Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1072: The secret of swordsmanship

"The heart of the gods, melt!"

The realm of the thin old man is lower than the imaginary god, but he majored in kendo. The actual combat power is more than the arrogant god. When his combat power soars, Ye Chenfeng integrates the heart of the gods and further enhances it. strength.


The thin old man with soaring strength, holding a thick stone sword and a sword, a sword like a waterfall falling down from the sky, a sword tore the attack of Ye Chenfeng, and turned to him.

Ye Chenfeng holds the sword of all things in the top of his head, and regrets this sword.


The horrible swordsman blasted around the sword of all things, and the terrible crit of force slammed the body of Ye Chenfeng's mountains back three steps.

But the body of the wilderness is too strong, and the sword of the thin old man is still unable to hurt Ye Chenfeng.

A sword will shake off Ye Chenfeng, and the thin old man will chase after the victory, constantly exerting the unpredictable swordsmanship, attacking Ye Chenfeng with all his strength, and trying to suppress the offensive of Ye Chenfeng.

"Wan Jian is a patriarch!"

In the face of a meteor-like sword, Ye Chenfeng did not open up the wilderness field, but rather deduced a powerful idea, instantly condensing tens of thousands of invincible swords, surrounded by the body, hard regrets the old man attack.

"Invincible Jianshan!"

Ye Chenfeng took the sword of the body and evolved the sword to return to the offensive of the old man. The skinny old man reflected the invincible sword light and turned into a tall and invincible Jianshan. Wan Jian returned to the sect, and a blow broke the sword and returned to the sect. The bombardment of the unrelenting power turned to Ye Chenfeng.

"The gods are destroyed, the gods are robbery!"

The skinny old man has evolved to the extreme, and the invincible Jianshan power of the land is too horrible, so that Ye Chenfeng smells a deep and dangerous atmosphere, and immediately exerts his destructive attack on the tomb of the wilderness.

One hit and blast, the invincible rhythm erupted, the power of horror to destroy God is unbreakable, all things are destroyed, all living creatures are destroyed, and the space of stars is destroyed under this attack, just like the end of the world is coming, crushing Invincible Jianshan, the skinny old man who changed his face suddenly flew out.


Without a blow, the strength of the old man can't stand it. A lot of blood is sprayed out of his mouth. His old body is even more riddled with holes.

"This, what is this supernatural power!"

The power of the smashing of the gods, the sword **** and others were deeply shocked, and they felt that they could not resist the destructive power of this attack.

"Life Burns!"

The injury is serious. The thin old man suddenly burns only the remaining life, forcibly suppresses the body injury and continues to attack Ye Chenfeng.

In the face of his dying attack, he felt pressure from Ye Chenfeng’s strength, and the offensive was suppressed by him a little.

"Chaotic law, fusion!"

Teaching to the skinny old man's unpredictable swordsmanship, Ye Chenfeng does not want to kill him in the wilderness field, instantly blending the chaotic law, and elevating his own strength to the later stage of the virtual god, and grasping the initiative in an instant, holding The sword of all things, a sword will fly out of the thin old man.

"Haha, happy, happy!"

Although the injury is getting heavier and heavier, but on the face of the thin old man, he can't see a panic, but it shows the joy of encountering the opponent.

"Primary, you are the best gift that God gave me, and you can fight with you, the old man can die!" The skinny old man laughed and continued to burn the remaining life, supporting the scarred In the flesh, the final battle.

"A sword is godless!"

The skinny old man spared no effort, and when he continued to display the big killing attack, Ye Chenfeng's whole body was merged with the master sword of all things. One sword took the brilliance of the heavens and the earth, and a sword evolved with a unique sword. A sword broke open the old man. The murder of the show was stabbed to his chest.

In the face of this unparalleled sword, the skinny old man immediately swayed the stone sword to meet.

When the swords of the two great swords collided together, more than 30 trillion pounds of force suddenly burst out in the sword of the mother, penetrated into the stone sword, and hardened the stone sword to crack the road crack. .

