Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 862: The identity of the summer butterfly

"Oh, why are there no ancient elixir?"

Looking at the sturdy summer chicken standing in the same place, Ye Chenfeng said with amazement.

"You, how do you know that there is no ancient elixir in this ban?" The snarl of the summer sorrow that has come back to the gods.

"The sixth feeling of a man!" Ye Chenfeng said with a smile.

"You, you fooled the fools." Xia Wen became angry and did not believe in Ye Chenfeng’s words.

"Good summer, you have to accept the reality, come, take off the mask and let me see what you look like? Is it the national color, the heavenly beauty?" Ye Chenfeng looked at the ups and downs of the summer Robe, playful.


The summer weather is broken, she feels that she jumped into the trap that Ye Chenfeng dug, and she calculated it.

"We just had an agreement, it is a puppy, I think you should not be a person who has no faith and no sense." Ye Chenfeng wrapped his arms around his chest and said faintly.

"Well, I can take off the mask and tell you my identity, but the gentleman is frank, you have to let me see your real touch and tell me your identity." The summer pattern spit out a sigh of relief, eyes Looking at the leaves of the morning wind.

"Do you know that I am not really good now?" Ye Chenfeng browed, and some accidental said.

"Hey, you have a little trick, you can fool a fool, but at your age, you can practice the magical way to six heavens, and prove that you are not a waste." Summer pattern snorted, proud Said.


Ye Chenfeng brows a slap in the face, and his heart has set off a big wave. He never imagined that the enchanting summer pattern is such a insight into his own understanding of the illusion of the illusion and seeing his own disguise.

"Seventeen, you are willing to exchange secrets with me!" Looking at Ye Chenfeng's surprised look, the summer pattern was hidden in the silver mask, and the mouth was slightly upturned, and asked.

"Summer, why should I exchange secrets with you? Also, you can't be a little gentleman, mother-in-law is really not happy." Ye Chenfeng urged.

Summer: "..."

"Well, I don't force you anymore. I can't say a big name, you don't know the truth." The summer whispered.

叶晨风: "..."

In the end, Ye Chenfeng still succumbed, and under the witness of the King of Killing and the Spirit Fish, the two swear by the heavens and tell the true identity.

"My name is Xia Zidie, from the Xia Luo mainland summer home." Xia Butterfly took a deep breath and revealed his real name and identity.

"Xiajia?" Ye Chenfeng's brow slightly wrinkled, skeptically said: "Why have I never heard of Xiajia? You should not lie to me."

"My summer home is a hidden family. It’s normal for you to be ignorant and unheard of." The summer butterfly said proudly.

"The hidden family summer home...summer!"

Ye Chenfeng thought for a while, and suddenly thought of the introduction of the Star Emperor Yu Jian, the star emperor surnamed Xia, all of a sudden linked to the identity of the summer butterfly.

"You are the descendant of the Star Emperor." Ye Chenfeng asked with some suspicion.


The summer butterfly replied without hesitation.

"Well, I don't have to ask if I shouldn't ask, can you let me see what you look like now?"

Although the summer butterfly responded very firmly, but Ye Chenfeng has a feeling that the mysterious summer butterfly everywhere is very likely to have a relationship with the first star of the mainland.

Hesitating for a moment, the summer butterfly still stretched out the white hand as a jade from the black robes, and took off the silver mask that covered the true face.

Looking at the summer butterfly, the spirit fish suddenly stopped his mouth with a small hand and did not let himself shout.

Ye Chenfeng, who has seen the big winds and waves, also showed a hint of surprise.

The summer butterfly seems to be only in his twenties, the skin is better than snow, and the facial features are as delicate as the powdered jade, but a scar like a scar runs through her entire face, revealing the skin of the forest, destroying her. All the beauty on the face is a bit embarrassing.

"Do you see enough?"

Looking at the change of Ye Chenfeng's expression, the summer butterfly asked if it was frosty.

"Sorry, I don't know how!"

Ye Chenfeng finally knows why the summer butterfly has always worn a silver mask, apologetically said.

If there is no such scar, the appearance of the summer butterfly is not critical, it is definitely a beautiful beauty of the country, but all this has been completely destroyed by this scar.

"It doesn't matter, I am used to it!" The summer butterfly said coldly: "Now, can you let me see what you are and tell me your identity."


Ye Chenfeng nodded, dispelled the illusion on his face, restored his true appearance, and told her his real name and identity from the open sea.

"Sure enough, as I imagined, you are a little white face!" The summer butterfly has a look at Ye Chenfeng, and he said unceremoniously: "But I did not expect that you will come from overseas. That, the world of the world ?"

"The outside world is beautiful." Ye Chenfeng clicked: "If you have the chance, you can go out and stroll."

"Opportunity..." I thought of my broken veins and physical condition. The summer butterfly showed a faint color, but she was very optimistic. She quickly recovered as usual: "Yes, you honestly, can you accurately sense? The falsehood in the ancient prohibition."

"Almost!" Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"That's good, the things leading the way to me, looking for the ancient elixir to you, we work together, if you can help me pick the death mandala, I will definitely repay you." Promise.

"Do not worry, as long as there is a death mandala here, I will help you pick it up." Ye Chenfeng nodded and promised.

When finished, the summer butterfly re-appeared with a silver mask, covering some of the embarrassing truth, controlling the multi-edge ancient disk to deduct a route, with Ye Chenfeng three people in the gaps in the forbidden gap Looking for ancient medicine.

When the four disappeared into the heavy fog, the ancient dead spirit that swallowed countless creatures appeared strangely, and looked at the direction of the four people in the morning, and joined the fog. Disappear.

In the hundreds of thousands of years, the ancient medicine garden has been opened many times. There are too many masters to enter the spirit medicine here, so most of the ancient medicines have been removed.

With the deepening of the distance, the prohibition in the ancient medicine garden has become stronger and stronger, and the four people of Ye Chenfeng have been under tremendous pressure.

Finally, near the hour of the evening, the high-speed deduction of the sense of the brain, in front of a vast, ancient gasification of the ancient prohibition in the sense of the ancient spirit grass.

"A strong and powerful atmosphere of life, there is a grass in the ancient prohibition, and there is more than one." Ye Chenfeng pointed to the ancient forbidden road with ancient formations flowing in front.

"Okay, let's break through this ancient prohibition and see what ancient herbs are hidden inside!"

The summer butterfly eyes brighten, summoning the four beast flags, and together with Ye Chenfeng to crack the anti-ancient prohibition.

The leaves of the morning and the summer pattern of the butterfly pattern are extremely high, and the king of the killing and the spirit fish help each other. In the dark, they tore up the ancient prohibition.

When they entered the ancient prohibition, a strong life breath came to the surface. In this ancient prohibition, eleven plants were grown one inch high, and six snow-white leaves were grown, which were condensed with green-green longan-sized fruits. Grass.

When Ye Chenfeng saw these eleven white-green green grasses, his mind immediately flashed the eleventh of the ancient spirits, and the whole person fell into a deep surprise.


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