Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1094: 神煌

"God, the gods are bombarded!"

"This leafless force is too horrible!"

"The patriarch, that leaf is very powerful, we will leave as soon as possible."

Seeing the scene of Ye Wuji's powerful smashing the body of the god, the Jiuding demon frightened the gallbladder and gave a voice to the nine devils with a sullen face.

"The people of the Mozu are obeying, leave with me!"

Seeing the promising power of the leaves, the nine demon gods feel that the gods and gods are afraid of being unable to return to the sky, and immediately take the opportunity to stand up, immediately with the magical people who are like the birds of the bow, and flee.

The people of the Mozu escaped, and the great people of the Qing dynasty and the gods could not help but panic.

But it’s too god-like, too imperial, they don’t dare to leave, they can only hide their scalp and hide in the distance to watch the battle, silently praying, praying that God’s ability to turn the tide.

"Too god..."

With the **** Yaotian, Ye Chenfeng’s fierce battle, the Emperor’s Heaven, found that the strength of the gods above him was using the power of the gods, and was still beaten by Ye Wuji, and the heart was tight and immediately distracted.

Catch this opportunity, Shen Yaotian suddenly embarrassed, the body maps a large number of **** lines, blended into the creation clock, the creation of the shackles, inspiring the two powerful artifacts of the strongest power.


Shen Yaotian’s hands clasped his hands and slammed his fists on the clock, like a mountain of gods.

Shen Yaotian inspires two great artifacts, and at the moment of the impact of Taiwangtian, Ye Chenfeng leaps and volleys, and also wants to launch a fatal blow.

"The wilderness area, the field of swords, amplitude!"

"Wan Jian is a patriarch!"

"Chaotic Promise!"

"The gods are destroyed, the gods are robbery!"

Ye Chenfeng borrowed the power of the dual field to raise his own combat power to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, he made three great supernatural powers, and attacked Taiyuantian, who was fully resisting the clock.

The three great supernatural powers merged together, and instantly evolved into a raging and roaring ocean, releasing the power of the ruins of the gods, like the infinite destruction of the heavens and the earth, instantly annihilating the emperor’s heaven, madly destroying the emperor’s heaven. body.

"The Emperor is not defeated!"

The body was attacked by the three supernatural powers, and the emperor immediately applied the imperial concubine, quickly repairing the flesh, and inspiring the power of the gods, and hardly regretting the attack of God Yaotian.


Taihuangtian with an enemy two, hard regrets Ye Chenfeng and Shen Yaotian fierce attack, Ye Chenfeng constantly stepping on a big footprint filled with billions of forces, stepping into the chaotic space Attacking the head of Taihuangtian.

Although Taihuangtian relied on the power of the gods, and constantly smashed the magical footsteps of the morning wind, but the anger in his heart burned more and more.

As the patriarch of the Emperor, why did someone dare to step on his face and watch the tyrants that Ye Chenfeng kept stepping on, and the lungs of Taihuangtian were quickly blown up, just wanting to squander Ye Chenfeng’s knives to vent I only hate my heart.


Tai Huang Tian angered into the sky, with an enemy two hours, the undead blood forced to repair the flesh of the gods once again was blown by Ye Wuji.

"It's too strong, the strength of the Promise God is too strong, and the Celestials should be powerless to return to heaven!"

"Well, the Promise God, the emergence of Yaotian, should be able to change the new pattern of the virtual world!" The weak Dragon God nodded.

"Old ancestors, I don't know too God, who is the illusion of the Emperor's call?"

Looking at the gods, the Emperor’s ghosts called by the Emperor’s Emperor, the Dragon Emperor and others asked about the oldest Dragon God.

"That is the shadow of the gods, and the gods are the people before Taikoo. The years of existence are longer than me. I thought he was dead. I didn't expect him to be alive." Resent, say slowly.

"People before Taikoo!"

The imaginary **** is not immortal. It is known that the gods are the people before Taikoo, and the dragons and the like can't help but take a breath.

