"

A moment when I touched the idol, Ye Chenfeng felt a cool sigh into his body and made his body shudder.

"What is the chance in this statue?"

Feeling the coldness of the gods, Ye Chenfeng closed his eyes, controlled the speeding of the brain, and increased the power of the soul, a little bit like the penetration of the gods.

The density of the gods is extremely high, and it is difficult to penetrate the brain's amplitude to the ultimate soul. However, Ye Chenfeng is not discouraged, and controls the extreme amplitude of the brain to deduct and infiltrate into the gods a little.

Slowly, the amplitude to the ultimate soul penetrates into the image, and Ye Chenfeng perceives a void space, in which a large number of small white characters appear and flow slowly.


Ye Chenfeng forcibly peeked at the small characters flowing in the gods and found that these small characters were combined to form a set of mysterious mouth.

"This is not what God will keep!"

Ye Chenfeng feels that this set of mouth is extremely mysterious, and each white little word contains powerful rules. The more it feels that this set of mouth is not simple, it eliminates all the distracting thoughts, borrows the powerful memory of the brain and forcibly turns white. Small characters, imprinted in the mind of the gods.

Because the power of the rules contained in these small characters is too mysterious, Ye Chenfeng feels the pain of thorns every time he remembers a small word, but in order to get this opportunity, Ye Chenfeng suffers from severe pain and quick memory. Hundreds of thousands of white characters are forcibly imprinted in the brain.

"Ye brother, have you remembered it?"

Looking at the seven holes of blood, the face of the pale white morning wind, Mu Linger took out the white handkerchief, gently wiped the blood stains on his face, whispered.

"Basic memory!"

Ye Chenfeng sighed with a sigh of relief and opened the closed doubles.

The phoenix god, although far more powerful than Ye Chenfeng, but she did not devour her mind, the soul did not penetrate into the statue, missed this opportunity.

"Ye brother, you try to cultivate, this is the move that my great-grandfather once practiced. If you can learn to practice, you might be able to defeat Hong and the waste!" Mu Linger said.


Thinking of the identity of Mu Linger’s great-grandfather, Ye Chenfeng simply regained his interest and sat down on the floor, controlling the rapid development of the brain.

"The gods are destroyed, the gods are robbery!"

When Ye Chenfeng combined the white characters imprinted in the brain, the mysterious **** emerged in his soul sea. Ye Chenfeng quickly browsed through it and knew the name of the god.


Ye Chenfeng’s name in the tomb of the killing is also called the name.

"Is it true that these two sets of supreme gods come from a set of gods?" Ye Chenfeng guessed in his heart, and removed all the miscellaneous thoughts.

"Sure enough, the gods that I learned in the tomb of the killings and the gods are from a set of gods, but the gods in this statue are more complete and more powerful!"

With the foundation of cultivation, Ye Chenfeng’s enlightenment of this set of gods has greatly increased.


When Ye Chenfeng was sleepless and enlightened, the sound of vibration was heard outside the flooded temple.

Thank God, the Emperor and the Heavens joined forces to break the cosmic starry sky and came outside the Hongyao Hall.

"Ye Gege, the two big wicked people are coming. You can't continue to practice. We can quickly challenge Hong and the wild! As long as we challenge, they have no chance to challenge." Mu Linger knows too. God's day, the terrible of the Emperor's Heaven, quickly awakened the full force to enlighten the gods to destroy, the gods robbed this move Ye Chenfeng.

"Tai Huangtian, Taishen is coming!" Ye Chenfeng slammed his eyes and stood up and said, "Okay, let's challenge Hong and wasteland."

When finished, the three men walked to the knees and squatted, exuding the mountain-like hunters and hunters, ready to challenge.

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