Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1083: Break the Sansheng Hall


The moment when Ye Chenfeng’s head was swallowed up by the cockroaches, the tall chaotic **** wood suddenly appeared, directly tearing the cockroaches that swallowed the leaves of the morning wind, and tore the entire purgatory space to tear the road.

"Three thousand gods, give me broken!"

A thick voice suddenly rang in the broken purgatory space.

The magical fist like a meteor shower broke the broken purgatory, weakened the power of the three lives in the Sansheng Hall, and let Ye Chenfeng return to reality.

And the reason why he broke the three illusions in the Sansheng Temple so quickly is that he knows a little about Sanshengshi, knowing that the more he resists, the more he will inspire the power of the three generations, and let him become more and more lost, and he The moment of being swallowed up by the cockroaches is also the time when the strength of the three illusions is the weakest. At this time, the attack can completely tear the three illusions.


It’s less than an hour before Ye Chenfeng’s tears broke through the three illusions. The expression on the face of Yuhua’s face suddenly became stiff, revealing the look of a ghost.

"How come feathering?"

Capture the change of the expression of the feathering god, and ask the voice of the moon and the gods.

"The leaf morning wind is a bit evil. He only used less than one hour, and he broke the first test of the Sansheng Temple!" The feathering of the feathered brows of the feathers, the inexplicable in the heart produced anxiety.

"So fast..." Xingyue's brow couldn't help but wrinkle up.

In the Xingyue God, the feathers of the gods are constantly communicating, and when thinking about countermeasures, the face of the feathered **** has changed again.

"Mom, how is this possible? How could he use only half a column of incense time to break the three young stones that suppress the second space of the Sansheng Hall!"

I feel that the three-year-old stone that suppressed the Sansheng Hall was destroyed by Ye Chenfeng. The feathering **** showed a feeling of anger and ruin. For the first time, the situation felt completely out of control.

"Feathering, the final test of your Sansheng Hall, how difficult is it?" Xingyue said with a dignified tone.

If you let Ye Chenfeng be in the gods, the Emperor's Day will break the Sansheng Hall before the arrival of the Emperor. Then they are really in trouble.

"The final test of Sansheng Temple is the king of the sacred king that I received in the past, reaching the realm of the late illusion of God!"

"The late period of the virtual god? I hope that the king can delay for a while!" said Xingyue Shen.

"Chaotic God Wood, Devouring!"

Summon the sword of all things in the original source of the bathing, the Shenjian swallows the sky, the hundred evil soldiers, the horror of the gods, the demon **** clock and other virtual artifacts, through the inexhaustible power of the wild, control many virtual artifacts One blow destroyed the three young stone that suppressed the Sansheng Temple. Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled the Chaos Shenmu to devour and break the three young stone, swallowing the power of Sansheng.

Soon, under the mad engulfment of Chaos Shenmu, the broken three young stone was swallowed into powder by Chaos Shenmu, and Chaos Shenmu swallowed the three young stone, which condensed four chaos containing the power of Sansheng. God fruit.

The power of the three generations involves the source of life. These four chaotic gods with the power of the three generations are of high value, and may have the opportunity to make the Dragon God live forever.

There was a devour of the three young stones, and Ye Chenfeng did not slow down the pace, and continued to walk to the end of the Sansheng Temple, which was filled with the power of three generations.

But because the three young stone that suppressed the Sansheng Temple was destroyed, the power of the three generations in the Sansheng Hall suddenly decreased, and it could not affect Ye Chenfeng.

Soon, in the direction of the rapid deduction of the brain, Ye Chenfeng came to the end of the Sansheng Hall and found a seal on a black spar, filled with a huge bronze scorpion with strong death.

"Is this bronze seal in the seal of the gods? Is it the king of the virtual state of the gods?"

Thinking of the announcement of the moon's neon, Ye Chenfeng vaguely guessed what was sealed in the bronze ancient plaque.

"Virtual Spirit Soul, Break!"

Although Ye Chenfeng feels that the bronze king is the same as the seal of the king, but he did not delay the time, control the virtual swordsmanship to fly out of the sea of ​​souls, a sword tore the seal of the bronze ancient surface, alarmed The embarrassment of sleeping in the ancient times.


The roar of a road that does not resemble humanity sounds in the bronze urn.

The thick old cockroach was pushed open by a **** hand, wearing a bronze armor, with a hoe, eyes hollow, green light, and a dark green hair with a slow-moving king. Sitting up and sitting, filled with the suffocating power of death, locked the leaf morning wind that disturbed him to sleep.

"Low God!"

With the death of the king, Ye Chenfeng perceives his strength.

But there is a dual field of Ye Chenfeng, and there is no fear of the late power of the virtual god.

"Human, you really shouldn't bother the king to sleep!" The king opened his mouth and made a fierce voice.

"Do not talk nonsense, come out at a speed, explode you, I should be able to leave here!"

Ye Chenfeng hand-swallowed the source of a large number of devices, and his power was twice as high as that of the mother sword.

"Human, you are looking for death!"

Yu Wang was angered by Ye Chenfeng’s words and flew over the bronze urns, summoning the bronze urns of tens of billions of pounds to his hands.


The king of the king launched a palm, and the bronze urn was like a meteorite. It was directed at Ye Chenfeng. The power of terror made the entire space appear a crack.

Bronze ancient savage fiercely hit, Ye Chenfeng slammed the hard ground and banged a punch.

When Ye Chenfeng’s fist hit the bronze urn, more than 30 trillion jin of power broke out and was directly poured into the bronze urn.


The bronze urn that was made of special materials broke instantly, and it fell around in four corners.

A fist smashed the bronze ancient scorpion, and Ye Chenfeng appeared in front of the scorpion king as a teleport, inciting the sword of all things and launching a fierce attack on him.


The power of the king is horrible, and the defensive power is comparable to the virtual artifact, but he can't resist the fierce attack of Ye Chenfeng.

"The wilderness area, the field of swords!"

In order to speed up the battle, as soon as possible to kill the king, Ye Chenfeng first exposed the double-field card, shrouded the king.

In the field of the wilderness and the field of swords, the king immediately felt the shackles of a big mountain to oppress his body. Then, the sword of the sacred sword appeared, like a stream of swords and rivers constantly flowing. Attacking his body and destroying his defense.

The injury is getting more and more serious. The king of the king constantly stimulates the power of death in the body and attacks the dual field with all his strength. He wants to break the double field.

"Three Thousands of Gods!"

When the King of Kings attacked the dual field with all his strength, Ye Chenfeng instantly appeared in front of him, blending the power of the dual field, and blasting out 3,000 gods in the near future, constantly attacking the body of the king, hard-lived The bronze armor he was wearing was shattered.

There was a loss of bronze armor, and the king’s defensive power plummeted. He could no longer withstand the power of nearly a million pounds of torrential power and the sword that was constantly evolving in the attack of the Excalibur. The whole body was attacked by riddled holes. The resistance is getting weaker and weaker.

"Chaotic Promise!"

The tall chaotic **** Mumu floats behind Ye Chenfeng, and Ye Chenfeng combines the power of powerful chaos to launch a fatal blow to the seriously injured King.


Under the powerful destructive power of chaos, the body of the king broke down.

The next moment, the wilderness field, the field of swords blended together, and the formation of the dual-field force smashed into his fragmented body, smashing his body and killing him.

"Sansheng Hall, give me a break!"

Evolving the dual field, killing the king of the king, Ye Chenfeng came to the end of the Sansheng Temple, holding the sword of all things, took out an invincible sword, and a sword tore the Sansheng Hall.

Before and after, it only took more than three hours.

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