"Well, this, this is the ordinary stone sword?" A strong blow broke the stone sword, and Ye Chenfeng’s heart set off a big wave. He was shocked to discover that the stone sword in the hands of the skinny old man is only the most common. Shi Jian is not a virtual sword.

Why can a stone sword play the power of a virtual sword? What secrets are hidden in the depths of this sword?" Ye Chenfeng feels that the underground sword is not simple, and it is absolutely hidden.

"Invincible Jianshan!"

The stone sword ruptured, and did not let the thin old man slow down the offensive. He suffered a strong power shock, and he continued to attack with the stone sword, and evolved into an invincible Jianshan, and fell to Ye Chenfeng.

"Wan Jian is a patriarch!"

Invincible Jianshan attacked, Ye Chenfeng immediately incarnates the sword and meets, with the unparalleled attitude of the generation, continue to harden the old man.

Soon, time passed another day.

The whole underground sword smashed under the attack of Ye Chenfeng and the thin old man, almost collapsed, and the whole ground was riddled with a sword mark.

"Ye Shao wants to win!"

Sword God’s understanding of Kendo is also very deep. He witnessed Ye Chenfeng’s battle with the skinny old man. He benefited a lot. With his eyesight, he found that the skinny old man was on the verge of exhaustion and could hardly support for too long. .

"Primary, pick me up again, if you can catch me, I will tell you the secret here!" The thin old man at the end of the strong screams, constantly mobilizing the power of the kendo, melting into the crack In the stone sword.


Under a sword, the three circles and six roads are swayed. Under one sword, the whole space is broken. This blow is like a life can be annihilated.

"The gods are destroyed, the gods are robbery!"

In the face of the skinny old man's life at the expense of the last blow, Ye Chenfeng did not dare to care, hit a killing and slammed up.


The entire space of the swordsmanship was broken, and there was a dark hole in the bottomless space. The horrible sword was swallowed in the broken space, like a sword-snake.


The skinny old man spurted a blood out of the sky, and flew out, and he squatted at the end of the severely broken sword, and he could not see it.

And Ye Chenfeng relied on the defense of the wilderness, only suffered minor injuries and retreated hundreds of meters.

The destruction of space has intensified, and it has gradually healed after a fragrant time.

At this time, Ye Chenfeng and his party crossed the broken space and came to the dying old man: "Now, can you tell me the secret here?"

"You beat me, you are qualified to know the secrets here!" fell to the ground, the weak and thin old man slightly raised his eyelids and looked at Ye Chenfeng, who defeated him on the front: "I guarded countless years here. It is to protect the two treasures, one of which is the Shenjian Jing you see, and the other treasure is the origin of the underground device."

"The source of the instrument...the stone sword in your hand has the power of the virtual sword, it is because of the origin of the instrument!" Ye Chenfeng revealed the color of the accident, did not expect that there was actually in the ancient times The source of the almost extinct device.

"Yes, the stone sword is nourished by the innumerable years of the instrument, and it has the power of the virtual artifact!" The thin old man nodded and said weakly.

"Predecessors, I have something to understand, who is letting you guard here?" Sword God asked inexplicably.

With the strength of the thin old man, if he leaves the underground sword, he can definitely become the master of the sword domain, and he is not an opponent.

"No one has let me guard this place, it's all my willingness!" The skinny old man shook his head.

"Why is this?" asked the sword god.

"Because hundreds of thousands of years ago, I was the one who was going to die. I am here because the power here can suppress my injury and let me see the hope of rebirth, but unfortunately, I failed. "The skinny old man said slyly.

"Predecessors, who is it that you will be hit hard?" Sword God had a lot of guesses about the identity of the thin old man, whispered.

"It is the emperor, for his ambition, he wants to eliminate all hidden dangers!" The skinny old man said something hatred.

After finishing, the vitality of his body subsided at a very fast speed, and finally he died.

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