Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 878: After breaking, a desperate assassination

"Primary, let me go quickly, I can't hold it anymore."

On the verge of collapse, the black ants who are desperately trying to escape are timid, shouting loudly at the shadow of the summer butterfly.

"I said, either surrender to me or die."

The face is pale and ruptured, and the summer butterfly bathed in the ruin of the heavens is not moving, cold and cold.

"You really want to go with me?"

The black ant did not expect the summer butterfly to be a madman. In order to conquer his life, he would not want it. There was a despair in his heart and he screamed loudly.

"Oh, the last death must not be me." The summer butterfly said coldly, constantly drawing closer to the black ant, and smashing it.

"I am surrendering, I choose to surrender."

The black ant does not want to die. Under the threat of death, he is desperate and has to choose to surrender.

"Open your soul sea, don't resist, let me put a mark on your soul sea." The summer butterfly can't resist the command.

On the verge of life and death, the black ant that is about to collapse has lowered his noble head and has to venture to open the sea of ​​souls.


The moment when the black ant opens the soul sea, the summer butterfly continuously squirts a few mouthfuls of blood, condenses into a soul blood seal, melts into the black ant soul sea, forcibly recognizes the Lord.

The next moment, the summer butterfly with a horrible day of punishment, away from the serious damage, **** black ants.

"Primary, don't think that you can conquer me, I will be free when you die."

The whole body is black, and the black ant who has returned to his life looks away from himself. He was swallowed up by the day and swallowed the summer butterfly. He did not believe that she could survive such a terrible punishment.

The situation of the summer butterfly is as dangerous as the black ant thinks. The clothes made of special materials are turned into ashes, and the body that is surging with mysterious power is covered with cracks, and it is necessary to be horrified. The day of punishment smashed the body and died.

"Star Road Map, Dead Road Map, Guardian."

In a dangerous situation, the summer butterfly is surprisingly calm and calm. She controls the two avenues to fall into the body, guarding the heart and the internal organs, and letting the power of the day's punishment rush into the body.


The daybreaking force enters the body, and the fragile meridians of the summer butterfly are immediately torn, and a large amount of flesh and blood and bones are extinguished.

But the summer butterfly at this time, trying to enter a magical mood, as if there is no pain in the crack, let the power of the day to smash.

"Primary, you really have to finish."

The extremely heavy black ant looked at the summer butterfly and continually shattered, revealing a cold smile, kneeling on the cracked ground, using the power of the demon to heal the body and wait for the summer butterfly to be destroyed. Day and night to death.

"The power of life is so powerful, how many secrets are hidden in the body of the summer butterfly."

Ye Chenfeng is far less powerful than the black ant, but the inductive power of the brain is far more than it. Under the sensation of the brain, Ye Chenfeng feels a broken body in the broken body of the summer butterfly. There is no sign of a decline in the power of life.

Approximately half an hour later, when the summer butterfly rupture is about to be completely smashed, the summer butterfly breaks through the bottleneck of the realm and breaks through the fourth level of the beastly kingdom.

Boundary breakthrough, the strength of the summer butterfly has been greatly improved, immediately control the power and mysterious power hidden in the body to repair the broken, continue to accept the baptism of the day, refine the mysterious power in the body .

"Breakthrough, in the case of almost ruin, she broke through the realm, it is difficult for her to have a chance to survive this day."

Feeling the physical condition of the summer butterfly, the black **** ant has set off a big wave in the heart, and is very surprised by the means and air transport of the summer butterfly.

And Ye Chenfeng has a faint smile. If the summer butterfly can reverse the fate, and through this day of punishment, her strength will be raised to a terrible degree. When I deal with Xing Luo Tiancheng, She will be greatly assisted by herself.


The day after tomorrow, the day of the night, there was no sign of a recession, and bathing in the punishment of the heavens, the body of the summer butterfly who refining the mysterious power by the power of the heavens was once again smashed by endless punishment.

The body ruptured, and the summer butterfly continued to control the two avenues into the body, protecting the heart and the internal organs, letting the day and night smash the body, the deepest mysterious force.

"It’s so fast, this is the day, and the summer butterfly is on the verge of breaking through. It’s hard to make a second punishment. She wants to attack two realms.”

Although the summer butterfly has broken down again, Ye Chenfeng feels that her own strength has reached an extremely terrifying level, and there are signs of continued impact on the five-level beast.

"The descendant of Xinghuang is really not simple. Not only does it have a congenital body, but there are still many secrets hidden in the body. If she is allowed to spend the day, she will probably surpass her ancestor emperor."

Seeing the scene of the summer butterfly crossing the day, the black ant is also deeply shocked, and it is not unacceptable to feel that she is the master.

The crushing is getting more and more serious, and the summer butterfly that enters a magical state ignores it. Let the day-to-day punishment flow into the body like a tide, and carry out the most fundamental and thorough quenching and transformation of oneself.

The act of the summer butterfly is extremely risky, and a little carelessness may be overwhelming, so that Ye Chenfeng has sweated for her.

But between life and death, the summer butterfly is not afraid, control the two avenues to guard the heart and the internal organs, let them kill themselves.

After a long time, the road map of the star, the road map of death also broke down under the bail-out of the day.

And after nearly two days of baptism, with the terrible day-to-day punishment, the summer butterfly finally refining the mysterious power and the power of life hidden in the body, and began to fully attack the five-level beast kingdom realm.

The day of the annihilation is also coming to an end, gathering the last strength, launching the most deadly blow to the summer butterfly, such as the sun-like day-to-day punishment, landing directly on her body.


There was a deafening thunder between the heavens and the earth, and the last force of the day was swallowed up by the summer butterfly, and the chaotic void collapsed.

"Dead? Didn't she survive the day?"

Looking at the collapsed space, the black ant felt that the breath of the summer butterfly suddenly disappeared, as if it had fallen into the day of punishment.

And Ye Chenfeng controls the high-speed deduction of the brain, and it is difficult to detect the smell of the summer butterfly, and the whole heart is also smashed.

But the next moment, this breath, which seems to be dissipating at any time, reveals a strong sense of life, as if the dead wood is spring, reviving the vitality.

"After breaking, this summer butterfly is not easy, and spent the day in a desperate situation."

"After this transformation, I am afraid it is far from her opponent." I felt that the summer butterfly was safe and sound, and Ye Chenfeng sighed with a sigh of relief.

Slowly, the day and night are gone, and the bright sunshine is falling again.

Bathing in the light of the Tao, the new summer butterfly struck the fifth-level beast, and a black sword light suddenly broke through the sky, with the appearance of Jianguang surpassing the speed of light several times without any indication.

In the void, a deep sword mark was left. A sword stabbed the summer butterfly. She wanted to marry her weakest, and when she hit the bottleneck of the realm, she pierced her heart and killed her.


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