Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1082: Sansheng Hall

"Morning wind, why are you so troublesome? With our strength, it is enough to kill the gods, and then naturally save your wife, so delay the time, once the gods, the emperor is coming, we will It’s really troublesome!”

The Phoenix God is very puzzled. Ye Chenfeng knows that Yuhua deliberately delays the time and insists on entering.

"Phoenix God, don't you think that it is the best time to fight with Taishentian and Taihuangtian?" Ye Chenfeng said: "You, me, chasing the sun, the **** of the dragon, the **** of the gods We joined forces to fight against the gods, the Emperor, and give them a fatal blow."

"And I still need an excuse, a famous excuse for a teacher? An excuse to destroy the Feather Palace is a temple."

" After all, I have half the blood of the Terran, and the Feather Palace is the holy land of the Terran. If I ruin the Feather Palace because of the neon, it is very likely that I will be spurned by the people who do not know the truth. This is my unwillingness. I saw it, but if the feathers are ruined and betrayed, it’s not the same!”

"And, I want to see the neon, I want to make sure she is fine!" Ye Chenfeng told his own thoughts to the Phoenix God.

"Well, maybe your consideration is right!" Phoenix God nodded and no longer persuaded Ye Chenfeng.

And regardless of the next conflict, the ancients will not support Ye Chenfeng, but the Phoenix God can be sure that Shouyuan’s few remaining Dragons will not leave the Dragons anymore, so now it’s against God, Tai Huangtian is a good opportunity.

And Ye Chenfeng has a deep affection for the Terran and does not want to be a sinner of the Terran.

Approximately a fragrant time, the moon was accompanied by two old robes in gray robes, appearing in the chaotic front hall.

The four eyes are opposite, the moon is full of two lines of tears, the wet face reveals excitement and worry, but because she was banned by the palace of the palace, the treasure of the palace, lost the freedom, can only look at the leaves far away Morning wind.

"Nishang, you wait, I will take you away from the Feather Palace!"

Looking at the moon and the sky is fine, Ye Chenfeng’s heart is finally falling, his mouth is slightly open, and he speaks in a spoken language.

"Yuyue, you really found a good husband, I am a little boy!" Yuhua said with a gloomy face, throwing the life card to the moon.

He never dreamed that Ye Chenfeng, who had never been in his eyes, had created such a big trouble for him, and forced him to a dead end.

"Feathering God, I wonder if your test is?"

Ye Chenfeng did not delay the time, looking at the feathered **** with a dark face like water, asked aloud.

"Yu Sansheng Hall, as long as you can pass through the Sansheng Hall, I promised to marry Yu Yu, let you leave!" Yuhua said lowly.

"Predecessors, please wait a moment, wait for me to break the Sansheng Hall, save my wife and say!" Ye Chenfeng said softly.

"Okay, then let's go to the Sansheng Hall and press for you!"

Dragon God, Gu Qianqiu and others have no objection, and followed the emergence of the **** of feathering. It is located at the back of the Feather Palace. It covers an extremely large area and is like a **** stone carving. It is shrouded in the Sansheng Hall in the strong ban.

"Shanglong predecessors, Qianqian predecessors, chasing the predecessors, Phoenix God, waiting for me to pass the test of the Sansheng Hall, I also invite you to take the shot and save my wife!"

Although Ye Chenfeng knew that the feathering **** had put the test in the Sansheng Hall, the difficulty of the Sansheng Temple was absolutely great, but he was not afraid, and he said.

"Do not worry, we are there, will not let anyone hurt your wife!"

Ye Chenfeng has great grace for the dragons, and the dragon **** nodded lightly and promised.

"Feathering God, our agreement, I have already remembered it with memory stone, I hope you don't repent, or I will destroy your feathering palace!" said Ye Chenfeng overbearingly.

"Reassured, as long as you pass the test of the Sansheng Hall, the **** will never eat!" Yuhua **** bit his teeth and said.

"Hey, this Sansheng Hall is terrible. It is sealed with the power of Sanshengshi. It is difficult for the virtual gods to come out of the temple." Yue Yeming reminded me of some concerns.

"Do not worry, the district Sansheng Temple only, even if the three stone, I can break it!"

Ye Chenfeng rushed to the moon and revealed a confident smile. He communicated with the eyes of the moon and let her rest assured that she flew alone to the Sansheng Hall, which was banned by the powerful regime.

"Feathering, how long can the three halls be delayed?" The ugly star of the moon is the voice of the god.

"Sansheng Temple is the temple of my feathering palace. The mid-virtual power of the virtual **** can be imagined within ten days. Even if the virtual **** is late, it takes at least three days to break the Sansheng Temple!" .

"That's good!" Xingyue nodded and said: "I just contacted the Taishou patriarch, the Taizu patriarch, and the two patriarchs will be able to reach the Feather Palace within a day, when I let them fly."


Flying to the Sansheng Hall, Ye Chenfeng instantly burned the blood of Hongmeng, increasing the power by three times, and slamming a punch at the Sansheng Hall.


The power of the great prohibition, can not withstand the power of Ye Chenfeng, directly broken.

"Great power!"

Xingyue God and others brow a stun, revealing the color of surprise, and the power of the sudden burst of the morning breeze.

A boxing and smashing method was banned, and Ye Chenfeng came to the Sansheng Hall for more than ten feet, depicting the ancient lines, inlaid with two dragon heads at the gate, and the hands broke out several trillion jin, directly pushing the thick The temple door went into the temple of Sansheng.

"Well, this is the power of... Sanshengshi?"

Standing at the door of the temple hall of Sansheng Temple, the brain is rapidly deductive. Ye Chenfeng feels that there is a strange power in the dark Sansheng Hall, and this strange power is similar to the three young stones. Suspected of the power of the three stones.


Stepping into the Sansheng Hall, Ye Chenfeng discovered that the scene in the entire Sansheng Hall had changed. He seemed to fall into Huangquan and appeared in purgatory.

A large number of evil spirits climbed out of a **** river, opened their **** mouths, exposed long fangs and biting his flesh and blood.

In addition to the evil spirits, there are a lot of jealousy in the scorpion, the corpse king, hey, madly running towards him, wanting to tear him apart.

"The power of Sanshengshi is really powerful!"

Although Ye Chenfeng knows that everything in front of him is the result of the power of Sanshengshi, but all of them are incomparably true, especially when they are bitten by a large number of evil spirits, and the wilderness can’t resist it. The ghost bite down a piece of flesh and blood, and it hurts.

Breaked by evil spirits, smashed, corpse king, sly attack, Ye Chenfeng did not counterattack, let them hurt, scarred and walked to the end of the purgatory.

Soon, his legs are gone, his arms are gone, his **** body reveals a heart that is constantly beating, and the huge pain constantly irritates him.

But for all this, Ye Chenfeng still has no counterattack, and no response, the instinct drives the remnant to move forward.

When his body was swallowed by evil spirits, only the head was floating in midair, a whole body was dark, and the body was entwined with a thick chain of arms. The head was very big, and the screaming screams suddenly appeared. , cracked the **** mouth, swallowed his head.

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