Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1098: The Mountain Range

The mountain of life, one of the most famous fairylandes in the virtual world, there are countless opportunities in the mountain range, and there are countless heaven and earth spirits, but there are also powerful ancestors and savage beasts.

And the mountains of the birth are banned, and even if the ancestors can enter the mountain of life, they are easily lost.

It is even more rumored that there was a great ancestral dynasty that broke into the depths of the mountain, but eventually lost and was brutally killed by the mighty ancestors of the mountains.

The mountains of the living are in danger, but there are still a lot of virtual gods coming here to go deep into the mountains of the mountains to find the heaven and earth spirits in the mountains.

"The Mountain of Life, finally arrived!"

Ye Chenfeng and Yue Yeming, who drove the Shenzhou, flew for nearly half a month, and came to the vast and boundless, immersed in the clouds, unable to see the edge of the edge of the mountain.

"Well, fighting!"

Ye Chenfeng and his father and son just want to go deep into the mountains of life. Suddenly, a burst of fighting sounds passed into the ears of their father and son.

Along the source of the sound, Ye Chenfeng discovered that more than a dozen gods were fiercely strangled on the edge of the lush mountains.

"Well, the dispute between the Terran and the Terran!"

After the atmosphere of the fierce battles, Ye Chenfeng discovered the identity of the two ethnic groups, hesitated a moment, and flew over with Yue Yeming.

"Tianzu people, don't deceive too much, the million-year-old blood dragon ginseng emperor is the first thing we found, why do you **** it!" A chest has a deep sword mark. The pale-faced middle-aged man waved a powerful Fang Tian painting, while fighting fiercely, while angry.

"Why? Because our blood is nobler than yours, we are bigger than you!" One wearing a black martial arts suit, hot, black long hair casually scattered on the shoulders, eyes deep into the cheek, giving A six-star goddess woman with a ferocious feeling snorted and said with arrogance.

"Poisonous moths, don't talk nonsense with them. Since these people are not knowing what to do, then they will be destroyed!" A man with a burly figure holding a huge *, five-star **** realm said fiercely.


The woman named the poisonous moth nodded and slammed the beast bag hanging around her waist, releasing a large number of fingernails. The whole body was dark green, filled with strong toxins, and the mouth was sharp and fine. The poisonous insects were besieged to the six scarred human races.

"It's not good, it's a green poison bug, everyone is back!"

Looking at the flying green poisonous insects, the middle-aged man’s face changed slightly, and immediately spurted out the hot Tongtian holy fire, burning the entire space, and wanting to burn the green poisonous insects with great damage.

After the burning of the Tongtian Holy Fire, a large number of green poisonous insects were turned into ashes, but there are still many green poisonous insects that have passed through the Tongtian Holy Fire and attacked six people including middle-aged men.

Along with a scream of screams, six middle-aged men were attacked by green poisonous insects, poisoned and their strength plummeted.

"Humble humans, I want to live you!"

Although the middle-aged man was poisoned by six people, at least 70% of the green poisonous insects died under the burning of the Tongtian Holy Fire. Looking at the flying ash of a place, the poisonous moth only felt the blood in the heart, and wanted to kill the middle-aged man. People hate.

"Hey, the human race is the master of this world, and the heavenly people are destined to die!"

A middle-aged man hangs on the line, and a cold scream suddenly sounds.

Yue Yeming’s speed appeared very fast, blocking the front of the middle-aged man’s six people, releasing a strong ancestral force, shattering a ferocious green poisonous insect, resisting the attack of the poisonous moth and others, and saving They are.

"The Terran Ancestral Power!"

Feeling the powerful ancestor of Yue Yeming, the moths and other people's faces changed slightly, but they did not show their fear. Obviously, they were dependent.


The moth moth and others quickly crushed two spar letters, and turned to the ancestral environment in the mountains of the mountains for help.

"It doesn't matter who calls you, hurts my people, and you can't save you!" Yue Yeming said with amazement.

