Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1071: Shenjianjing


A giant stone sword like Jianshan is intertwined with infinite morality. Ye Chenfeng immediately deducted the ancestral Taoism to the extreme, and blasted the gods like the end of the world.


The two forces of destruction collide together, and the power of the gods smashes out in an instant, destroying the attack of the giant stone sword, and smashing the hard blade to crack the road.

"Give me broken!"

After a blow, Ye Chenfeng shot another three thousand Huashen fists, and was bombarded with a cracked giant stone sword. The shocking and shocking attack directly shattered the stone sword that guarded the swordsman’s numerous years. .

"Five colors of swordsman!"

The stone sword was shattered. Ye Chenfeng found a group of five-colored swordsmanship in the stone sword. Although this sword soul does not have the powerful spirit of the soul of the morning, it is not far behind.

"Hands of the Wild, Repression!"

After waiting for the five-color swordsman to escape, Ye Chenfeng’s right hand is full of powerful ideas, swallowing the light of the sun and the moon, suppressing it down, directly suppressing the severely-colored five-color swordsman in a cracked sword. In the middle.

"Sword God, speed up, accept this five-color sword soul!"

Ye Chenfeng's sacred soul sword soul has almost changed to the extreme, just slowly nourish and grow, no need to continue to swallow, he gave this extremely precious five-color sword soul to the sword god.


Sword God knows the power of the five-color sword soul. If he can conquer this five-color sword soul and use it for his own, his combat power will be multiplied several times.

Sword God's understanding of Kendo has reached an extremely terrifying level. Under his full suppression and conciseness, the five-color swordsman's resistance to the serious injury is getting smaller and smaller, and he was finally conquered by the sword **** and collected into the soul sea.

"Thank you for the opportunity given by Ye Shao!" Sword God sent his heart from the heart.

"As long as you are sincere to me, I promise that you will get a more precious opportunity than the five-color sword soul in the future!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the convinced oral, willing to surrender the sword god, whispered promise.

"Yes!" Sword God squatted on one knee and expressed his heartfelt heart.

"Okay, let's get up, let's move on and see what the opportunity is in the depths of this underground sword!"

The real purpose of Ye Chenfeng is Zu Jianjing. Only when he finds Zu Jianjing, can he condense the invincible sword body and further enhance his strength.

With the deepening of the distance, Ye Chenfeng and his party were attacked by many broken swords, but these attacks did not require Ye Chenfeng to shoot, and they were crushed by the sword god.

Soon, Ye Chenfeng and his entourage came to the deepest part of the sword, and saw an old man wearing a dark gray robes, dry and empty eyes, as if he had been dead for a long time, and behind him, suspended The size of the fist, the black crystal spar, in this black spar, Ye Chenfeng vaguely feels the spirit of the Excalibur.

"This, this is Shenjianjing, the world's top sword crystal."

Looking at the black spar that gave birth to a powerful sword, Sword God raised a big wave in his heart and said with shock.

"Shenjian Jing!"

After hearing the sword god, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes also became hot.

If you use this Shenjian crystal to consolidate the invincible sword body, he can't imagine how terrible the mightpower and potential of the invincible sword body.

"In any case, this Shenjian crystal must be obtained!" Ye Chenfeng made up his mind.


When Ye Chenfeng’s group of people approached Shenjianjing and wanted to take it away, suddenly, the horrible power of a horror came from all directions, madly blended into the body of the dead old man, awakening The vitality in his body.

Between the blink of an eye, the thin old man's dry body is getting fuller and fuller, and the empty eyes are also full of brilliance, and a suffocating force is filled in his fast-repairing body.

"Intermediate virtual god!"

Feeling the smell of the thin old man, Ye Chenfeng immediately confirmed that he is an intermediate virtual god.

"This is not the place where you can come, either roll now or die!" The skinny old man who is deep in the sea reveals the coldness of the road, watching Ye Chenfeng and others, killing the way.

"You step back, I am going to fight him!"

Ye Chenfeng intends to temper the body of the wilderness through battle, let the body of the wilderness merge with himself, and walk alone.


Seeing that Ye Chenfeng does not listen to his dissuasion, he is close to himself, and the skinny old man sitting on the ground is intertwined with a swordless mans, and a sword tears open the space, just like Changhong’s day, and turns to Ye Chenfeng.

Changhong Jianmang came, Ye Chenfeng did not evade, let this swordman hit his body.


Looking at the swordsmanship that he interweaves, he was shattered by the strong body of Ye Chenfeng. The white eyebrows of the skinny old man gently twitched, showing a shocking color.

"Interesting, the old man has never seen a human with such a flesh!"

Although Ye Chenfeng is invincible, but the thin old man did not show his fear. His deep shackles burned with arrogance and sent a shocking voice: "The sword is coming..."


Feeling the call of the thin old man, the whole ground shook, and a thick stone sword broke through the ground and flew to the skinny old man.

When the skinny old man holds the stone sword, an unparalleled sword is filled in his old body, and the sword is strong, so that the sword **** and others can't help but back three steps.

"All Mother Sword!"

Feeling that the stone sword in the hands of the old man reached the level of virtual artifacts, Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the sword of all things and the soul of the **** of the gods, ready to meet.

"Well, the sword of all things, how is the protoss of the Protoss in your hands!"

Looking at the hands of Ye Chenfeng, the master sword that swallows the maternal temperament, the skinny old man recognizes the origin of the sword and gives a suspicious color.

"When you beat me, I will tell you!"

Ye Chenfeng controls the virtual **** sword spirit into the sword of all things, awakens the stranger, activates all the **** lines in the sword of all things, interweaves the swords and shadows, and launches attacks on the thin old man.


The two swords of the virtual **** collided together, and the instantaneous burst of power directly tore the space of the underground sword, and the whole stratum shook.

After a blow, Ye Chenfeng and the skinny old man changed their moves at the same time, constantly pushing the sacred kendo, and exerting unpredictable swords to attack each other.

For a time, the depths of the underground swords, all over a sharp sword, a fierce collision in the void, stirring up the glaring fire.

"Haha, I didn't expect the old man to run into a kendo master before he died. It is true that I am not thin!"

The skinny old man laughed aloud, ignoring the threat of the sword of all things, the sword and the sword, and the sword of the body, and the fierce killing of Ye Chenfeng.

And Ye Chenfeng did not show weakness, did not show a strong killing trick, but with his own understanding of the Kendo, fully attack.

Time passes by one minute.

Ye Chenfeng and the thin old man seem to be tired of the machine, constantly pushing a powerful sword, and spare no effort to attack.

Soon, three days passed.

In these three days, Ye Chenfeng, who has the blood of the wilderness and the blood of Hongmeng, has an absolute advantage. The Vietnam War has no signs of exhaustion, but the body of the skinny old man is getting more and more serious. The morning breeze suppressed the offensive and the defeat of the festival.

Looking at the thin old man who lost to defeat, his old body suddenly appeared a mysterious light symbol, like a tornado, surrounded by his body.

"Peace, the old man wants to use the last resort, you are careful!"

The sinister old man screams, controls the light of the mysterious, and combines the power of the entire underground sword.

Suddenly, a pair of swordsmanship from all directions came into all directions, melted into the light symbol, and activated an illuminator.


When the skinny old man merged with thousands of light symbols, his combat power instantly crossed a new realm, and his combat power soared.

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