Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1065: Abduction of Xuanxia

After five days, Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God came to the edge of the demon world and divided the demon ridge.

"Phoenix God, I want to leave the demon world, you are going with me, or stay in the demon world, slowly killing the Tianzu who stayed in the demon world. The devil is powerful!" Ye Chenfeng appeared in the deepest demon At the scene, looking at the Phoenix **** wearing a colorful Xia Yi, whispered.

"I am going with you!"

Although the strength of the Phoenix God has soared, it has the ability to fight against the Emperor or the Gods, but she has not completely refine the fire of the wild, leaving the risk alone.

And knowing that Taihuangtian, Taishentian is not really a behind-the-scenes black hand, but also made her firm and determined to hold the group with Ye Chenfeng.

She has a feeling that in the future, on the road of vying for God, Ye Chenfeng will definitely shine, and he will definitely get the imaginable benefits when he follows him. Maybe he has a chance to complete the ninth Nirvana and complete the ultimate. Change.

"Well, that Phoenix God, you go to the Qiankun area to practice, there is a need for me to summon you!"

Ye Chenfeng also hopes that Phoenix God will follow himself. She has this super master protection. Even if she is too god-like, Taiwangtian, he also has the opportunity to escape.


The Phoenix God nodded and entered the Qiankun environment, refining the fire of the wilderness in a time flow of fifty times.

A month later, after a long time, Ye Chenfeng came to the outside of the sword field and entered the sword field through the space wormhole that the hollowworm wormed through.

The reason why Ye Chenfeng came to the sword field is to look for the ancestral sword crystal, and use the sword to crystallize the invincible sword.

If you can re-condense the invincible sword body, then the invincible sword body and the wilderness body will merge, and his combat power will rise to an extremely terrifying degree.

Ye Chenfeng rushed to the sword field, the gods were imaginary, and the gods and the ancients both broke through to the intermediate virtual state, and successively refining the thunder gods of several chaotic gods, the distance from the intermediate virtual reality Only a mile away.

"Don't know if the sword **** broke into the virtual state of the gods?" Quietly and unrestrainedly came to the sword field, Ye Chenfeng did not stop, flying at the speed of the sword temple at a very fast speed.

On the way to the Temple of the Sword, Ye Chenfeng found that the entire sword field was calm, there was no trace of war, and he was relieved a little.

Breakthrough to the virtual state, Ye Chenfeng flying very fast, after a few days to hurry, came to the Jianshen Peak, found that a large number of talents gathered at the foot of Jianshenfeng, the disciple of the long sword, surrounded by The magnificent huge mountain gate.

"Well, the atmosphere of the heavens!"

When Ye Chenfeng released his powerful soul, he unexpectedly felt the temperament of the heavenly power in the Temple of the Sword, which surprised him.

"How can the people of the Tianzu appear here, does the Tianzu find the sword **** betrayed and sent a master to suppress him?" Ye Chenfeng discovered that there were several talents in the temple of the sword, one of whom also reached The virtual state of mind, flashed a few thoughts in my mind, guessing in my heart.

But he is not afraid of the betrayal of the sword god, there is the control of the soul-splitting brain, even if it is too god, it is impossible for the sword **** to betray himself.

Thinking about the meaning of the Tianzu, Ye Chenfeng easily accommodated his appearance, and circumvented a disciple who came to worship the teacher. He came to the mountain gate and found a familiar figure with a look.

"Feed and feed, don't be noisy, don't squash, who is not obedient, grandma is rude to him!" Xuan Xia hands akimbo, looking at a word that came to the sword temple to worship the teacher, an angry warning.

"Hey, say you, you don't have long ears, line up behind me!"

Looking at the face of Yi Rong, there is no line of Ye Chenfeng, Xuan Xia’s big eyes screamed and shouted loudly.

"I am not coming to the teacher!"

Looking at a lot of heights, the more dynamic and bright summer, Ye Chenfeng reveals a faint smile.

But due to the existence of the Tianzu, Ye Chenfeng did not want to be exposed too early, and Xuan Xia was a big mouth. Ye Chenfeng did not show his identity.

