Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1069: The horror of the wilderness

"Who are you?"

Looking at the five evil gods such as the evil spirits of Yi Rong, the arrogant imaginary **** and other people showed a dignified color on their faces. The arrogant arrogance extinguished a few points, especially the evil spirits, and even let the arrogant gods and others smell the thick A strong danger, I dare not take a nap.

And the sword god, Xuan Ziwei and others, even more shocked.

The evil spirits, the emergence of the five virtual gods of the demon, shook everyone.

"Do not talk nonsense!" Ye Chenfeng responded coldly: "Block the void, don't let them escape one person."


The evil spirits and other five people said in unison, they summoned their treasures.

"Four big virtual artifacts..."

Feeling the evil spirits in the hands of the evil spirits, the bronze ancient swords in the hands of the gods, the virtual gods in the hands of the gods, the black gold chains in the hands of the warlords all reached the level of virtual artifacts, and the hearts of the gods and gods rose. In the midst of the big waves, there is a strong uneasiness in my heart.


The evil spirits, the sacred gods and other five imaginary gods stood in the five major directions, blocking the entire space, inspiring the virtual artifacts, the best of the great artifacts, attacking the heavenly warships from five directions.

The five people shot at the same time, the four virtual artifacts were emptied, and the death sickle smashed all nothingness. For a time, the Galaxy was eclipsed, the sun and the moon were dull, and the tyrannical attack destroyed the entire space, instantly breaking the Tianzu warship. The prohibition of opening up, the hundreds of feet of warships were shattered, and a large number of dodging celestial geniuses were dying.

"Give me the illusion of God, and the rest of the people will be handed over to you, quick and quick!"

Ye Chenfeng deliberately took the arrogant **** to test his own combat power, screamed and summoned the undead wings, and rushed past the speed very quickly.

"Looking for death!"

Amazing to the virtual god, although I was surprised by the atmosphere of the morning wind, I never looked at him. I watched Ye Chenfeng’s speed approaching very fast. His eyes shot a thick murder and controlled a powerful space. The rules formed a black hole in the space and swallowed up to Ye Chenfeng.

"The blood of Hongmeng, burning!"

The space black hole that swallowed the sky hit, and Ye Chenfeng quickly burned the blood of Hongmeng, blending the heart of the gods and enhancing his own combat power.

In the twinkling of an eye, Ye Chenfeng’s combat power soared to the intermediate virtual god, and his physical strength reached the 30 trillion jin of terror under the blood amplitude of Hongmeng.

A punched out, swallowing up all the space, the black hole was directly blown up, and the power of terror collapsed into the space, crushing the arrogant **** of the face.

"How, how is it possible, how could he have this power!"

Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng’s punching the black hole in the space, he stunned the big gods and set off a big wave. The eyes that looked at Ye Chenfeng also changed greatly.

It can be said that Ye Chenfeng’s physical strength exceeded his cognition, which shocked him and made him uneasy.

"Three Thousands of Gods!"

When the illusion of the virtual **** was shocked, the four ancestral road maps sprayed out the body of the morning wind. He pushed the four ancestors to the extreme, combined with the power to destroy the celestial world, and instantly blasted three thousand ruins. The fist is like a meteor shower that has been cut through the sky, and the attack has turned to the proud god.


In times of crisis, arrogant imaginary gods summoned the virtual artifacts of the gods, and the control of the gods continued to grow larger, such as the Yangtze River, which was smashed in the meteor shower.

The celestial **** ruler is made up of the three great gods. It is extremely hard and exceeds the general virtual artifact, but it is trembled in the three thousand martial arts fists. It is impossible to break the attack of the three thousand gods.

When the gods of the heavens and the three thousand gods were fiercely rebellious, Ye Chenfeng smashed the entire space and rushed into the storm of destruction, swaying his fists and smashing the past.


The sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu sounded in the void.

Ye Chenfeng’s power of more than 30 trillion jins lingered on the feet of the gods, enough to smash the power of the gods and fly the sacred gods of the gods.

"This, what is the origin of this guy!"

The imaginary **** has lived for countless years, and has seen too many amazing people, but he has never seen an invincible body like Ye Chenfeng.

A fist 砸Feizhang Tianshen ruler, Ye Chenfeng such as a teleportation generally appears in front of the arrogant virtual god, constantly erupting the power of destruction, attacking the arrogant god.

