Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1100: The woman’s thoughts are unpredictable

"Scorpio, you listen to me!"

Ye Chenfeng instantly burns the blood of Hongmeng, and raises his own strength to 30 trillion jins. He also integrates the spirit of the gods and the chaotic law, speeds up the combat power, and the hands evolved without meaning, hard to regret the **** of life. A fatal blow, shouted.

"Well, I didn't expect you to resist my blow and nothing!"

Looking at the sudden retreat, but not injured, Ye Chenfeng, the **** of life showed a strange color, but she did not slow down the offensive, constantly evolving the supernatural powers, attacking Ye Chenfeng.

"Scorpio, we are here to send a letter to my father!"

Ye Chenfeng screamed at the attack of the **** of life, and in the fierce battle, Ye Chenfeng discovered that the **** of life turned out to be a full-fledged power of illusion, and could not resist her fierce attack.

"Send a letter?" The **** of life snorted: "Do you want to humiliate me?"

Speaking, a blood-red round moon scimitar emerged from the body of the **** of life, flashing the horrible light of life, like a round of a red moon that fell to the dust, and turned to Ye Chenfeng.

"All Mother Sword!"

Feeling the devastating power of the Crescent Moon Knife, Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the sword of all things to resist.


The two virtual artifacts collided together, instantly creating a horrible destructive power, directly razing the space within a square, completely angering the **** of life.

"Awful, no one can save you today!"

The scenery outside the Valley of Life consumes a lot of painstaking efforts of the **** of life, and now it is destroyed, let the **** of life go crazy, and wish to leave Ye Chenfeng with a thousand knives.

"Scorpio, my mother said, she is willing to accept you, let you and me!" With the violent storm-like attack of the **** of life, Ye Chenfeng's pressure is getting bigger and bigger, continue to loudly Shouted.

"Who is rare!" The **** of life is unmoved, and does not believe in the words of Ye Chenfeng.

"Hey, what happened to the old lady, the goddess and the **** of life?" Seeing the **** of life did not believe in himself, Ye Chenfeng suddenly felt helpless.

"Life, you don't need help!"

Suddenly, a high voice sounded in the mountains of life, a man wearing a white robe, tall and straight, holding a silver rifle, a drow, a foot into the virtual world, like a born Xiaolong, suddenly appeared, looking at the **** of life with gaze.

"No need!"

The **** of life looked at him indifferently, apparently not interested in him.

"Life, don't be so indifferent, it's better to kill him first, then talk slowly!" The white robe man said with the spring breeze, holding a silver pistol and attacking Ye Chenfeng.

Originally, Ye Chenfeng was not the opponent of the **** of life. Now the addition of the white robe man makes the situation of Ye Chenfeng more dangerous.

And Yue Ye Ming’s realm is too low, even if you have two virtual artifacts, you can’t help.

"Phoenix God, come out to help me!"

Unable to resist the fierce attack of the **** of life, Ye Chenfeng will immediately follow, and the phoenix **** who has been practicing in the Qiankun environment has been summoned.

"I didn't expect you to bring a helper. It seems that I guessed it well, you are coming to Yaowu!"

Feeling that the power of the Phoenix God is not weaker than himself, the **** of life can add anger, and the offensive is more and more fierce.

"The woman's thoughts are unpredictable!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head with some helplessness, feeling that persuasion was ineffective, and only let the **** of life read the letter himself.

But the **** of life is now on the air, if you want her to read the letter, only let her calm down, or beat her to control her.

"Hey, for the sake of the neon, I can't help it!" Ye Chenfeng sighed softly and said: "Phoenix God, the **** of life will be handed over to you, defeating her with all strength, I will deal with this nasty The great power of the heavens."


The phoenix **** nodded, and the phoenix fire instantly burned. She summoned the demon king's bell and fought together with the horrible **** of life.

"Human boy, I don't know the real purpose of coming here, but angered my woman, you will die!"

White robe man holding a silver pike, like a dragon attacking Ye Chenfeng, completely suppressing his offensive and wanting to kill him.

"Hey, it’s up to you!"

Although the white robe man's strength is good, one foot enters the virtual god, but with two major fields, Ye Chenfeng can completely defeat him.

"The wilderness area, the field of swords!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts and movements have evolved into two major fields, instantly covering the white robe man and mobilizing powerful forces to attack him.

"Well, dual domain!"

After being attacked by the wilderness field and the sword field, the white robe man browed a stun, revealing a strong shocking color, and shocked Ye Chenfeng to condense the dual field.

And the power of the wilderness field is beyond the imagination of the white robe man, bearing the pressure of nearly a hundred million jin, and the offensive of the white robe man has been greatly affected.

"A sword is godless!"

The white robe man burns powerful blood. When he wants to forcibly tear the double field, the sword of all things maps a mysterious **** pattern, a sword stabbed, and the horrible godless sword deduced the peerless killing The attack went to the chest of the white robe man.

A sword is stabbed, the white robe man's wrist is turned over, and the silver long gun is like a dragon. He relies on powerful combat power to resist a sword-free attack.

"Not good!"

The white robe man cracked the moment when Ye Chenfeng attacked. He suddenly felt dangerous behind him, and he instinctively wanted to dodge.

But Chen Chenfeng increased the flow rate by 50 times, which made him unable to dodge.


Ye Chenfeng combines the power of the dual field with a punch in the body of the white robe. The power of terror destroys his body defense and throws him out with a punch. A lot of blood is in the air. Sprayed out of his mouth.

"The Field of Heaven!"

Teaching to the terrible double field, the white robe man did not hesitate to open up the field of heaven and resolve the influence of the dual field.

The domain of the sky is known as the top field of the virtual world, but it can not withstand the suppression of the dual field, a small crack in the surface of the sky.

"God and the gods, heaven and earth are nothing!"

In the moment of the broken field, the white robe man changed into the strongest demon and the heavens, and the power of the field of heaven merged to make an invincible blow.

A single blow hit, the double field of Ye Chenfeng's condensation instantly broke the road crack, and the power of terror was like the storm that destroyed the sky, and swept to Ye Chenfeng.

"Wan Jian is a patriarch!"

"Chaotic Promise!"

The devil attacked, and Ye Chenfeng’s left hand evolved Wan Jian to the ancestors, and his right hand evolved chaotic and promising. At the same time, the two supernatural powers were greeted.

The three Supreme Masters collided together, and the explosive power accelerated the cracking speed of the dual field, which further aggravated the physical injury of the white robe man.

"The gods are destroyed, the gods are robbery!"

When the white robe man relied on a strong card to fully resist the anti-seismic forces that hit the mountains and rivers, Ye Chenfeng combined two broken fields and exerted the strongest blow he currently has.

One hit and blast, the invincible rhythm erupted, the power of horror to destroy God is unbreakable, everything is destroyed, and the space of ruined starry sky is destroyed by this attack, just like the end of the world, and the face will change dramatically in an instant. The white robe man swallowed up, madly destroying his body and flying him hundreds of meters away.

The white robe man was defeated and was injured by the supernatural power of Ye Chenfeng. The **** of phoenix and the **** of life also fought to the stage of white heat. The two virtual gods were able to make a real fire and continue to display the thunder. Killing the tricks, fiercely fighting, will break the space outside the valley of life.

The phoenix **** refining the wilderness fire, although the combat power soared to the extent of terrible, but the means of the **** of life is equally extraordinary, the two women standing at the peak of the virtual gods fiercely fight, playing the darkness, like the end of the world Coming in general.

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