Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1097: Father, godmother

"Hey, are you okay, too god, too royal? You beat them!"

Always guarding the moon and the side of the moon, secretly worried about Ye Chenfeng's Yue Yeming, seeing Ye Chenfeng three people appear, long sighed with relief, excitedly said.

"Morning wind, this is your son!" Looking at the handsome and handsome Yue Yeming, Shen Yaotian was overjoyed.

"Yeah, Ye Ming is the son of me and Nishang!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said: "Ye Ming came over and met your grandfather, Grandma."

"Grandpa, Grandma..." Yue Yeming and so on, a lot of eyes, looking at Ye Wuji, two people, stunned.

"Samsung Dao's realm, not bad, it is the descendant of my Ye family, the talent is really good!" Ye Wuji looked up and down a few eyes of Yue Yeming, said with satisfaction: "Come, Ye Ming, this is a grandfather to send a Your meeting."

Speaking, Ye Wuji took out a dark gold, portrayed the phoenix pattern, and the sword that flowed with the light of God gave Ye Chenfeng.

"This is what Grandma gave you!"

Shen Yao Tianyi loves to look at Yue Yeming, and takes out a light mirror that shines with a **** pattern.

"Two virtual artifacts!"

Yue Yeming is also a person who knows the goods. Looking at Ye Wuji, God Yaotian gave him two treasures. He was stupid and forgot to pick it up.

"Ye Ming, this is your grandfather, grandma gave you a gift, accept it!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the stunned Yue Yeming, smiled and said.

"Thank you, thank you grandparents!" Yue Yeming, who had come back to God, thanked him and accepted the treasure that Ye Yaoji, God Yaotian gave him.

"Hey, mother, you help to see the neon, see if there is any way to repair the soul of the smashing smash, and wake her up from the coma!" Ye Chenfeng looked pale and lying on a piece of nephrite. The unconscious moon is full of sorrows.

"The morning breeze, the situation of the neon is even more difficult than the Dragon God. Although she has pinned some of her life in the avatar, her remaining soul is almost broken. If she can't fix it, she won't die. But can't wake up!" Ye Wuji simply checked the body for the moon.

"Father, no matter what, you must save the nephew and fix her broken soul!"

As long as he can wake up the moon and repair his broken soul, Ye Chenfeng is willing to pay any price.

"This... Although I have resurrected your mother, I almost exhausted the collection of these hundreds of thousands of years, and there is no resurrection of the gods in my hands!" Ye Wuji glanced at the graceful and luxurious Shenyao Day, hesitated and said.

"You really can't help? I can remember that you have a very close relationship with the **** of life. If she is willing to take it, she will be able to repair the soul of our daughter-in-law!" Shen Yao has a white eye and a deep meaning. .

"God of Life!" Ye Chenfeng, Yue Yeming's gaze brushing the projection to the Ye Wuji.

"Hey, do you think Heaven will help me?" Ye Wuji sighed softly.

"If I am willing to accept her?" Shen Yaotian looked at the face of the embarrassed Ye Wuji.

"Really..." Ye Wuji's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Mother, what is the relationship between this **** of life and 爹?" Looking at the surface of Ye Wuji, Ye Chenfeng felt that there was a story between him and the **** of life.

"The **** of life is your little lover. If you didn't look at it for the sake of the mother, you might have to turn around!" Shen Yaotian slowly said, but she was charming and moving. There was no expression of anger on his face.


"Yao Tian, ​​in front of the child, what do you say indiscriminately?" Ye Wuji said with some helplessness.

"Grandpa, you are so powerful, even the **** of life is clear to you." Yue Yeming said with a face of worship.


"Hey, mother, can you let the **** of life shoot, save the nephew!" Ye Chenfeng looked eagerly.

"Let you go, if he is willing to come forward, the destiny will be saved." Shen Yaotian looked at the expression of the unnatural Ye Wuji said.

"Hey, Yaotian, you are not unclear about the things of the year, how do you let me face the fate!" Ye Wuji sighed softly.

"I will accept her, what do she want? Do you want to be a big house?" Shen Yao said coldly.

