Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1093: Break the gods too


The three-punch attack of the hard-fetched leaf promise, the gods trembled, and they flew out directly, and a lot of blood was sprayed in the mouth.

"Too God is hurt!"

Seeing the scene before him, Ye Chenfeng and others are very happy inside, showing the color of excitement, but the entire Tianzu, the Mozu is in a panic.

If it is too god, Taiwangtian is killed by the Ye Wuji couple, and waiting for their fate is very likely to be extinct.

"The patriarch, do we still want to continue to stay?" The seriously injured Jiuding Demon took a deep breath and looked at the nine devils with a heavy face and voiced.

" Wait a second, if it is too god, the emperor is really invincible, we are not too late to go!" Nine devils took a deep breath, the face of the dignified voice.

"Space Shenmu, Space Black Hole!"

Tian Shentian did not think that Ye Wuji’s fighting power was so horrible, the three punches reinvented himself, and immediately summoned the space **** wood, injecting a few mouthfuls of blood into the **** wood, inspiring the power of the space **** wood, instantaneous evolution Out of the three major black holes, the space of nothingness was blocked, and the attack turned to Ye Wuji.


At the same time, the space of the three major black holes, Ye Wuji exposed a cold smile, instantly blasted three sword palms, bombarded in the three major black holes.


Under the attack of the three big swords, the black holes in the three major spaces trembled fiercely, and the cracks spread in the three major black holes, eventually breaking the three black holes.

"Space destruction!"

Ye Wuji strongly broke the three major black holes, approaching the heavens, and the gods control the space to destroy the whole space, and instantly engulf the leaves.

But at the next moment, a huge crack appeared in the space of destruction, and Ye Wuji’s foot broke the space of destruction and appeared in the face of Taishen.

"The Wheel of Heaven!"

Ye Wuji is close, and the **** of heaven immediately summons the wheel of the heavenly path, and the power of the heavenly road like a waterfall falls down, and it is close to Ye Wuji.

The power of the Heavenly Wheel almost reached the limit of the virtual artifact. Under the attack, it was enough to destroy the lower interface. However, in the face of the attack of the Heavenly Wheel, Ye Wuji still did not summon any treasures, only his own flesh and blood. The palm of the hand meets.


Ye Wuji instantly blasted three palms, and the hard-boiled and broken attack of the Heavenly Wheel, filled with the palm of the horror power, was printed on the wheel of the Heavenly Way, and the momentary power shocked back the heavens. wheel.

"Well, what is there in Ye Wuji?"

Tai Shentian never believes that Ye Wuji can hardly regret the wheel of heaven with his flesh and blood, guessing that there is absolutely a big secret in his body.


When the gods were surprised, Ye Wujiu’s body evolved thousands of powerful swords of great significance, and continued to sway to the gods, forcing him to control the space and defend himself.

"The Palm of Life and Death!"

Space Shenmu resists thousands of Taoist swords attacking, Ye Wujii pushes the power of life and death, and prints the powerful palm of life and death. It is printed on the space god, shaking the space and shaking the space. It flew hundreds of meters away.

"What secrets are hidden in this leafless body." Taishen became more and more scared and his face became more and more dignified.

And Shen Yaotian, Tai Huangtian controls the two great artifacts, and it is also fierce to the extreme of white heat.

Because the power of the two great artifacts is too horrible, the space wherever they go is immediately turned into nothingness, destroying everything, and the feathered fairy mountain directly hit becomes a ruin, and all the prohibitions in the Xianshan are ruined.

"Made in Korea!"

When the two major artifacts became more and more fierce, Shen Yaotian summoned a great artifact, a huge light, and slammed on the clock.


The making of the clock, the creation of the scorpion is one, the two great creation artifacts collided, the destructive force generated instantly passed over the creation of the soldiers, bringing great pressure to the emperor, so that he constantly inspired the eyes of killing, Weaken the rushing power of attack.


Shen Yaotian took a deep breath and burned the blood of the thin Hongmeng in the body. He held the shackles and continually knocked the clocks of creation, releasing the power of destruction and destroying the earth, suppressing the emperor’s heaven and forcing him. The defeat of the festival.

Under the joint attack of the two great artifacts, Tai Huangtian’s body defense became weaker and weaker, and the cracks in the road were broken, which put him under tremendous pressure. A stream of blood flowed down his mouth and his face changed. It’s pale.

"The Power of God!"

Unable to resist the joint attack of the two great artifacts, Tai Huangtian took a deep breath and stimulated the power of the gods in the body. It turned into a dark golden finger, and it flashed the gods and constantly struck. Make up the clock.

The **** is the master of the virtual god. His power in the body of the emperor is terrible. He points out and continually tears the power of creation.


With the finger of the gods, the clock of the creation trembled fiercely, and lost control for a short time, hitting the **** Yaotian.

The vibrating clock hits, and Shen Yaotian’s face changes slightly, and the thin blood of the body is melted into the martyrdom of the body. The top of the force is on the clock, and the hammer is once again hitting Taiwangtian.

"Shen Yaotian, the emperor has to look at it, you can resist several attacks by Shenhuang!"

Tai Huangtian completely untied the power of the gods sealed in the body, and wanted to use the power of the gods to kill God Yaotian in one fell swoop and get the two treasures she was wearing.

Under the continuous attack of Shenhuang and one finger, the pressure of Shen Yaotian increased sharply, and the offensive was suppressed a little.

"Mother, let me help you!"

In the critical moment, Ye Chenfeng, who recovered some of his injuries, flew over, blending the chaotic law, and elevating his strength to the extreme of the late illusion, holding the sword of all things, came to Shen Yaotian and fought side by side with her. .

"Okay, today our mother and son are together, and they are under the Emperor's head!" Shen Yaotian showed a happy smile, withstood the pressure brought by the gods and fingers, and joined forces with Ye Chenfeng to attack Taishen. day.

With the help of Ye Chenfeng, the pressure of Shen Yaotian has plummeted, gradually reversing the situation of suppression, and fiercely killing Taiyuantian in the void space.

Ye Chenfeng, Shen Yao Tian and his mothers fought side by side, hard regrets Taiwangtian, Ye Wuji, but relying on the mysterious power in the body, completely suppressed the offensive of Taishentian, forcing him to unravel the power of the gods.

But even if God's God untied the seal of the power of the gods, and continued to exert a magical blow, they could not suppress the fierce attack, and the almost invincible Ye Wuji, was defeated by his suppression.

"Life and death!"

Tai Shentian borrowed the power of the gods, and when he was fully fighting against Ye Wuji, Ye Wuji applied a big killing trick, and blasted a punch that could destroy the interface and control life and death.

A fist banged out, too God's face changed slightly, instinctively want to dodge.

But when he was dodging, he was shocked to find that the time around his body was still in a moment, which greatly restricted his mobility, so that he could not flash the leafless blast, enough to control the punch of life and death.

"Time static rules!"

Tian Shentian instantly opened up a strong field of heaven, wanting to tear the still space.

But when the gods forcibly tore the still space, the life and death of Ye Wuji’s life and death bombarded him on his body, destroying the broken field and his body defense, and vomiting his mouth. , the festival retreats.

When Taishen relies on powerful strength to resolve the deadly attack of life and death, there is a mysterious force in Ye Wuji’s body, like a divine light that cuts through the sky, and it hits the ground. In the body of the gods, the power of terror directly broke into his body and smashed his flesh.

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