Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1086: Mysterious person

"The power of the ancestors, burning!"

The feathering **** discovered that Sanshengshi could not suppress the three phoenix gods. Once the three people got out of trouble, the situation would be completely out of control. He ignited the power of the ancestors at all costs, and madly integrated into the body, to the maximum extent. Improve your own combat power.

Although igniting the ancestral veins, the amplitude of the strongest force can be achieved in a short period of time, but the damage to the ancestral veins is very serious, and there is no more than a hundred years to recover.

"Original road tires, seal me the ancestors!"

Yehua God’s crazy fusion of the ancestral power of the burning, Ye Chenfeng summoned two original birthmarks, handed over the four ancient ancestral flags and the evil sacred streams to them, let them break into the burning In the ancestral veins, the ancestral veins of the feathered palace were forcibly sealed.

"Ye Chenfeng, let's come!"

Incorporating enough ancestral powers, the power of the feathering **** has soared to a whole new level. He violently screamed and poured the whole body into the three-born gongs, and forced the Ye Chen. wind.

With the powerful activation of the Tao, the lines of the three-born bronze gongs illuminate, and the endless light reflects the sky, just like the birth of the dragon.

"Three Thousands of Gods!"

Three-born bronze gongs hit, and the four ancestral road maps sprayed out the body of Ye Chenfeng, turning into a sea of ​​rolling hearts, roaring above his head.

Ye Chenfeng’s double punches, the rolling sea and the sea of ​​Ye Chenfeng’s body combined with more than 30 trillion jin, turned into a fist composed of a **** iron, continuously attacking Three raw bronzes.


For a time, the whole sky seemed to have a sacred bell, constantly shaking, and the destructive power of horror destroyed everything. The famous buildings in the Feather Palace were collapsed and turned into ruins.

"Feathering God!"

When Ye Chenfeng regretted the three-born bronze gongs, the feathering **** quickly deducted the first school of the feathering palace, and evolved a powerful and terrible attack, forming an endless light feather and attacking Ye Chenfeng.

"The wilderness area, broken!"

The endless light feathers hit, and Ye Chenfeng once again opened up the wilderness field, and through the power of nearly 100 billion kilograms in the wilderness field, he constantly crushed a sharp light feather.

"Yuhua Shendian, Guangji!"

The feathering of the gods is shrinking, and the feathering of the gods is continued. The endless light feathers are quickly condensed, and the power is compressed to the extreme. It is like an aurora, forcibly breaking into the wilderness field that Ye Chenfeng has opened up. Teared a gap.

"The field of swords, broken!"

Looking at the wilderness field that Ye Chenfeng opened up, Ye Chenfeng quickly opened up the field of swords, and the field of control swords continued to condense, turning into a sword and smashing to the feathers. The big killings forced the broken light of the evolution of Guangyu.

"Wan Jian is a patriarch!"

"Chaotic Promise!"

Breaking the attack of the feathering god, Ye Chenfeng controls the integration of two major fields into the body, the strength of the amplitude itself, the left hand evolution of the sword to the ancestors, the right hand evolution chaos, and the two supernatural powers, to the feathers Launch a critical strike.

"Mom, don't you know how tired this kid is?"

Exhibition of supernatural powers, the consumption of the field of evolution is great, but the feathers of God found that Ye Chenfeng has become more and more brave.


The two gods of the evolutionary emergence of the feathering gods and Ye Chenfeng simultaneously hit together.

When the three great supernatural powers burst at the same time, and the force of destruction released annihilated Ye Chenfeng and the feathers, Ye Chenfeng raised his own combat power to the extreme, and sprayed a few mouthfuls into the sword of all things. The blood stimulates the attacking power of the sword of all things, and exerts the strongest trick he has ever mastered. The attack has turned to the **** of feathering.

"The gods are destroyed, the gods are robbery!"

