Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1087: Killing the Star Gods


Although the strength of the mysterious man is terrible, Ye Chenfeng will never allow him to save the feathers and immediately speed up the pursuit.

The support of the power of the ancestral veins has been lost. The power of the ancestral ban in the feathering palace has dropped sharply. The mysterious man waved a sword and smashed the ancestral veins into a huge gap, with a serious attack. Go out.

"Where to go!"

Ye Chenfeng screamed and raised the time rule to the extreme. He stabbed a sword nearly a hundred times faster than Light, and stabbed the mysterious man, trying to stop him.

Phoenix God, chasing the sun god, Gu Qianqiu also appeared at the side of Ye Chenfeng at this time, wanting to block the mysterious person.

When Ye Chenfeng chased out the ancestral ban, one of the figures was as sturdy as a mountain, wearing a black trench, holding a huge magic knife, exuding infinite magic and who is domineering. The man, riding a very huge, double-blooded red, sprayed with a long airflow, appeared outside the feathering palace.

"Nine Devils!"

Ye Chenfeng once played against the incarnation of the Nine Devils. When he saw this burly man, he immediately recognized that this person is the patriarch of the Mozu, the nine devils of the virtual realm.

The mount under his body is very strange, but the first World of Warcraft is awesome, and the combat power is not weaker than the nine devils.


Using the nine demon gods to block the suddenness of Ye Chenfeng and others, the mysterious person is constantly accelerating, and the feathered **** with serious injuries disappears outside the feathering palace.

"This **** is coming, your death is here!"

The nine devils ride the World of Warcraft, and they screamed with arrogance. The horrible voice shook the space in front of him.


The myth of the Nine Devils just fell, and a **** figure fled. When he saw the man who was flying fast to him, his brow jumped and revealed the color of the accident.

"Xingyue God!"

Looking at the seriously injured Xingyue God, the Nine Devils have a big internal shock. Although Xingyue Shen is not as strong as him, he is also a virtual **** full of great power. There are only a handful of people who can hurt him in the whole virtual world.

"Nine devils, I did not expect you to come, I wonder if your master is still in the demon god?" Wearing a gray robes, a strong smashing star god, the body of the dragon that is filled with the dragon's power, appears巍峨 tall, can not be the nine devils, the voice said honestly.

"Dragon God, it is you, you are still alive!" Looking at the beginning of the dragon god, the nine devils were taken aback, but soon, he returned to normal: "My master is of course still alive, only But I am afraid you have no chance to fight with my master."

"You mean, you are already out of blue and better than blue, you can beat me this old bone!" The dragon's turbid eyes reveal a strong war.

"Yes, the hatred of my master, I am coming to report for him today!" said the nine demon gods overbearing.

The Dragon God and the Devil's Old Patriarchs are the deadly enemies. In the ancient times, the two had played against each other several times, but each time they played, the demon gods could not defeat the Dragon God, and they played the last time, the first dragon God has even smashed the demon god, so that the demon **** has to give way to the nine devils.

From now on, the Mozu closed his death and did not reappear.

"You are still too far!"

The strength of the Dragon God is too horrible. He has created the Star Moon God. He has hardly consumed much. He stepped out in one step and instantly appeared in front of the Nine Devils. He intertwined with the dragon shadow that was full of the Dragon of the Dragon, roaring. Launched three combos to the Nine Devils.

The beginning of the dragon attack, the nine demon gods immediately cast a magical power to meet, a magical shadow hard to regret the beginning of the dragon, rolling up the boundless wind and waves in the void.


Three huge blasting sounds.

The Dragon God stood in the void and did not move. It was just overbearing. The nine demon gods and the poor people under him were shaken back hundreds of meters by the Dragon God. The whole body's blood violently rolled up.

"Dragon's predecessors, Taishentian, Taihuangtian should be coming soon, we will first re-create the nine devils and say!" When the dragon spirit repulsed the nine demon gods, Ye Chenfeng said loudly.

"Okay, then kill him first!"

The dragon **** nodded, did not insist on a high score with the nine devils, and the Phoenix God and others attacked the nine devils and the strange.