Although he is proud of the same horror of the imaginary power, he still holds a lot of unknown billboards. However, in the face of the attack of Ye Chenfeng, he can’t resist it, and he is fierce by Ye Chenfeng. The attack was instantly suppressed and the festival was defeated.

Ye Chenfeng comprehensively suppresses the strongest arrogant and imaginary gods, and the evil spirits, swordsmen and other people are even more crazy to kill.

The three middle-level virtual gods, as well as many Tianzu ancestors, could not resist their offensive. The ancestors were slain by evil spirits, swordsmen and others, and turned into a group of blood fog, floating in the air.

"Don't be in love, let's get out of here!"

When I heard the screams of the roundabout, the offensive was suppressed, and the illusion of imaginary imaginary **** immediately gave birth to retreat. I wanted to break out from the middle-aged virtual gods who were in the **** battle.

"Want to run, how can it be so easy!"

Ye Chenfeng captures the idea of ​​arrogant vain, summons a thousand evil streams, controls the evil brakes and turns into a river of death, full of hundreds of feet of death, bans the entire space, and blocks the illusion of the gods. Waiting for the retreat.

"Outside the body!"

The retreat was sealed, and the imaginary imaginary **** immediately summoned the incarnation of Taishentian refining, and wanted to use his incarnation to resist the offensive of Ye Chenfeng and create opportunities for himself to escape.

"Hey, do you want to stop me outside the district?"

Ye Chenfeng snorted, ignoring the destruction attack launched by the body and rushing straight into the past.


When the power of the virtual weapon near the virtual artifact was bombarded on the body of Ye Chenfeng, he could not shake his body, and he was crushed in the most arrogant posture and turned into nothingness.

"The wilderness area, give me broken!"

Before the incarnation of Taishen Tian, ​​Ye Chenfeng immediately opened up the wilderness area and enveloped one side of the world.


In the field of flooding nearly 50 trillion pounds of power, the powerful avatars of the gods and gods continually ruptured and eventually exploded in the wilderness field.

"The Field of Heaven!"

Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng’s instant smashing the incarnation of Taishen’s body, he arrogantly changed his face and immediately opened up a powerful field of heaven to withstand the bombardment of the wilderness field.

The field of heaven is the most top-level field in the virtual world. It contains the mystery of heaven and earth, but it cannot withstand the attacks in the wilderness field.

The two major fields collided together, and the field of heaven was instantly broken. The illusion of imaginary gods was swallowed up by the wilderness field.

"Take the gods, give me a break!"

The gravity of the flooded area is oppressed, and the strength of the imaginary **** can't stand it. The gods that appear on the surface of the body are constantly broken, and a lot of blood is constantly splashing. He constantly goes to the gods. Injecting the blood of the life, inspiring the attack of the gods, and bombarding the wilderness area, want to smash it.

When the vain **** controlled the Tianshen ruler to attack the wilderness field, Ye Chenfeng suddenly appeared beside him, waving a fist like a cast of iron, constantly attacking his body.

Under Ye Chenfeng’s full attack, the body of the imaginary **** is getting heavier and heavier. The full-scale attack of the gods is also suppressed by the floodplain.

"Life Burns!"

Life hangs on the line, arrogantly ignoring the ignorance of burning a powerful life, using the power of life to make the final fight.

But even if he tried his best, he couldn’t shake the wilderness of Ye Chenfeng.

"Virtual Spirit Soul, Hey!"

When Ye Chenfeng displayed three thousand gods and fists, he would fly out of his soul when he was proud of the virtual god. Proud of the body of the virtual god.

The next moment, the chaotic method flies out of the body of Ye Chenfeng, and turns into a chaotic **** of high spirits. The suppression is in the blood of the undead blood, and it is full of strength to repair the flesh and arrogance, and madly swallowed up.

"No, no..."

In the shout of arrogance and horror, Chaos Shenmu sucked him into a man, and condensed six unusually powerful chaotic gods.

Strongly killing the arrogant god, Ye Chenfeng took back the wilderness field and looked at the void in the distance.

At this time, there are only one person left in the three middle-level imaginary gods. The other two are all killed by the evil spirits, swordsmen and war spirits.


The gods are imaginary, and God’s eternal and tacit cooperation, both played an invincible blow, bombarded the severely injured Tianzu middle-aged god, and smashed his body in one fell swoop, smashed his soul, and the last one The middle-aged imaginary **** of the heavens is killed.

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