"Hey, imaginary god? I am not afraid to flash my tongue when I speak big words!" The poisonous moth snorted and said unceremoniously: "If I remember correctly, the feathering palace of one of the two holy places of your human race has perished." I think that your Terran should consider your own destiny and be an enemy of my celestial beings. You are self-destructive."

At the time of speaking, three powerful atmospheres appeared, and these three breaths were very strong, and one of them reached the six-star ancestral environment.

"Poisonous moth, what happened!"

A low voice sounded, an old man in a dark gray robes, and a man and a woman ancestors appeared.

"Elder, the people of the Terran want to kill me, and we have worked hard to find the blood dragon to participate in the emperor, and also ask the elders to be the master!" The poisonous moth murderer first complained, adding oil and vinegar said.

"You are a big dog, and even the things of my genius dare to rob, I think you are impatient!" said the old man wearing a dark gray robes.

"Don't you, don't worry about us, or leave quickly. We are in trouble, we are committed to it!" The middle-aged man and other people who are deeply poisoned do not want to be tired of Yue Yeming.

"Do not worry, even if the virtual **** comes, it is useless!" Yue Ye Ming said with a hegemony: "These six detoxifications are given to you, and you quickly detoxify, and these rabble will be handed over to me."

"You are looking for death!"

The old man in the gray robe was angered by the words of Yue Yeming, and a strong breath broke out in his body, and it was suppressed to Yue Yeming as a mountain.

"Three mirrors, broken!"

Yue Yeming is pregnant with the promise, the two virtual artifacts given by Shen Yaotian, the six-star ancestral environment can not hurt him. He has a mind, and the virtual artifact three-mirror appears on his chest, mapping an invincible The mirror light directly broke the strong breath released by the old man in the gray robe.

"Virtual artifacts, you have virtual artifacts!"

Feeling the power of the three-mirror, the eyes of the old man in the gray robe reveal a strong sense of shock and greed.

Although he is a six-star ancestral power, he has only one top-class artifact, so seeing that Ye Yeming has a virtual artifact, he has determined his determination to kill Yue Yeming.

"Why, want my virtual artifact?" Yue Yeming caught the greed in the eyes of the old man in the gray robe, revealing a disdainful smile: "The virtual artifact is in my hands, it depends on whether you have a life. Now."

"Well, Ye Ming, don't delay time, quick fix!"

At this time, Ye Chenfeng appeared behind Yue Ye Ming, faintly said.

"Is you..."

When the old man in the gray robe saw the face of the morning breeze, the cold pupil suddenly enlarged, and his face was full of horror.

"Day ancestors, I didn't expect you to recognize me!" Looking at the familiar face of the old man in the gray robes, Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile.

The old man in the gray robes is the day ancestor of one of the heads of the Tianzu invasion dragons, the status is second only to the ancestors.

"Yes, father!"

Yue Ye Ming summoned the virtual artifact phoenix sword that Ye Wuji gave him, and attacked the ancestors of the day.

"Another great artifact!"

Seeing that Ye Yeming actually has two virtual artifacts, coupled with the threat of Ye Chenfeng, let the daytime ancestors and others sprout the retreat, and want to escape.

Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng took a step and stepped into the battle, directly banned the entire space and sealed off the retreat of the ancestors and other people during the day.

Next, Yue Yeming held a phoenix sword and came to fight with the daytime ancestors.

Although Yue Yeming's realm is not as good as the daytime ancestors, but he has two virtual artifacts, his combat power is not weaker than the daytime ancestors. By virtue of the two virtual artifacts, his fierce fierce battles constantly break the daytime ancestors and others. The fierce killings, killing the poisonous moth and others, suppressed the offensive of the three great ancestors.

The two virtual artifacts can't be resisted. The three great ancestors of the daytime ancestors can continue to display powerful cards, and they want to use the power of the cards to reinvent Yue Yeming.

But the cards that the ancestors summoned during the day have not yet attacked, they were smashed by Ye Chenfeng, and they could not threaten Yue Yeming at all, which gave the three people tremendous pressure.

Soon, the three ancestors of the day were getting more and more serious, and finally they were killed by the two virtual artifacts of the moon, and they were killed in the mountains of life.

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