Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1064: Scrapping the celestial gods

"Who are you, why do you appear in my ancestors!"

Looking at a vague figure, like a mountain, stepping through the void, the sacred gods who perceive the dangerous atmosphere instantly change into the strongest fighting form, holding a few lengths, depicting the ancient The gods, the imaginary gods weighing tens of billions of pounds, revealing a sharp fangs, and enchanting the heavens.

"How do you know me, don't you know me?"

The refining of the body of the wilderness, the restoration of the true face of Ye Chenfeng, stepping on the void, condescending to look at the enchanting spirits such as the enchanting gods, such as the enemies, revealing a stern smile.

"You, it's you..."

Qing Tianshen blinked his eyes and recognized Ye Chenfeng.

"God, you didn't want to kill me that year? Now I give you this opportunity, come kill me!"

The refining of the body of the wilderness, Ye Chenfeng deliberately took the genius of the celestial body known for his physical strength to test the horror of the wilderness.

"Block me here!"

The celestial **** did not think about it. Why did Ye Chenfeng, who should have been chased by the Tianzu, appear in the Beastmaster Ridge, but when he thought of the treasures on his body, the celestial **** immediately ordered the genius of the demon to summon Out of the old flag, the entire space was banned, and Ye Chenfeng was not given the opportunity to leave.

"Ye Chenfeng, let you escape the last time, this time you can't fly!"

The celestial **** screams with violent screams, holding a tens of thousands of pounds of imaginary gods, such as shaking a mountain, and screaming at Ye Chenfeng.

The celestial gods broke out in trillions of tens of thousands of pounds. Ye Chenfeng walked in the void and did not evade, letting the gods of the gods shine.

Looking at the sacred gods in the middle of the morning breeze head, Ye Chenfeng suddenly extended his right hand, blocking the top of his head, and he was stunned by the sacred **** of the gods.


The muscles of the arms are inflated, and the enchanting **** of the sky is swaying the sacred gods. When the mid-leaf of the middle leaves is blocking the right palm of the head, not only does it not smash the right arm of the morning wind, but it feels beyond his imagination. Power passed through the virtual stick and passed into his arm, shaking his arm and shaking his blood.

"What, what is this flesh!"

The celestial gods hold a virtual **** stick to smash a 10,000-meter-high mountain, but when the middle of the morning wind is in the palm of his hand, he can’t hurt his palm, which makes the celestial god’s eyes wide. Confidence in looking at Ye Chenfeng.

"God, are you doing this?"

Feeling the weak pain from the palm of your hand, Ye Chenfeng is very satisfied with the body of the wilderness, with a faint smile.


The celestial gods instantly burned powerful blood and cast the most horrible violent skills, instantly boosting their own combat power to the extreme, intertwining a dazzling stick shadow, holding the virtual **** stick to continue to Ye Chen The wind launched a fierce attack.

In the face of the shadow of the sky, Ye Chenfeng did not evade and punched a punch.


A fist blasted out, and more than 10 trillion jin of power broke out instantly. The power of horror directly shattered the horror of the horror of the gods, and turned to the sacred **** of great change.

"The demon god!"

Feeling the horror of Ye Chenfeng’s punch, Qingtian Shen immediately spit out a slinging cow, reaching the top of the ancestral level of the demon gods in front of him, resisting the power of Ye Chenfeng.

But the body of the wilderness is too horrible. Ye Chenfeng’s punch is more than the ordinary virtual artifact. He punches the demon **** stage of the best artifact level, and flies out of the enchanting god. The whole body was almost blown up.

"All, they are still doing what they are doing, not taking them together, destroying him!"

Qingtian Shen didn’t think that Ye Chenfeng’s strength was so fast, he could crush himself with a strong flesh, and immediately ordered the demon people who blocked the space to attack Ye Chenfeng together.


Suddenly, a shrill phoenix sounded.

The phoenix **** swallowed almost the ancestral force in the ancestral veins of the beast, fanned the red-red wings, and flew over with hot temperatures.

"Phoenix God!"

The celestial **** did not expect that not only the morning breeze appeared in the Beast Huangling, but also the phoenix god. The heart suddenly felt a strong uneasiness, and ordered the squad to attack, and when they turned, they would run away.


The moment when the scorpion **** escaped, the phoenix god's wings violently fanned, and rolled up the hot phoenix fire, burning the past.

Although the Phoenix God did not completely refine the fire of the wild, but the power of the Phoenix Fire has been upgraded to two grades. Under the fire of the fire, the attack of a famous beast can be melted instantly, and the miserable screams are The sky is constantly ringing.

"Qingtian, where do you want to go!"

The phoenix **** scrolls the phoenix fire, and instantly melts dozens of demonic powers. It is in front of the celestial god, like a frightened bird, looking at him sharply.

"Phoenix God, you, what breakthrough have you made?"

In the face of the Phoenix God, the celestial gods felt the psychological tremor, and even the blood of their own beasts was suppressed.

"Virtual God is perfect!"

The Phoenix God did not hide, and said frankly.

"The virtual **** is perfect!" Knowing the strength of the Phoenix God, the celestial **** stunned the daring, and the speech was stuttering: "Phoenix God, it turned out to be my fault, but I was really forced by the heavenly people, please also You spare me, I don't dare anymore."

"Don't dare?" Phoenix said, "When you bring the people of the heavenly world, when the world is chasing me, isn't it strong? How can this be scared?"

"Phoenix God, I beg you to give me another chance to live. If you spare me, I will surrender to you and surrender to you forever and ever!"

The celestial **** does not want to die. In order to survive, he has no bones for mercy.

"Yes, if you really want to surrender, I can do it for you!"

The celestial **** is a virtual god-level power. If you can conquer him, it will further enhance the essence of Ye Chenfeng.

"Yes, I am willing to surrender!" Qingtian Shen nodded his head and promised.

"Well, since you are willing to surrender, then you should not resist. If you dare to resist, then don't blame me for being ruthless!" said Ye Chenfeng summoning the last soul-souling brain.

Although this sub-brain is relatively weak, it is almost impossible to control the power of the virtual state. But if the **** of the gods is willing to surrender and do not resist anything, this son has a chance to control him.

"No, I beg you to spare me!"

Looking at the soul-sucking brain in the hands of Ye Chenfeng, the celestial **** suddenly became bloodless. He was very clear that he was controlled by the soul-sucking brain, and he was not willing to be completely controlled by Ye Chenfeng.

"Since you are not willing to surrender, then go to hell!"

Ye Chenfeng’s pupils shrank and instantly opened up the wilderness area, shrouded the gods.


Under the destruction of the devastating forces in the wilderness, Optimus only felt that more than a few ten trillion jin of strength came from all directions, and the powerful body continually ruptured, and his all-out attacks could not withstand the crackdown in the wilderness. .


The powerful body of the celestial **** was shocked into a **** fog by the floodplain. The demon genius, the enchantress, was killed by the wilderness field.

"Let's go!"

Forcibly killing the celestial gods, Ye Chenfeng did not open the killing ring, took away the sacred gods of the beasts of the beasts, and returned to the ancestral land with the phoenix god, and the spaceworms that were cut through the worms The hole left the chasing beast.

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