Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1081: The strength of Ye Chenfeng


Suddenly, there was a deafening sound of dragons outside the feathering palace. Dozens of real dragons appeared outside the Feathering Palace. In the most tyrannical posture, the ban on the outside of Yuhuan Xianshan was smashed, and the feathering palace was directly found. in.

"Dragon people?"

The green screaming **** that is about to start, seeing dozens of real dragons appearing, the brows are tightly screwed together, and I can't help but look at the calm and calm Ye Chenfeng.

From today's situation, the purpose of the dragon's arrival is very likely to be the same as that of the ancients. It is to support Ye Chenfeng.

"This kid, how can he, can let the ancient and the dragons ignore the threat of the heavens and the demons, and willing to support him." Many people have the same thoughts in their minds, looking at Ye Chen The eyes of the wind have changed dramatically.

"Ye Xiaoyou, we are not too late!" A bold voice rang outside the feathering palace.

Wearing a dark gold robes, filled with a powerful dragon, the dragon **** with the supreme majesty in the eyebrows, with a huge change of adult-shaped dragon power, entered the atmosphere of the feathering palace.

"Dragon God predecessors, have you broken through to the realm of the late gods?"

Feeling that the atmosphere of the Dragon God has changed dramatically, Ye Chenfeng is overjoyed and immediately goes forward.

With the strength of Dragon God, plus Zulongzhu and Zulongjian, it is fully capable of fighting with the virtual god.

The dragon **** broke through to the late stage of the virtual god, and the dragon emperor also stepped into the early stage of the virtual god. In addition to the two of them, the dragon came here and there was a virtual god.

It’s just that this imaginary **** is full of turbidity, and the vitality of the body is almost exhausted, so that Ye Chenfeng can’t tell his true strength for a while.

"You are...Dragon God!"

Ye Chenfeng doesn't know the dragons and gods who are dressed in dark gray robes and sullen, but the stars and gods who have lived for countless years and Gu Qianqiu recognize him.

He is the **** of the dragon's most peak period, and it is the last Taizuo dragon of the dragon family. He has been dead in the dragon ancestral land, and only the dragon **** knows his existence.

In those days, the **** of the dragon was the ultimate power of the virtual god. After so many years, he is very likely to embark on the realm of the virtual god.

"I didn't expect anyone to know me this old bone!" Shilong God showed a rare smile: "Qianqiu Shen, Xingyue God, long lost."

"Morning wind meets the Dragon God!" Ye Chenfeng did not expect the Dragon to live an old antique, and immediately went forward.

A moment more than a virtual **** is full of power, greatly enhancing the power of Ye Chenfeng against the heavens, the devil, and the feathering palace.

"Good!" Shilong God nodded and said: "Morning wind friends, today I will support you with the old bones to help you hold the beauty."

When you hear the words of the Dragon God, the gods of the gods, the gods and the demons suddenly look ugly.

The ancients alone have already made the feathers and other people have some headaches. Now the dragons have come together to help each other, directly turning the situation down, and making the feathers feel tricky.

The emergence of the **** of dreams did not think that Ye Chenfeng had such a large amount of energy, not only became the owner of the sword domain, but also allowed the dragons and the ancients to come to help at any cost.

"Feathering God, today I am coming to the Mayor of the Feast of the Moon, I wonder if you have any opinions?"

With the support of the dragon and the ancients, Ye Chenfeng was full of enthusiasm, staring at the gloomy feathering god, and asked hesitantly.

"Hey, my marriage between the palace and the gods, no one can change, even if you have a dragon, the ancients can not support!" Yuhua God snorted, a strong response.

"Yes?" Ye Chenfeng showed a cold smile: "I hope that your tone will be so hard for a while."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng summoned the phoenix god, chasing the gods, evil spirits, gods and gods, and God Henggu.

"Twelve great gods, four big and a half steps of God..."

Looking at the suddenly appearing phoenix god, chasing the sun god, the **** magic candle dragon and other people, as well as the sword god, Tian Jianhuang and others, the feathering palace sounded a burst of sound.