The power of the single dragon **** alone is more than the nine demon gods. Now the phoenix god, chasing the sun god, the ancient Qianqiu shot at the same time, instantly suppressed the nine devils and the strange.

And Ye Chenfeng did not attack the nine demon gods. He carried the sword of all things and carried the sword of the sky. He attacked the severely injured Xingyue God and wanted to take this opportunity to kill him and weaken the overall strength of the Tianzu. .

"Mom, you dare to attack this god!"

Affected by Ye Chenfeng, the arrogant Xingyue stunned the lungs. He ignored the physical injury and fought with Ye Chenfeng.

"The wilderness area, the field of swords!"

Xingyue Shen attacked, Ye Chenfeng instantly opened up the dual field and used the power of the dual field to resist the attack of Xingyue.


When the big killings launched by Xingyue Shen bombarded into the dual field, they were weakened by the power of the dual field, and they could not hurt Ye Chenfeng.

"This, what is this area!"

Although Xingyue Shen was seriously injured, he asked himself to use his own combat power to have a chance to kill Ye Chenfeng. However, after he played against it, he found that Ye Chenfeng’s dual field of power exceeded his imagination and constantly restricted his offensive.

"Wan Jian is a patriarch!"

"Chaotic Promise!"

Ye Chenfeng combines the power of the dual field, and instantly evolves two supernatural powers, attacking the star god.

When Xingyue God relied on absolute strength, the evolution of the Emperor of Heaven was unparalleled, and when the two great supernatural powers that Ye Chenfeng blew at the same time, the virtual swordsman spirit melted into the sword of all things and controlled the mother of all things. The sword turned into a golden streamer, and a sword stabbed the chest of the moon.

Xingyue Shen, although far more powerful than Ye Chenfeng, but with the Dragon God, he was too wounded, and he was unbeaten again and again, and he was more serious overdrafting his body potential, leading to his battle. The power has dropped dramatically.


The two big cards that he spit out continuously were all pierced by the sword of all things. In a hurry, he could only rely on his powerful strength to dodge.

"Three Thousands of Gods!"

Xingyue Shenyin escaped the sword of all things, but could not flash the next round of attack by Ye Chenfeng. Like a meteor shower, the **** fist instantly enveloped him, constantly breaking his body defense and taking him from midair. The land fell to the ground.


When the embarrassed Xingyue God flew out of the pit, a huge and huge footprint descended from the sky, stepping on his body and stepping into the ground.

As the chief elder of the Emperor Tianzu, Xingyue Shen was so humiliated by a younger generation, but his injury was too serious, and he could not resist the fierce attack of Ye Chenfeng.

Just as he retired, ready to retreat first, and then look for opportunities to retaliate, Ye Chenfeng descended from the sky, controlling the wilderness area, the field of sword shrouded him, did not give him the opportunity to escape.

"Xingyue Field, Starlight Shadow!"

In the wilderness field, the sword field double attacked, and the severely injured Xingyue God had to fully support the Xingyue field to resist.


The three major fields collided together, causing severe energy fluctuations, which made Ye Chenfeng and Xingyue God under tremendous pressure.

But the morning of the morning wind is too strong, he has the blood of Hongmeng, can bear tremendous pressure and consumption, but Xingyue God can not support for a long time.

As time goes by, Xingyue's body is getting heavier and heavier, and the body is constantly exploding. The open space of the moon and the moon is full of cracks.

"The wilderness area, the field of swords, double suppression!"

Feeling that the stars and the moon are faintly unable to support, Ye Chenfeng forcibly upgraded the dual-field power to the extreme, and fully suppressed the Xingyue God, directly exploding the Xingyue field he opened, and let him bear a huge The field is back.

The next moment, the chaotic method flew out of the body of Ye Chenfeng, and the change became a chaotic **** wood. It extended tens of thousands of roots and roots, broke into the broken body of Xingyue, and madly swallowed the energy in his body.

In the roaring sound of Xingyue Shen, his severely wounded body quickly withered, eventually swallowed by Chaos Shenmu, turned into six powerful and powerful chaotic gods.

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