Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1101: 神铁

"Undead blood, burning!"

White robe man did not expect Ye Chenfeng to be able to hurt himself, decisively burning powerful undead blood, recovering his body injury, summoning a length of one foot, not portraying any lines, flowing with five colors of light God iron, the **** of the gods, the gods of the gods, such as dancing a pillar of the sky, and Ye Chenfeng fighting together.

"God iron!"

Looking at the white robe man's weapon, Ye Chenfeng's eyes suddenly light up.

Because he found that the **** of iron in the hands of the white robe did not undergo refining, and did not depict the gods, it was the most primitive state, and if it could be obtained, refining it into the sword of all things, Greatly enhance the power of the sword of all things, maybe there is an opportunity to raise the sword of all things to the extreme of the virtual artifact.

"God of Heaven, God of Heaven!"

The white robe man screamed and slammed the gods of the gods to the extreme, and controlled the ultimate intention of the thin body to evolve into various forms of the gods, and turned to Ye Chenfeng.

The white robe man stepped into the virtual **** with one foot and the battle is extremely horrible. He deduced the meaning of the Tao. The power of each of the evolved soldiers of the gods is not weaker than the peak artifacts. The swords of the warriors and the warriors attacked, and the power of the late gods could not resist.

"The wilderness area, broken!"

Feeling the horror of the hundred war gods from the attack, Ye Chenfeng immediately opened up a powerful field of floods, controlled nearly a billion pounds of power, and constantly crushed a hundred war soldiers.

"Break the sky!"

The gods and hundred warriors were restrained by the wilderness field, and the white robe men leaped high. The whole body and the unevenness of the hands and the irons merged together, and a blow that was enough to pierce the sky was made, and the bombardment was directed to Ye Chenfeng. .

"In the wilderness area, integrate into my body!"

In the face of this killing, Ye Chenfeng did not dodge, but controlled the field of flooding into the body, holding the sword of all things and welcoming it.


Ye Chenfeng swayed the sword of all things, just like a tall sword mountain. A sword broke the white robes of the man in the white robe, and the power stabbed him.


When the sword of all things and the **** iron collide in midair, the force generated instantly collapses into the space.

"Great power!"

There is a slap in the sword of the real thing, and the white robe man clearly feels the horror of the sword of Ye Chenfeng. Through the infiltration, the flooded field constantly rushes into the arm of the white robe man, breaking the arm in his arm. Divine power, the skin of his arm was torn open, and a large amount of blood flowed out uncontrollably.

"Virtual Spirit Soul, Hey!"

Ye Chenfeng and the white robe men do not give each other in the air. When they are fiercely screaming, the virtual swordsmanship flies out of the leaves of the morning sea, filled with the fearful sword, intertwined with the crescent moon. Invincible sword arc, a sword smashed to the head of the white robe man.

"Not good!"

The white robe man did not expect Ye Chenfeng to condense the most horrible virtual sword spirit, and quickly mobilized the powerful moral force to resist.

"Three Thousands of Gods!"

Catch the white robe man's distraction to resist the opportunity of the virtual **** sword soul, Ye Chenfeng immediately changed his stroke, and instantly blasted out 3,000 invincible **** fists, and nearly slammed the body of the white robe man.


In the face of Ye Chenfeng's endless stream of connections, the excellent white offensive, the white robe man failed to resist, was swallowed by the meteor shower-like three thousand gods, and the flesh suffered a fatal blow.


In the end, he failed to withstand the deadly attack of the three thousand gods, and the whole body was smashed by three thousand gods.

"Undead blood, fix!"

The body is broken, and the white robe man immediately burns the undead blood and quickly repairs the broken body.

At this time, the chaos method broke the body of Ye Chenfeng, extending tens of thousands of five-color roots, and directly broke into the body of the white robe man's quick repair, madly swallowing the power of his body.

"Chaos Shenmu, it turned out to be you!"

The white robe man has never seen Ye Chenfeng, but he has heard of Chaos Shenmu and was swallowed by Chaos Shenmu. He immediately guessed the identity of Ye Chenfeng, mobilized the powerful force in the body, and constantly smashed the five-color roots. .

"This person's strength is really good!"

Feeling the five-color roots of the chaotic **** wood must be smashed by the white robe men. Ye Chenfeng did not slow down the offensive and continued to launch a fierce attack on the white robe man.

Because the white robe man puts most of his energy into the smashing five-color roots, he has no intention of attacking the leaf morning wind. In the twinkling of an eye, he falls into absolute passiveness and is suppressed by Ye Chenfeng. The physical injury is constantly increasing.


When Ye Chenfeng completely suppressed the white robe men's offensive, the phoenix **** shouted into a battle form, inspiring the demon **** clock to collide with the **** of life.

Under the continuous impact of the demon **** clock, the strength of the **** of life is also too much to eat, the blood of the whole body is violently rolling, and the corner of the mouth is a stream of blood.

The injury gradually worsened, and the **** of life did not slow down the offensive. Her wonderful body constantly reflected the light of life, quickly repairing the physical injury, and fighting against the Phoenix god.

Time is running fast.

Soon, the four made all the stops and fought for two days and two nights.

Because Ye Chenfeng has a wilderness, the flesh has reached the extreme of the virtual world, plus the blood of Hongmeng, fighting for two days and two nights, he did not feel a little tired, but the injury of the white robe man is constantly increasing, the chaotic **** wood extended The five-color root must be broken into his body, constantly cutting off his vitality.

And the Phoenix God also made an absolute advantage in these two days and two nights of fierce battles, completely suppressing the **** of life, forcing her to retreat in a circumstance.

"The body of the devil, the world is the same!"

The five-color roots that feel hard and hard to break into the original source of the Tao, the white robe man launched the madness, exerted the last resort at any cost, detonated the body of the demon, and the power of the powerful demon explosion. I want to fry the five-color roots that break into the body.

"Three Thousands of Gods!"

The white robe man showed the same world and launched the most deadly blow. Ye Chenfeng instantly shot 3,000 destructive gods and bombarded the body of the white robe man, which greatly weakened the deadly attack of the heavens and the earth. .


The whole space is in vain, and a large number of five-color roots are broken.

But the white robe man stunned the horrible chaos of the gods, he used the same world to not damage the chaotic **** wood, more completely broken the five-color roots, and Ye Chenfeng's three thousand Huashen fist gave him fatal one strike.

In the void space, Chaos Shenmu constantly grows bigger, swaying the five-color canopy, releasing the chaotic five elements of light, and suppressing the body of the white robe man, attacking his soul and the root of life.

"God, save me!"

The exhibition of heaven and earth failed, and the white robe man who was hanging on the line immediately turned to the **** of life.

But the **** of life was suppressed by the fierce attack of the phoenix god, and he could not be saved.

Slowly, the white robe man's body injury is getting heavier and heavier, his resistance is getting weaker and weaker, and he is finally killed by Chaos Shenmu.


The man in the white robe was killed. Ye Chenfeng took away the long iron of the gods and projected his gaze to the **** of life.

"Scorpio, this is my father's letter to you, you would like to see you!" Killed the white robe man, Ye Chenfeng took the letter out and threw it to the ugly face of life. : "Phoenix God, Ye Ming, let's go."

After finishing, Ye Chenfeng did not stay outside the Valley of Life, with the Phoenix God, Yue Yeming turned and left.

ps: The book is coming to an end, like the new book dynamics, the cloud tears WeChat public number: ylty83, or search cloud tears rain!

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