Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1095: Small six-way power

"The source of the sword, hey!"

Ye Wuji blasted a loud bang, the powerful source of the sword spurted out his body, quickly condensed a smashing sword, and a sword tore the attack of the vain shadow, with an invincible sword. He slammed into the shadow of the gods.

The origin of the sword hits, and the shadow of the gods immediately mobilizes the powerful force of the Tao, forming a number of walls in front of the body, resisting the origin of the sword.

"Space Shenmu, destroy space!"

The space **** wood emerged from the shadow of the gods, and instantly turned into a space black hole in the space, swallowing everything, and the attack turned to Ye Wuji.

"Made the clock, make it!"

The space **** wood under the control of the gods and shadows, the power almost reached the extreme, Ye Wuji did not dare to care, immediately summoned from the hands of Shen Yaotian to the two great artifacts to fully attack.


Ye Wuji hand-held 杵 杵 杵 杵 杵 杵 手持 手持 手持 手持 手持 手持 手持 手持 手持 手持 手持 手持 手持 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶


Two powerful forces collided and continually destroyed the space.

"Mother, can a father beat the shadow of the gods?"

Ye Chenfeng saw that Ye Wuji’s control of the two great artifacts was difficult to resist the space god, and he couldn’t help but nervously, and asked the heroic Yao Yaotian.

"Reassure the morning breeze, the area of ​​the gods and shadows, you can easily kill him!"

Although Ye Wuji is in a bad situation, Shen Yaotian is full of confidence in him, and he has a good voice.

"That's good!"

Looking at God Yaotian is not worried about Ye Wuji, Ye Chenfeng completely let go of his heart, quietly paying attention to this battle of the world in the distance.

"Time is still!"

Ye Wuji controls two great artifacts, and when he resists the evil shadow of the gods, he suddenly approaches the shadow of the gods, forcibly bans the time, and settles a moment of the shadow of the gods.

Next, Ye Wuji’s two palms shot the source of the horror of life and death, and nearly hit the chest of the shadow of the gods.


After three original attacks that were enough to destroy the stars, the shadow of the gods was broken by the source of life and death.

The body was broken down and did not slow down the offensive of the gods. He opened his mouth and sent out the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu, and the attack turned to Ye Wuji.


The horror of the horror struck, Ye Wuji's hands twisted quickly, and several large handprints were shot in succession, which blew the whistle of the sacred shadow of the gods.

"The ultimate field!"

The shadow of the gods suddenly burned the power of the shadow, forming the ultimate field of terror, shrouded Ye Qiuji, forcibly weakened his combat power.

The ultimate field is the unique field of the gods. In the ultimate field, the gods are invincible. In that year, he relied on the power of the ultimate field to finally kill the gods.

"The Promise Field!"

There was a crackdown in the ultimate field, and Ye Wuji’s pupils shrank. He merged with the infinite field of condensed power and his body, forming a field of promise, and the ultimate field of hard regret.

After the collision between the two peaks of the two virtual gods, the destructive power is unimaginable, and the space is directly returned to chaos.

The space is destroyed, the leaves are endless, and the shadows of the gods are not allowed to each other. They constantly mobilize the power of powerful fields and attack each other.

The ultimate field is powerful, but the shadow of the gods is not the real body. It can't support the attack of Ye Wuji to mobilize the Promise.

As time retired, there was a road rift in the extreme field, and the wounds of the gods were also aggravated.

"Ye Wuji, you really is a good opponent!"

Unable to resist the attack in the Promise field, the vaginal shadow of the gods burned the power of the gods most thoroughly, constantly compressing the ultimate field, and launching a fatal blow to Ye Wuji.

"You are not bad!" Ye Wuji took a deep breath: "As a respect, let you see the last resort of God."

Speaking, Ye Wuji suddenly took back the field of the Promise, and allowed the ultimate field of suppression to the limit to hit the body.


Ye Chenfeng’s heart was tight, and he quickly looked at Shen Yaotian and found that Shen Yaotian still showed no panic.


When the heart of the Dragon God and others hangs at this moment, the breakthrough in the ultimate field of hitting the Wujiu body is broken and finally turned into nothingness.

"Well, how is this possible, what is in your body?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, the heart of the gods and shadows has set off a big wave in the heart. He can't believe that the ultimate field can't hurt Ye Wuji.

"Shen Huang, the game is over!"

The six-fold space emerges from Ye Wuji’s body, suppressing the chaotic world.

"This, Xiaoliudao, you actually refining the small six!"

Feeling the six-fold space filled with six powers, the shadow of the gods and shadows changed slightly, and an exclamation sounded.

Small six-way is a very special space in the virtual world. It also contains six powers. Even Shenhuang wants to refine it, but the power of six is ​​too special. Shenhuang has spent countless years and cannot Its refining.

The gods and the gods battled, and when they were seriously injured, Ye Wuji took the opportunity to occupy the small six.

What he didn't expect was that Ye Wuji, who had never been in his eyes, used hundreds of thousands of years to refine the small six roads that he could not refine.

"Yes, Xiaoliudao has been integrated with me, Shenhuang, your conspiracy can be shattered!"

Speaking, Ye Wuji controls the small six-way impact to the shadow of the gods.


With just one blow, the shadow of the gods was shattered by the small six, and the gods who turned into the shadows of the gods were too devastated.

If it weren't for the two people who had the life-saving charms left by the gods, the small six-shots would be enough to make them fly away.


Teaching to the power of Xiaoliudao, the gods of the gods feared, burning the blood of the life at any cost, and raising their own speed to the extreme, fighting to escape to the distance.

Tai Shentian two people fled, scared the courage of the Qingxiao virtual **** and others immediately chased.


Ye Wuji's pupils shrink, and the control of Xiaoliudao maps out the terrible six-way force. The attack from the air is directed to the gods who escaped.

Under the attack of Xiaoliudao, the injury of Taishentian was further aggravated. Several Tianzu virtual gods could not withstand the power of six forces to attack the smoke.

But after a blow, Taishentian, Taihuangtian, Qingxiaogui and others escaping from the powerful cards, and Yeouji, who lost the opportunity, did not continue to pursue them.

"Hey, you refining the little six!"

Looking at the top of Ye Wuji's head, instantly smashing the shadow of the gods and smashing the small six roads of the gods and gods, Ye Chenfeng reveals a deep surprise.

"Well, it took hundreds of thousands of years to finally refine the small six!" Ye Wuji nodded and looked at Ye Chenfeng. He said with relief: "Morning wind, you have performed very well these years, you The growth rate is beyond my imagination, and it is my son of Ye Wuji."

Ye Wuji and the shadow of the gods and shadows, shocked the virtual world, let the ancestors see the horror of Ye Wuji, especially know that Ye Wuji refining the small six, the ancients, the dragons completely shocked.

After this battle, Ye Wuji jumped over Taishentian, Taihuangtian, and became the first person in the virtual world.

ps: The end of the war! ! ! !

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