One hit and bang, the invincible rhyme broke out in the sword of all things, the power of horror and the power of destroying God is not broken, everything is destroyed, all living creatures are destroyed, and the space of the stars is destroyed by this attack. For chaos, the face suddenly changes dramatically, and the domineering gods that are dodging are swallowed up, madly destroying his body.


The destructive power of the gods was too horrible, and the feathering **** could not bear it. When it fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood was continuously sprayed from the mouth.

And his body defense is completely broken by the destruction of the gods, and the whole body is fragmented.

"The Killing Soul, Fix!"

The out-of-control body pulls out a large hole in the ground, and the feathering **** immediately controls the killing spirit and quickly repairs the broken body.

At this time, Ye Chenfeng played the way of the imperial device, inspiring the strongest attack of the sword of all things, and a sword slammed into the **** of feathering.

"Three-born bronze, defense!"

Feeling the power of destruction in the sword of all things, the **** of fear is fearful, and immediately summons the three-born bronze cymbals, blocking the body and resisting the attack of the sword of all things.

But the mother-in-law has swallowed up a large amount of the original power of the device, and its power far exceeds the three-born bronze.

A full blow of the three-born bronze cymbal was directly penetrated by the sword of all things, and the sword of all things flowing with colorful lines directly penetrated into the body of the feathered god, constantly destroying his body.

"Ahhhh...the soul of the killings pulls me out of this sword!"

The body is constantly being destroyed by the sword of all things, and the feathering **** of painful roar immediately controls the spirit of killing and forcibly pulls out the sword of all things inserted in the flesh.

At this time, the blood of Hongmeng instantly restored the power of Ye Chenfeng's consumption. He descended from the sky and continued to attack the **** of feathering, constantly blasting the body of the feathered god.

"The power of the ancestors, give me a break!"

The injury is getting more and more serious, and the feathering **** constantly mobilizes the power of the ancestral pulse to resist the attack of the Ye Chenfeng.

But the ancestral veins of the burning, which were continually sealed by the two original primaries, have greatly affected the speed at which the gods have combined their powers.


Looking at the fierce attack, Ye Chenfeng blew up the body of the feathers. Suddenly, the ancestral ancestors of the ruthless broth were torn apart by a huge gap, and a golden sword was falling from the sky, like a golden gong. To Ye Chenfeng.


The speedy deduction of the brain is smelling a strong danger, and Ye Chenfeng has recovered the instinct of the instinct of the mother.

The moment he was dodging, the space in front of him was worn by this golden sword manhole through a bottomless black hole. The horrible swordsman hardly forced Ye Chenfeng to retreat.


When Ye Chenfeng retreated, he saw a vague figure descending from the sky, appearing at the speed of the naked eye in the face of the almost erupted feathering god, trying to save him.

"A sword is godless!"

Ye Chenfeng and the **** of emergence have a deep hatred, and he is never allowed to be saved. The whole body is combined with the sword of all things, increasing the flow rate by 50 times, and a sword stabbed the mysterious man shrouded in black light.


Ye Chenfeng stabbed a sword, the mysterious man once again stabbed a sword, the horrible Jianwei not only resisted a sword without God, but also Ye Chenfeng shocked back a few tens of meters, the body's blood is fierce Rolling.

Next, the mysterious man stabbed thirty-six swords in an instant, and the sharp swordsman swallowed everything, trying to kill Ye Chenfeng.

"The wilderness area, the field of swords!"

In the critical moment, Ye Chenfeng opened up the dual field, and by the dual field, the power of these 36 swordsmanship was weakened to the extreme, and it was crushed by the wilderness.

When the mysterious man continued to attack, the three phoenix gods together tore the three ancestors and escaped.

"Three Stones, Receive!"

The phoenix **** is out of trouble, the mysterious man hesitated a bit, gave up the continued attack, took away the precious three stone, with a serious attacking god, and broke out to the seriously damaged feathering palace.

ps: Seven and seven more, the tears follow the promise, seven more, wonderful to continue, everyone support, red envelopes, red envelopes!

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