"The ancestor, that **** can live for so many years, that does not mean his realm..."

"The day of Shenhuang is the power of the virtual **** to the extreme realm. Now, what kind of realm does his power reach? I can't imagine it!" Shilong God shook his head.

When everyone talks, Taihuangtian is created by the combination of Shen Yaotian and Ye Chenfeng. There are blood marks on the surface of the body, and a large amount of blood is infiltrated.

And the **** of heaven is the third time that it has been blown up by Ye Wuji, and the whole person has become extremely weak.

"Qing Xiao, let the ten ancestors come over quickly!"

The situation was completely out of control, and the emperor immediately voiced to the green screaming **** who was hiding in the distance and shouted loudly.


Although the Qingxiao virtual **** knows that the ten ancestors will be fierce and fierce, but he did not hesitate any more, immediately released a powerful power, bound the ten great ancestors and threw them to Taiwangtian.

"Too gods, we merge!"

The ten horror screaming ancestors flew in, and the emperor immediately voiced to the gods who were trying to repair the flesh.


Teaching to the horror of Ye Wuji, Taishen knows that with his own combat power, he can't fight against Ye Wuji, decisively choose to blend with Taiwangtian, and condense the strongest shadow of the gods.


When the gods and gods abandoned their opponents and controlled the integration of the power of the gods in the body, the ten ancestors of the heavenly ancestors who had come flying were shattered by the living and turned into the most pure power of blood and blood. It’s too God’s body.

The next moment, Taishentian, Taihuangtian disappeared, one wearing a dark gold robes, burly, as if composed of billions of radiant light, the man who suppressed the heavens and the earth appeared in the void.

"Shen Huang!"

Although it is too god-like, the shadow of the emperor's illusion is very vague, but chasing the **** of the gods, the dragon **** is still recognized at a glance, he is the king of the heavenly family, but also the black hand **** behind the ancient chaos.

"Block my genius, die!"

Thank God, the emperor of the Emperor and the Emperor of Heaven, only the gods are rarely wise. When the gods opened their eyes, they made a ferocious roar, which instantly shattered the space in front of him.

"Hey, even if Shenhuang is here, the **** is not afraid, let alone a small shadow!" Looking at the condensed shadow of the gods, Ye Wuji is fearless, hegemonic Respond.

And Shen Yaotian, Ye Chenfeng also appeared at the time of Ye Wuji, and fought side by side with him.


The gods and shadows raised their right hand high and pointed out a finger at Ye Wuji.

One point out, the stars are eclipsed, the sun and the moon are dull, and the arrogant and arrogant fingers can be used to crush everything, so that the distant Dragon God and others feel the fear.

"Yaotian, morning wind, you quickly back!"

Face in the face of the gods, Ye Wujii's expression also became serious, screaming, and the endless spurt broke out in the body, and a punch bursted up.


Fisting and pointing, the space is instantly turned into nothingness, the meaning contained in the space, the trajectory is cracked at this moment.

The two horrible forces blamed a breath, and the invincible punch of Ye Wuji’s blast broke.

"Give the gods!"

Ye Wuji's pupils shrink, and in a flash, they blasted three punches in succession, and successively bombarded them on the finger of Shenhuang. The powerful and unrivalled force forced the gods to smash.

"Strong, the shadow of the gods and gods is so strong, with the strength of the Promise God, even four fists smashed his one-finger attack!"

"Old ancestors, you said that the Promise God will not lose!" asked the Dragon King nervously.

It can be said that the victory and defeat of Ye Wuji is related to the life and death of everyone.

"No, although Shenhuang is strong, but after all, it is only his illusion. If he can sweep us with only the shadow, then the virtual world has long been under his control!" Shilong God shook his head. Road.

When he spoke, Ye Wuji and the gods were in a fierce battle.

This battle is earth-shattering.

This battle destroyed the wilderness.

This battle is convincing.

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