Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1070: Underground swords

"Death, this is the **** of the gods!"

Ye Chenfeng took away the relics that arrogantly imaginary gods, and gave the virtual artifact to the **** of death without a virtual artifact.

"Go, let's go back!"

Ye Chenfeng and Sword God and others have divided the relics of the Tianzu and returned to the main hall of the Sword God.

"Sister husband is invincible, brother-in-law is the most powerful!"

Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng’s arrogance and disdain, Xuan Xia’s beautiful big eyes are full of worship, and he said with joy.

"Hey, this is for you!" Ye Chenfeng knew more explanations, and could not convince Xuanxia to change his name and gave her a delicate amulet to her.

"Thank you brother-in-law!" Xuan Xia said with gusto.

"Come, these six chaotic gods are for you."

Ye Chenfeng took off the chaotic gods and swallowed the illusion of the gods, and condensed the six chaotic gods, and gave them to the sword god, the evil spirits and other six people, and gave them to Xuan Ziwei and others. The chaotic fruit of the domain, let them lay a solid foundation for cultivation.

"The arrogant illusion is destroyed. I don’t think the heavens will ever take the initiative to attack. We take a break and go to the underground swords three days later!"

Although the illusion of the virtual **** is destroyed, it will definitely anger the heavenly people, but in the eyes of the gods, the eyes of the tomb of the wilderness are more important, as long as Ye Chenfeng does not reveal his identity, too god, the emperor will never Will put all the energy on the sword field.

As long as it is too god-like, Taihuangtian does not appear. With Ye Chenfeng, the strength of Phoenix God is enough to control the overall situation.

Underground swords, a restricted area of ​​life in the sword field, is located in the depths of the Yunjian Mountain in the west of the sword field.

No one knows how the underground swords are formed, but because there is no virtual state in the sword field, no one has ever discovered the secret of the underground sword, and I don’t know what kind of opportunity is hidden inside.

"It’s here, the front is the entrance to the underground sword!"

After a few days of flight, Ye Chenfeng and his party flew to the depths of Yunjian Mountain and saw a huge, deep bottomless pit, which is the entrance to the underground sword.

This is the underground sword, in addition to Ye Chenfeng, Jianshen and others, Ye Chenfeng also brought Xuan Ziwei, Qin Ruolan, Xuan Xia and other women, in order to experience them and enhance their practical experience. Consolidate their roots in cultivation.

"Go, let's go!"

The three most ancient tombs in the universe can't stop Ye Chenfeng. The underground swordsman has no threat to Ye Chenfeng. He took the lead and flew into the bottomless place with the sword **** and others. In the pit, fly to the bottom of the pit at a very fast speed.

Soon, Ye Chenfeng and his party flew to the bottom of the sword, and found a huge space with no bounds. A thick sword and dead air filled the depths of the space, let Xuan Ziwei and so on. The people shuddered inexplicably.

"Ziwei, the crisis outside the underground swordsman is handed over to you!" Ye Chenfeng retracted his deep eyes and looked at the mysterious Xuan Ziwei and others, and said slowly.


Xiao Ziwei and others nodded, holding their respective swords, and went to the front of Ye Chenfeng and others, and quickly flew to the black space where they could not reach the fingers.

After all the way, Xuan Ziwei and others have encountered a lot of bans, as well as a lot of monsters that live in the dark, but no matter whether it is a space ban or a dark monster, they can’t stop Xuan Ziwei and others. They are like a broken bamboo. Kill, constantly deep into the underground sword.


Flying and flying, the people came to a space full of broken swords, broken handles, filled with the atmosphere of death, and the ghostly cry of the creeps.

"Ye Shao, here is the underground sword, and the space in front is guarded by a huge stone sword. I was injured by the stone sword and could not enter the depths of the sword!" I have been there more than once. The sword **** of the underground sword whispered.

"Ziwei, Ruolan, Xuanxia, ​​you are here to practice, all careful!"

The speed of the deduction of the brain in the depths of the underground sword, feeling a mysterious force, and this mysterious power, so that Ye Chenfeng is slightly surprised, he did not bring Xuan Ziwei and others deep, and It is to leave them outside the sword.

"You are also careful!" Xuan Ziwei ordered a little, whispered.

"Let's go!"

Ye Chenfeng and his party did not make any pauses, flying at the deepest point of the underground swords at a very fast speed, and the ghosts constantly emerging from the swords and the broken swords could not harm them. They were bombarded by their waves.

"A strong sword!"

Flying and flying, Ye Chenfeng suddenly found the bright light coming out from the front, a dozens of feet high, and the stone sword depicting the dragon-like pattern was inserted on the ground, intercepting their way.

"Ye Shao, you be careful, this stone sword is very strange, its attack is comparable to the virtual artifact!"

Looking at the stone sword that defeated himself several times, the sword **** passed the voice.

"Well, you all retreat, I will go to the stone sword!" Ye Chenfeng nodded, stepping on the heavy pace, step by step to the giant stone sword with dozens of feet high.


Feeling that Ye Chenfeng is close, this giant stone sword trembles, and the unparalleled swords are bred in the stone sword, locking the near-leaf Ye Chenfeng.

When Ye Chenfeng was close to the distance of the stone sword, a pair of swordsmanship was shot out in the stone sword, with an invincible gesture to the front, and turned to Ye Chenfeng.

The invincible sword that Shi Jian was bred, Ye Chenfeng immediately burned the blood of Hongmeng, and raised the physical strength to the extreme. He broke his hard ground and smashed a punch of the broken void. The invincible sword is smashed.

"Good!" Sword God squinted, and stunned in his heart, "What happened to Ye Shao in the end, and actually condensed the body to such a degree."

A fist shattered the invincible sword, and the speed of Ye Chenfeng did not decrease. He continued to walk evenly and stepped toward the giant stone sword.


Feeling the threat of Ye Chenfeng, the giant stone sword is shaking more and more, constantly splitting out the invincible swordsman, attacking Ye Chenfeng, and wanting to kill Ye Chenfeng who is close to him.

But the morning wind with the wilderness is too horrible, the invincible swordsman of the giant stone sword split can not only hurt Ye Chenfeng, but also can not stop his footsteps.

Soon, Ye Chenfeng went under the giant stone sword.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng infinitely stimulated the body of the wild, the whole body continued to grow bigger, turned into a giant of the wild, waving the fist of the size of the water tank, and smashed into the giant stone sword.


Ye Chenfeng’s fist collided with the giant stone sword, and suddenly a thrilling force broke out. The terrible power constantly counteracted the sword that was born in the stone sword, and the giant stone sword could not attack him.

"Give me up!"

Ye Chenfeng’s high leaping, his hands clenched the hilt of the giant stone sword, and his arms broke out more than 30 trillion jin. The hard life will be inserted deep in the ground, weighing 10,000 The giant stone sword of 100 million pounds was pulled up.


The moment when the giant stone sword was pulled up by the morning wind, the invincible sword broke out, shattering the space of a circle, and shaking the hands of Ye Chenfeng, intertwined with a chain-like meaning. In order to open up the world, it is close to Ye Chenfeng.

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