"You really agree to accept the fate!" Ye Wuji widened his eyes and looked at the pretty face of Shen Yaotian, some unbelievable.

"Resurrection, I have learned a lot, and put a lot down! And I have a son, a grandson, who is rare!"

Speaking, Shen Yaotian has a hundred-faced white-leafed leaves, and he looks quite awkward.

"This is..."

"Okay, don't hesitate, hesitate!" Shen Yao said faintly: "The daughter-in-law can't be delayed, or you have a letter now, let people give it to God, or go and ask her to save her clothes." ."

"This, I am still writing a letter!" Ye Wuji some could not understand God Yaotian, hesitated.

"Hey, tell me the land where the **** of life is practicing, I will take your letter to ask her!" Ye Chenfeng offered to him.


Ye Wuji nodded, summoned the rice paper and the brush, and wrote a letter with a sway.

When the letter was written, Shen Yaotian had to go and read it again. At the end of the letter, he wrote a small line of Juan Xiu and handed it to Ye Chenfeng.

"Morning wind, your Scorpio should be cultivated in the deepest valley of life in the mountain of life. You will come to her with a letter. She should come out to save, and when you ask for your life, I will look for the show." Some of the gods that nourish the soul of life, make sure that nothing is lost!" Ye Wuji told Ye Chenfeng the land where the **** of life was cultivated.

"For the morning breeze, you will summon the brain of Taiyi to see me!"

When Ye Wuji wrote a good letter to Ye Chenfeng, he suddenly thought of something and said.


Ye Chenfeng nodded and summoned the brain of one of his greatest secrets and gave it to Ye Wuji.

"How is the Promise, the son of this brain treasure has a problem?" Looking at the face of Ye Wuji more dignified.

"There is no problem in seeing this brain, but I can be sure that this brain is absolutely problematic!" Ye Wuji said undoubtedly: "As far as I know, Taiyi is a refining brain, costing A lot of hard work, the value of this brain is higher than the general virtual artifact, but he gave the brain to the morning wind, the reason is not simple."

"The Promise, you mean, Taiyi will overwhelm the morning breeze." Shen Yaotian wants to understand the truth of the matter.

"Yes, too is a loser. He was forced by the emperor to squash in the land of fighting souls, but he was too late to return. But he is also a careerist and more eager to sacred, so he I found that after I left the morning breeze in the soul-stricken continent, I deliberately designed everything, and gave me the morning wind, which made him suddenly rise, so that if the morning wind really has the opportunity to become a god, he can use the brain to carry out the morning wind. Control, thus taking the opportunity to become a supreme being." Ye Wuji nodded.

"The Promise, can you crack the hidden dangers in the brain?" Shen Yaotian asked slightly nervously.

"Morning wind, you will leave the brain to me, I will find a way to crack the secret hand that stayed in the brain of the gods!" Ye Wuji took a deep breath.

"Good!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "For the father, Taiyi asked me to find him the heart of the wild. Now I got it. You said that we can control him through the heart of the wild. ?"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng will be extremely precious, weighing up to 10 billion jins. Every time he beats, he can summon the heart of the trembling space.

"Morning wind, do you get the opportunity in the tomb of the wilderness?" Shen Yaotian did not know that Ye Chenfeng had a chance in the tomb of the wilderness, and said with surprise.

"Yeah!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "In addition to the wilderness, the heart of the wild, I got this."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng summoned the spirits of the gods.

"Good pure energy... this is..."

Looking at the spirit of the gods summoned by Ye Chenfeng, I was surprised by Ye Wuji’s eyesight.

"This is the spirit of the gods, a mysterious person gave it to me!" Ye Chenfeng said the encounter of the tomb of the wilderness.

"God's game! It seems that I am waiting in the eyes of God, it is really just an ant-like existence!" After listening to Ye Chenfeng, Ye Wuji is embarrassed: "Morning wind, the spirit of the gods is what you get The opportunity, you will keep it, I hope that one day, you can become a god, then I am... priest, your mother is a god."

叶晨风: "..."

月叶铭: "..."

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