The ancient morning, the dragon, and the sword field support the morning wind is already scary enough. Now there are phoenix gods, evil spirits, etc. behind Ye Chenfeng, directly shocking the whole audience, even the sacred **** They all showed a dignified color.

The power of Xingyue God is terrible. It is said that the Huangtian is second only to the existence of Taiwangtian, but the opponents he faces today are too horrible.

Single Dragon God alone, Gu Qianqiu, he has no grasp of the victory, now behind Ye Chenfeng, there are two big gods full of power to support.

And from the phoenix god, chasing the sun god, he also smelled a strong dangerous atmosphere, he did not doubt, the phoenix god, the strength of chasing the sun **** is not weaker than the dragon god.

"Feathering God, I want to marry the moon and the saint. Do you still have opinions now?" Ye Chenfeng looked at the feathered **** with a dark face like water, revealing the domineering of who I am, once again asked.

"Well, Ye Chenfeng, I am getting smaller and smaller!" Yuhua’s face was irony and said: "But I am still saying that my marriage to the gods and the gods is a foregone conclusion. Change."

"If this is the case, then don't blame me for tearing down your feathering palace!"

Speaking, the momentum of Ye Chenfeng’s body is like a volcanic eruption. He suddenly changes like a sword, and it’s amazing.

The phoenix god, chasing the gods and other people's momentum also broke out at this moment, surging the sky.

The horrible space of the horror, shaking the earth, driving the entire feathering palace to tremble, and letting a lot of the imperfect feathering palace, the masters of the heavens and the devils have fear and difficulty breathing.

"Xingyue God, Taishou Patriarch, how the Emperor of the Emperor has not come yet!"

Feeling the terror of the release of Ye Chenfeng and others, and feeling the fear of the power of the gods, and quickly asked the voice.

At this moment, there is only a god, and the arrival of the Emperor’s Heaven can reverse the situation. Otherwise, the Feather Palace will be destroyed by Ye Chenfeng.

"The prince of the gods, the prince of the royal family has been retreating some time ago, but I have already told the two patriarchs about what happened here, I think they should be coming soon!" Xingyue Shen took a deep breath and heard Road.

"This is..."

Understanding the gods, Taiwangtian is still on the way, and there is a panic in the heart of the feathers, and the thoughts are constantly flashing in my mind.

"Wait for Ye Chenfeng..." I thought about it. Yuhua knows that he only has a way to delay time. He shouted: "I can give you a chance to kiss, but you have to be tested." /

"Is it true that if I pass the test, you agree to marry Yu Yue?" Ye Chenfeng had expected that the **** of feathers would try to delay the time and say faintly.

"Yes, if you can pass the test and convince the gods, I will marry you in the moon!"

The power of Ye Chenfeng is too horrible, so that the **** of feathers has to bow his head and delay the time as much as possible.

"I can accept your test, but I have two conditions!" Ye Chenfeng coldly looks at the feathers: "I want to see the feathers now, and, before the test, you need to be the life of the feathers." Give her the card."

"I can let you see the feathers, but you can't give the feathers to you!" Yuhua shook his head and refused.

"Feathering God, you should be aware of the current situation, you have no ability to bargain with me, if you do not agree with my conditions, then I will now flatten the feather palace." Ye Chenfeng reveals the domineering of who I am, Said hard.

"Then you are not afraid that I will crush her feathers and kill her?" Yuhua asked.

"If the feathers are in trouble, I promise to let you fly away, never fall back, and the feathering palace will be wiped out." Ye Chenfeng threatened.

"Feathering, promised him, as long as the princes of the gods, the princes of the royal family come, they alone want to leave alive!" When the stalemate, Xingyue God voiced.

"Okay, I promise you your condition!" Faced with the aggressive Ye Chenfeng, the feathered **** once again retreats: "But during the test, I must first seal the feathers, so that you don't want to go back."

"Yes!" Ye Chenfeng agreed.

Ye Chenfeng and the **** of feathers have their own calculations, but I don’t know who can laugh at the end.

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