Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1073: Sinister plan


When you hear the old man, Ye Chenfeng’s deep eyes reveal a sharp light.

If it’s not that the Emperor wants to ruin the human race, the status of the Terran will never be as low as it is today.

"Presidents rest in peace, I promise you, will definitely let the man of the Emperor's hand to pay a painful price, crush his ambition!" Ye Chenfeng smashed the body of the skinny old man deeply Hey, softly promised.

After finishing, he spurted a fire of the life, melted the body of the skinny old man, and got an incomparably pure Zu Jian.

But with Shenjianjing, Zu Jianjing has little attraction to Ye Chenfeng. He gave this ancestral sword to the sword **** and came to this sword that seals the spirit of the Excalibur. Under the crystal.

"The blood of Hongmeng, Rong!"

Ye Chenfeng bit his finger, and he continuously embossed the blood of Hongmeng into the Shenjian crystal, nourishing this Shenjian crystal.

Approximately three days or so, Shenjianjing swallowed enough blood of Hongmeng, established contact with Ye Chenfeng, and was moved by Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts and entered the body.

"Go, let's go check it out!"

Take away the precious Shenjian crystal, Ye Chenfeng stepped on the ground with a lot of holes, opened a passage to the underground, and jumped with the sword god, evil spirits and so on. Came to the source of the seal in the depths of the earth.

"Original milk!"

Looking at the origin of a strip of condensed power into a pond of the original source of milk, Ye Chenfeng and others are overwhelmed, they have summoned their virtual artifacts, and have not entered the source of the milk, the source of the absorber Enhance the power of the virtual artifact.

"Nothing happened recently, let's practice here for a while!"

If you want to improve the power of the virtual artifact, it can't be done in the evening. Ye Chenfeng decided to practice here for a while, and then wait for his virtual artifact to complete the transformation and then leave.


Sword God and others nodded, distributed around the pond, and took the chaotic fruit that Ye Chenfeng gave, quickly refining and improving their own strength.

"Shenjian, refining!"

When the sword **** and others practiced, Ye Chenfeng controlled the power of the wilderness in the body, forcibly refining the essence of the sword, and re-condensing the invincible sword by the power of the sword contained in the sword.

Time flies, and a month has passed.

In this month, the virtual gods seem to be calm and calm, but in fact they are surging.

Tai Shentian, who had suffered a big loss in the tomb of the wilderness, appeared in the Jinhuang Palace of the Imperial Tianzu, and discussed the plan of forcing Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God.

Only when they forced out Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix God, they had the opportunity to kill Ye Chenfeng and win everything they had. Once they gave Ye Chenfeng, Phoenix God had enough growth time to kill Ye Chen. The wind, the phoenix **** is difficult.

But the virtual world is too big. It is difficult to find someone, so it’s too god-like. When the Emperor thinks about it, a figure full of people in the golden light suddenly arrives.

"It's you, what do you do to the Emperor's Jinhuang Palace?"

Although the person who came here was covered in golden light, but the ethereal god, the eyes of Taihuangtian, still looked at his true body, full of hostility.

"Why don't you welcome me?" A deep voice came out in Jinguang: "Don't you want to force the Ye Chenfeng?"

"Why, do you have a way?"

"Yes, I have a solution, and I am sure that I will let the Ye Chenfeng appear!" The figure shrouded in the golden light nodded.

"That Ye Chenfeng is the pride of your Terran, do you really want him to die?" Tai Huangtian calmed down and took a sip of the tea ceremony.

"Taihuangtian, don't try to figure out my intentions. If you don't want to listen, then I will leave!" Jinguang said indifferently.

"Well, you said!" Taishen personally poured a cup of tea into the golden light man, and his finger flicked and said to him.

"Would we like to talk about the conditions first?" Jinguang men are not in a hurry, said faintly.

"What conditions do you want?" said the god.

"Kill that leaf morning wind, I will give priority to picking a treasure from him!" said the Jinguang man.

"Do you want Chaos Shenmu?" In the eyes of the gods, the eyes of the gods shot out the light and meditated.

"What do I want, you don't have to worry about it, as long as you swear, let me pick a treasure from him first, I will tell you to lead his plan!" Jinguang man said.

"Okay, God promises you!"

Tai Shentian, Tai Huangtian exchanged a message with each other.

"Then you swear by the heavens, after swearing, I will tell you the plan to lead the snake out of the hole!"


Too God, Tai Huangtian nodded and made a vow in the public.

"Now, you should be able to say it with confidence!" After swearing, God said slowly.

"Would you like to bring out Ye Chenfeng, only two people?"


"Yuyue Shengde and Yue Yeming!" Jinguang man said.

"Well...they are related to the Ye Chenfeng?" Taishen asked unexpectedly.

"Not bad!" Jin Guang men nodded and said: "The Feather of the Moon is the woman of Ye Chenfeng, and Yue Yeming is their only son. If you start from them, I guarantee that Ye Chenfeng will Being insured and showing up in public."

"You are letting us control the two months of the feathers, and threaten Ye Chenfeng?" Tai Huangtian said.

"No, control the feathers, Yue Yeming is the next policy. In order to protect Ye Chenfeng, maybe they will commit suicide!" Jinguang man shook his head and said: "The best way is to play snake seven inches. , hit the weakness of the leaf morning wind and the feather month."

Speaking, Jin Guang’s man said the plan he had already thought of.

"This is indeed a good plan!" Taishen Tian nodded and said: "That Ye Chenfeng will never let his woman marry someone else, and the lure of the moon, may pin their hopes on Ye Chenfeng."

"Since the two have no objections, I am waiting for the priest's affair at the Feather Palace!" Jinguang said with a smile: "At that time, I will spread the news through various channels to make the whole imaginary The gods know this, and they are not afraid that Ye Chenfeng will not show up."

After finishing, Jinguang’s man did not stay for a long time, and turned away from the Jinhuang Palace, which exudes sacred glory.

"Too god, do you say this person is a feathered **** or a human queen?"

Looking at the figure of Jin Guang’s man leaving, Tai Huangtian’s brow was tightly screwed together and whispered.

"No matter who he is, he can't change anything. God is destined to be on the top!" Taishen said undoubtedly.

After finishing, Taishen days slowly rose, left the Jinhuang Palace, returned to the God of Heaven, ready to marry the Feather Palace.

After a month, the God of Heaven and the Feathering Palace will be a year later, the news of the marriage in the Feather Palace will be spread in the whole virtual world, and will spread to the various circles of the virtual gods at all speeds. The focus of the entire virtual world.

At the same time, Ye Chenfeng, who has been cultivating Shenjianjing for several months, finally merged Shenshenjing and Shenjian Spirit into the wilderness.

Next, Ye Chenfeng’s body spurted out the swords that made the world amazed, cutting the entire space, igniting the vision of the heavens and the earth, constantly attacking Ye Chenfeng.

After being attacked by the vision of heaven and earth, sitting cross-legged, Ye Chenfeng, who is filled with invincible swords in his body, seems to be unaware of it, constantly cultivating the invincible sword by the vision.

"Invincible sword body, into!"

I don’t know how long it has passed. Ye Chenfeng’s body broke out in the flesh, instantly smashing the vision of the heavens and the earth that attacked him, condensing a powerful invincible sword and recultivating it into the field of swords.

The next moment, the remnant sword in the whole sword, the broken sword shakes up and dumps in the direction of Ye Chenfeng, as if to welcome the arrival of the king of swords.

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