Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 877: Go-day punishment

"Human, my ancestors and my ancestors are the rebellious, you can't kill them."

I feel that the summer punishment of the summer butterfly is about to drop, and the black ant panicked and shouted at her.

"Take me the Lord, I will spare you a life."

Bathing in the heavy mind, the summer butterfly that bears the energy of the body can't resist it.

"Impossible, I can't recognize you as the Lord."

How arrogant the black ant was, when it was conquered by the Emperor, it was unwilling, not to mention the summer butterfly of the third-level beastly kingdom. It didn't even think about it, and refused.

"If this is the case, then don't blame me for being ruthless." The summer butterfly said without a trace of emotion, the release of the Tao completely locked the black ant, leaving it nowhere to dodge.

"Primary, you better not force me, or the fish will die, we will die." The black ant threatened loudly.

"Okay, then let's see, who can laugh at the end." The summer butterfly said fearlessly.

"Go to hell!"

Feeling the determination of the summer butterfly to conquer oneself, the black ant is completely irritated, and it quickly changes into the strongest combat form, bursting out of a terrifying attack to the summer butterfly, wanting to punish the day has not yet fallen Kill her before.

"Star Road Map, Dead Road Map, Broken."

The destructive demon power released by the black ant is coming. The summer butterfly uses the mysterious power in the body to condense the two avenues, with endless morals, resisting the demon attack that the black ants release.

Next, the summer butterfly controls the two avenues to merge together. Like a mountain, it slams into a black ant, and it slams it from the air to the ground.

When the summer butterfly relies on the mysterious force, when the black ant is hard pressed, a black sun appears in the robbery cloud, which releases the rolling killing and tears the void.

The next moment, four black fires burst into the black sun, like a long dragon twisted together, smashed the ancient prohibition, bombarded the summer butterfly and the black ant with a big change.

"The day of the day, this summer butterfly is a peerless enchanting, and it has led to such a terrible vision of heavenly punishment. I don't know if she can survive safely."

Leaving the Qiankunjing, Ye Chenfeng, who appeared in the safe area, saw the vision of the summer butterfly, and immediately recognized it. This is exactly the kind of vision recorded in the brain.

"Primary, you let me go quickly! Otherwise I will let you pay a painful price."

The day after the penalty was lowered, the black ant found that the four thunders were double-punishing, and three of them locked themselves, smelling a strong death threat, and immediately shouted at the summer butterfly.

Nan Xiahua butterfly ignores its threat, and follows the black ant so that it can not leave its own robbery area.


The ancient prohibition was completely broken, and the terrible thunder fire was slammed on the body of the summer butterfly and the black ant, bombarding them into the stratum and madly destroying their bodies.

But the summer butterfly has only been attacked by a double fire, and the pressure is far less than the angry roar, and the black ant who is suffering from the double-fire and double punishment.

"Two avenue map guards."

After being terribly thundered and double-punished, the summer butterfly strongly supported to sit up in the pit and control the map of the star. The map of the dead protects the body and controls the innate madness of the invaders. The power of the Tao, refining the mysterious power of her body out of control and strong morality, impacted the fourth level of the beastly kingdom.

The death mandala and the enlightenment tree have been merged together. The power of the body of the summer butterfly has reached an extremely terrifying level. Nowadays, it is baptized with heaven and the mysterious power is restrained.

With the power of the heavenly punishment, the summer butterfly constantly refines the energy and the sense of the body, and the body undergoes transformation.

With the passage of time, the horror of the thunderbolt is more and more powerful, but the summer butterfly that hides many secrets in the body relies on the means of the sky, and it is hard to bear.

But the black ant who received a stronger baptism was under tremendous pressure. If it wasn't strong enough to withstand the baptism of the three fires, it had already been hit hard.


With three lightning fires and double punishments, the crazy black ants constantly exerted powerful killings, rolling demon power collapsed the void, bombarded the summer butterfly, and wanted to kill her.

The black ant launched the killing attack, the summer butterfly body flashed slightly, such as a stunned, dodging the demon power of the collapsed void.

At this time, the day of the penalty was divided into four rounds of red dragonfly's sacred road map, a bombardment to the summer butterfly, three bombardment to the face of the black ant.

Three heavenly road maps fell, black ants revealed a panic color, had to give up the idea of ​​chasing the summer butterfly, mobilize the strongest demon power to resist.


The summer butterfly relies on the map of the stars. When the map of death resists the destruction of the heavenly road map, it controls the innate Taoist system to engulf the vast meaning of the heavenly road map, and continues to refine the mysterious power and transform. The body.

The summer butterfly resists the road map, but the black ant who has suffered a stronger attack appears to be awkward. The release of the demon power is broken after resisting more than a dozen breaths.

And its strong body, under the three-day penalty map attack, there was a road crack, and a lot of blood was released through the crack.

The summer butterfly, the black ant is fully resisting the day when the bail-out is baptized, Ye Chenfeng sits cross-legged outside the robbery area, and raises the speed of the detonation of the brain to the peak, deducing the pattern that pervades the void. , sublimation of his understanding and understanding of the Tao.

"Primary, as long as you are willing to let me go. I can promise to help you three times in the future."

The body injury is getting heavier and heavier, the black ant is timid, bargaining with the summer butterfly, asking her to let herself go.

"Black ants, you only have two choices, either choose to surrender to me or die." Hearing the conditions of the black ants, the summer butterfly that swallowed the map was unmoved, and responded coldly. .


The black ant is vomiting blood, and it never dreams that he will be so miserable by a junior.

At the time of the sound, the power of the heavenly road map has risen in a straight line, and the pressure on them has become stronger and stronger, especially the black ants. The strong body has hundreds of criss-cross cracks. Signs of collapse.

But it is still arrogant in the heart, it still does not yield, burns the demon at all costs, maximizes the strength, withstands the attack of the three major avenues, and gives full play.

The time passed by one minute and one second. When the two men suffered three more hours of punishment, the four big penalty road maps were finally broken.

But the moment when the road is broken, the most terrible day of the day is the horror, and the last day of the day is the end of the day. It is like a sun falling from the dust, with the will to destroy everything, smashing a few miles of space, bombarding Summer butterfly and black ant.


With just one blow, the black ant that suffered nearly 80% of the attacks was hit hard, and the summer butterfly that controlled the full defense of the two avenues was also injured, the whole body meridian was damaged, and a blood was sprayed out of her mouth.

Under the attack of the Japanese, the summer butterfly and the black ant double wounded and encountered danger.


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