"You don't come to the teacher to do something here?" Xuan Xia looked at Ye Chenfeng with a look of doubt, and did not believe Ye Chenfeng's words.

"Member!" Ye Chenfeng said with a chuckle.

"Who will?"

Xuan Xia squinted at Ye Chenfeng with big eyes. I don’t know why she found Ye Chenfeng to be strange, but she had a familiar feeling.

"Xuan Ziwei, Qin Ruolan!" Ye Chenfeng said faintly.

"Who..." Xuanxia’s voice suddenly enlarged, as if the little wild cat stepped on the tail, looked at Ye Chenfeng with contempt: “Another cockroach who wants to eat swan meat, tells you, my sister and Ruolan’s sister. The famous flower has the Lord, and you are cool."


Ye Chenfeng did not expect that, for many years, Xuan Xia’s mouth was still so poisonous, and suddenly it was speechless.

He didn't squash his mouth with Xuan Xia. Under the gaze of a pair of sarcasm, he went to a no-man's corner, summoned the worm, and cut through a space wormhole, quietly entering the Shenjian Peak, wanting Explore the origins of the Tianzu and make plans.

"Well, what is this..."

Entering the Shenjianfeng Mountain Range, Ye Chenfeng's powerful soul power in the mountains faintly feels thousands of super-powerful ancient flags, hidden around the Shenjian Peak.

In this thousands of ancient flags, Ye Chenfeng vaguely perceives the atmosphere of the heavenly people.

It seems that the Tianzu people should have known the betrayal of the sword **** long ago, but because the tomb of the wilderness involved them too much energy, they have never been able to do it.

The tomb of the wilderness is now shattered, and the heavenly people who have lost their chances have begun to accumulate strength and deal with the sword field.

Guessing that the Tianzu left the thousands of ancient ancestral flags, Ye Chenfeng immediately came to a famous ancient ancestral flag, releasing a powerful power of the wild, shattering the ancient flag. Let them fail to start and form a big kill.

"Stay, how come you are here? How did you slip in!"

When the morning wind shattered and the last flag hidden in the mountains, an angry and loud voice rang.

On the way back to the Temple of the Sword, Xuan Xia accidentally discovered Ye Chenfeng, which turned into a residual image and intercepted him.

"Nature is coming in!"

Ye Chenfeng didn’t think that Xuanxia was so smart, he found himself and licked his nose, and some helplessly said.

He would rather face the power of the imaginary god, and he would not be quite arrogant about the mysterious summer.

"Hey, come in!" Xuan Xia coldly said: "You think that Grandma will believe your ghost, there is a ban on the Shenjian Peak, can you walk in? I see you are clearly spy, come to the sword The temple has a plot."

"Tell you, if you tell my grandmother your purpose, maybe my grandmother is in a good mood, scorn your meal, not honest, my grandmother won your **** blossom!" Xuan Xia, a grandmother, heard Ye Chenfeng The black line is very speechless.

"Little girl, not very old, not too small, and then take advantage of me, believe it or not, I smash your ass!" Ye Chenfeng said with a smile.

"You are looking for death, grandma can't spare you today, let you be an eunuch!"

Speaking, Xuan Xia’s body is filled with powerful Zuwei, summoning a sharp Chinese sword, and exerting an extremely mysterious sword to attack Ye Chenfeng.


A sword stabbed, and there was a deep sword mark in the air. The amazing speed of the swordsman swallowed the boundless sword, and in the horrible sword, there were still three murders hidden.

In the face of the mysterious swordsmanship of Xuanxia, ​​Ye Chenfeng did not evade, and extended a finger to welcome him. One finger broke the sword, and waited for the Xuanxia reaction, taking away her hands. Zhongpin Zujian.

Following, Ye Chenfeng’s five fingers smashed the power of horror, like a scorpion, directly binding Xuanxia.

When the panicked Xuan Xia wanted to cry out for help, Ye Chenfeng slaps and slams in her. Awkward little ass.

A painful pain spread throughout the body of Xuan Xia.

Ye Chenfeng slaps under the palm of his hand, Xuan Xia's fart. The stock is swollen.

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