Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1057: Battle flood, wildness

"Hong, wasteland, we have to challenge you, wake up quickly!"

Mu Linger bit his finger, squeezed out two drops of blood, melted into the forehead of Hong and the wasteland, and the two who fell into the long sleep awakened from sleep.

"God's descendants!"

Awakening from the slumber of the flood, the wild, and the deep shackles, when looking at Mu Linger, immediately felt her unusual atmosphere, cold and proud face revealed a different color.

"Before challenging us, you must be mentally prepared. If you fail to challenge, you will be killed. Even if you are a descendant of God, you will not be spared!" The body is full of explosive muscles, and the long black hair is scattered. On both shoulders, the mouth of the unruly feeling speaks.

"We decided to challenge!" Ye Chenfeng has three different voices.

"Then you challenge us, or challenge together!" asked the burly Hong continued.

"Challenge together!"

Although the three people know that the difficulty of challenging floods and wasteland has increased exponentially, they do not want to leave the opportunity of flood and stagnation to Taishentian, Taihuangtian, and desperately say.


Suddenly, a thick voice sounded.

Thank God, Tai Huangtian opened the heavy tomb door and walked in and shouted.

"We also have to challenge!" wearing a dark gold robes, the gods filled with the light of the Tao, said loudly.

"You are late, if they fail three challenges, you can continue to challenge!" Like a giant, the wilderness looked at the gods and the gods, without a trace of feelings.

"If I kill all three of them?" said the gods overbearing.

"The three of them have accepted the challenge, no one can hurt them, or die!" said the arrogant.

"Yes? That God will see, how do you keep them!"

Tai Shen Tian two people have already killed the three people in Ye Chenfeng, suddenly summoned two virtual artifacts, attacked the three people of Ye Chenfeng, and wanted to destroy them.

"Looking for death!"

There was a sudden step out of the way, blocking the leaves of Ye Chenfeng with his body, and punched a punch at the very **** of the sky.

A fist blasted out, the space in front of the ruins was instantly broken, and the horrible fists seemed to be able to pierce the stars, and the fists broke the two sacred artifacts, which would be too godly, too Go back.

"Virtual God is great!"

Tai Shen Tian two people take a deep breath, press the heart of the wild blood, and see the wilderness of the eyes have changed greatly.

Tai Huangtian, although the strength of Taishentian is strong, but only one foot stepped into the peak of the virtual god, and there is an insurmountable awareness from the imaginary god. It is vaguely guessing the strength of Hong and the wild, and the two can't help but reveal a trace. The color of awe.

"If you let go, don't blame us for destroying you!" A punch shocked the gods and the gods, the warning of the arrogant road.

"Okay, let's wait for them to challenge!"

Tai Shentian two people quickly exchanged a moment, and finally they gave up the idea of ​​using the last card, no more hands.

Although the speed of the three strengths of Ye Chenfeng made them feel scared, but they saw the strength of Hong and the two, they believe that Ye Chenfeng has three heads and six arms, and it is impossible to challenge success.

"Three of you come with us!"

The cold and cold look of the gods and gods, gently waved his arm, directly torn the space, opened a mysterious domain door.

"Remember, you can't go back when you enter the domain door. If you three can't beat us, it's your graveyard!"

After finishing, Hong and the two fell into the mysterious domain door.

"Ye Chenfeng, Phoenix, the **** does not know whether it is really stupid or fake, you have the courage to challenge the virtual **** to great power, if the **** is you, get the treasure of the universe, you should leave! "Looking at Ye Chenfeng three people in the distance, Taishen Tian said deliberately.

"How? If the virtual **** is so great that it can't be defeated?" Ye Chenfeng sneered, and said nothing: "Thank God, I thought you were a character. Now it seems that you are just a coward. People like you can't get on the martial arts."

"Well, the morning breeze, let us not pay attention to the two old dogs. One day, one day, the gods will personally twist their dog's head and feed them into pieces of minced meat." Phoenix God looked almost overturned the demon The two behind-the-scenes of the family are scornful.

"Well, Ye brother, Phoenix God, let's go, talk to them, don't you think that the price is falling?" Mu Linger added a knife to the side.

Although it is too god-like, the Emperor’s Day is very deep, but they are still annoyed by the ridicule of the three people of Ye Chenfeng.

But they do not care about the strength of Hong and the wild, although they hate the roots and itch, but they have never shot.

"Linger, you are right, the dog bites, people can't want a dog!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and slowly walked toward depression.

"Ye brother, you are good and bad, you insult the dog..." Mu Linger showed a sweet smile, and there was no tension before the war.

"Tai Huang, do you say that they hold the cards we don't know?"

Looking at the relaxed look of Ye Chenfeng and Mu Linger, the gloomy face of the gods smelled an unusual smell and asked in a low voice.

"There is such a possibility!" Tai Huangtian nodded, killing and swearing: "But even if they really defeated Hong, the wild, got the most precious opportunity of the tomb of the wild, they also want to escape from our hands, here Everything will belong to us."

Starry sky, endless starry sky.

Into the domain door, Ye Chenfeng found that the three of them came to the endless starry sky, and the Hong and the ruins were like two pillars of the sky, standing in the starry sky, watching them three indifferently.

"Beat me, get our heritage, the loser dies!"

Hong Zhao summoned a dragon-shaped rifle, and the wilderness held a snake-headed spear, saying that he was overbearing.

"Ye brother, Phoenix God, I will weaken the strength of both of them as soon as possible, you attack their heart with all their strength, as long as they crush their hearts, we have the hope of winning!" Mu Linger constantly tried to control the whole The rules of the universe, the voice.


Can you beat Hong and the wild, Mu Linger is the key, as long as Mu Linger weakens the strength of Hong and the wild, they have the hope of winning.

"Rules suppression!"

Mu Linger took a deep breath, and the whole body burst into a dazzling light, blending with the whole starry sky, forcibly communicating the regular forces in the universe, and suppressing the flood and the wasteland.

"It’s not a descendant of God, it’s really amazing!”

Feeling that he suddenly lost control of the rules of the stars, Hong and the wild can not help but praise the means of Mu Linger.

"Phoenix God, I am right now!"

Looking at the force of the rolling rule to suppress the flood and the wasteland, Ye Chenfeng instantly merged the chaotic law, the heart of the gods, burned the powerful blood of Hongmeng, and elevated his own strength to the late stage of the virtual god.

The Phoenix God also changed into the strongest form of combat at this time, and the virtual **** broke out and the attack turned to flood and wasteland.

"Hey, do you think that the rules of the universe can be suppressed and you can beat us?"

A cold and screaming, the powerful flesh broke out of the power of destruction, holding a snake head spear and stabbing Ye Chenfeng.


The space was torn apart, and more than a trillion jin of force smashed everything, and a spear tore off the attack of Ye Chenfeng and the Phoenix God, and threw them out.

Under a blow, Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God were both injured.

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