Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 863: Sneak attack on the ancient dead spirit

The stone tortoise has a strong defense. It wants to break through its defense and kill it. It is difficult to communicate quickly. Ye Chenfeng and others decided to use the array method to trap the stone tortoise and forcibly dig eleven. Planting grass.

"Hundreds of kills!"

"The four beasts are killing, sleepy!"

Ye Chenfeng and the summer butterfly thought to move, control two large arrays of attacks to the stone turtle, want to trap the stone turtle in the array.

But the stone turtle is extremely intelligent, and the speed of movement is amazing. It is not so long as two big battles come. Its thick limbs are violently exerting force, and the ground is '嗡嗡' slamming, and it is evasive. Two large arrays, issued a terrible whistle against Ye Chenfeng and others, such as tumbling tides, smashing.

"A momentary mirror!"

The King of Killing quickly swallows a blood into the ancient mirror, inspiring the ancient mirror, mapping the endless mirror light, and bombarding the sound of the rushing, forming endless energy fluctuations.

"Sorry for God!"

When you see the mirror, the mirror light can't resist the sound of the stone turtle. The spirit fish quickly blasted a punch, like a domineering bombardment on the whistle, resisting the stone tortoise.

The strength of the stone tortoise is too horrible, and the king of the killing and the spirit fish can't resist the glimpse of it. The mirror light and the lucky fist are both broken.

At the crucial moment, Ye Chenfeng manipulated Zhuque Ding, and the summer butterfly controlled the Tianshan Road to suppress it. By relying on the power of the powerful Taobao, it finally resisted the sound of the stone turtle.

Next, Ye Chenfeng, the summer butterfly, the king of the killing control the three avenues Baozhen pressed against the stone turtle.


The destruction of the formation of the Three Avenues was suppressed by the destruction of the tortoise's huge body, and the hard action slowed its mobility.

Catch this rare opportunity, killing, killing the four beasts, and directly trapping the stone turtles in the two ancient arrays.


Into the ancient array, the stone tortoise immediately went mad and sent out a screaming scream. The huge body, like a frisbee, generally spins up, driving the world and the earth, crushing the attack of the two ancient arrays, and the heavy bombardment in the double ancient On the line.

The stone tortoise like a meteorite-like attack directly tore the double ancient array, and Ye Chenfeng and others who are close to eleven creatures are forced to retreat.

"It's too strong. The strength of this stone turtle is too strong. The strength of this stone turtle is probably beyond the general six-level beastmaster."

In the face of the nine-level beast stone tortoise, Ye Chenfeng felt awkward. He felt that even if Chaos Shenmu could not suppress it, only the Kowloon jade would be able to hurt it.

"Humble humans, give me all to die!"

The stone tortoise suddenly spit out people's words, and made a ferocious roar. The huge body continued to whirl, smashed a large area of ​​the void, and flew to Ye Chenfeng and others, trying to crush them to death.

"Suzaku Ding!"

"A momentary mirror!"

"Tianshan Daofu!"

In the face of almost invincible stone turtles, Ye Chenfeng can only control the Taobao, the ancient Taobao attack, and the attack of the spirit fish becomes pale and weak, and the defense of the stone turtle cannot be broken. Eight shadows constantly dodge.

"Kowloon Jade!"

When the three avenues were shaken by the extremely fast-turning stone turtles, Ye Chenfeng’s mind moved and summoned the best sacred treasures of the Kowloon Jade, and continuously sprayed several bloods to the Kowloon Jade, awakening the holy device. The spirit of the spirit of the Kowloon Jade.

"St. Treasure, it has a holy treasure!"

Ye Chenfeng summoned the moment of Jiulong in the Kowloon. The summer butterfly discerned the grade of the Kowloon jade, and the mind smashed the waves and the means of surprise the morning breeze.

The stone turtle also felt the destructive power of the Kowloon Jade, and the instinctive wanted to dodge.

"Kowloon Jade, kill!"

Ye Chenfeng evacuated the soul of the whole body and injected it into the Kowloon Jade. He controlled the Jiulong jade to smash a dragon shadow, tearing the void and bombarding the huge body of the stone turtle.

"Boom!" A loud noise, the stone was shocked.

Theo was attacked and killed by the dragon shadow. The stone tortoise was broken than the middle of the road and the hard tortoise shell was broken. The huge body was shaken out by the terrible attack of the Kowloon Jade, and it will be far away. Shilin smashed a large piece.

When Ye Chenfeng exhausted the soul of the whole body and controlled the turtles of the Kowloon Jade, the ancient dead spirits that blended with the fog were quietly appearing, holding a darkened Red blood, reaching the grade of the middle grade, and weighing more than 100,000 kilograms of Fang Tian painting, launched a fatal blow to Ye Chenfeng.

The death of the ancient dead spirit was too sudden, and Ye Chenfeng exhausted the soul force, and the reaction appeared a bit slow, and it was impossible to evade the attack of the ancient dead spirit.

And if he was hit by the ancient necromancer's hand-painted celestial painting, he would be as good as the body of the lower-quality scorpion, and there would be no suspense.

When Ye Chenfeng was the weakest, he suffered a life crisis and lived on the line.


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