Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 879: The king of the killer is defeated


In a critical moment, Ye Chenfeng’s footsteps appeared in the air, such as a light and shadow, blocked in front of this sword, and with the help of the Kowloon jade, the summer butterfly blocked the deadly blow.

"Life and death, heaven and earth, the Five Elements!"

Next, the three avenues were sprayed out, and the continuous bombardment of the shadows that smashed the void and approached quickly, relying on absolute attack power, interrupted his continuous attack.

"The speed of dispelling the light of your body's surface, I will pass you to the Qiankun environment."

Ye Chenfeng shouted in the light of the Tao, the bright summer butterfly, shouting.

" Wait, wait!"

The summer butterfly is weak, and a slight panic sounds in the light of the Tao.

"What are you waiting for?"

Ye Chenfeng has already seen clearly, and launched a fatal blow. The person who sneaked on the summer butterfly was the king of the killer of Star Luotiancheng. The strength was extremely terrible. Before he launched the shocking attack, he broke directly into it. In the light of the Tao.


As the summer butterfly sent out a shy, panic-like, angry scream, Ye Chenfeng held the summer-striped body and entered the Qiankun environment.

"Ye Chenfeng, you, you catch me... let go of your dirty hands, I, I killed you!"

The summer butterfly of red fruit, I found that Ye Chenfeng’s big hand was tightly grasped by himself, but when it was round and sharp, the delicate cheeks immediately showed an intoxicating blush, and the snarl of anger and anger.

"Hey... I didn't mean it."

Feeling the palm of your hand, the soft touch of crispy and numbness, watching the pink color appearing on the surface of the newborn butterfly on the summer butterfly, Ye Chenfeng’s right hand quickly moved away like an electric shock, and some said awkwardly.

"Hey, the scar on your face is missing."

When Ye Chenfeng looked at the shameful and angry face of the summer butterfly, he unexpectedly discovered that the scar that destroyed her beautiful face disappeared and was replaced by a beautiful suffocating Face.

"You still see, believe it or not, I will regain my strength and dig your eyes down."

The summer butterfly has a chest protector and looks at his own leaf, and the tender warning.

"Well, I will go out and give you revenge, don't bother you to attack the five-level beastmaster."

Touching the eyes of the summer butterfly, Ye Chenfeng did not dare to look at it. He immediately left the Qiankun territory and appeared outside. He summoned the Emperor's sword and attacked the king of the killer who was looking for their whereabouts. .

"It's really you!"

Although Ye Chenfeng’s control of the illusion changed his appearance, the king of the killer recognized the Emperor’s sword and recognized the identity of Ye Chenfeng.

"The blood of the dragon burns, the form of the beast!"

The king of the killer is extremely terrible. In order to suppress him, Ye Chenfeng instantly changed into the form of the beast, increasing the soul by seven times. The attack of a sword faster than a sword turned to the king of the killer.

"No shadows!"

Ye Chenfeng hits the speed quickly, and the king of the killer immediately breaks into the speed trajectory, exerts the unpredictable assassination technique, smashes a sharp sword, and confronts Ye Chenfeng.

The two played fast and fast, and they were strong and strong. The sharp swordsman was constantly colliding in midair, and the smashing swords and shadows were like a stormy wave, sweeping around.

"Devils, block the void!"

The two fierce fierce battles, when they did not give each other, a few black arms with a thick arm broke the body of Ye Chenfeng, blocking the space around the body of the king of the killer.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng took the four major attacks to the extreme, and merged into the Emperor's sword, awakened the Emperor of Heaven, and directed the King of the Killer to display a big kill.

"The emperor is shocking!"

A sword fell, earth-shattering, and the void changed color. The sword of the emperor, which blended with the four avenues, opened the void, and the invincible smashed the king of the killer.


In the face of Ye Chenfeng’s big killing, the king of the killer did not dodge. He quickly changed into a beastly soul form, and the whole body merged with the assassination sword in his hand, leaving a deep in the air. The sword marks, the sharp thorns in the stunned emperor.

The two avenues are fiercely colliding, and the harsh bursting sound is endless. Around the two attacks, the void is constantly torn by the swordsman, and numerous gravel are split and broken.

A hard fight, Ye Chenfeng and the king of the killer continue to cast a big kill to attack each other. For a time, all the sounds between the heavens and the earth are swallowed up, and the impact force formed by the two hands creates terrible destructive power. Shocking the bodies of both of them.

"Sword Soul!"

Rely on the strong flesh to withstand the impact of the mountains and the sea, Ye Chenfeng melted the sword spirit into the emperor's sword, and a sword tore the violent energy, and smashed into the king of the killer in the speed trajectory.


The attack of the two men collided together, and the sword spirit broke out with a terrifying attack power. The hard-boiled sword opened the assassination sword in the hands of the king of the killer, and completely exposed his chest in front of Ye Chenfeng.

"Give me a break!"

The expression of the four avenues in Ye Chenfeng’s body erupted into a square seal that was condensed by a large number of lines, filled with 30 million jins, with a dust-free destructive power. On the chest of the king of the killer.


The front was attacked. The body of the killer was immediately broken. The chest was directly injured by the road mark, and it was sunk into the body. A lot of blood was sprayed in his mouth.

But the king of the killer squirted blood, a drop of blood turned into a sharp blood sword, and the intensive attack turned to Ye Chenfeng, and he interrupted his continuous attack.

"Thousands of killings!"

Ye Chenfeng spurts out the sword's road pattern to resist dozens of blood sword attacks. The king of the killer disregards the physical injury and exerts a big killing trick. The body splits a lot of killings, surrounded by different forms. Ye Chenfeng, launched a fatal blow to him.

"Golden body!"

In the face of the killing swordsmanship from all directions, Ye Chenfeng immediately displayed the golden body, covering the surface of the steel-cast body, covering a layer of defensive gold light, enhancing the body defense, and hardly killing Shadow killing attack.


Intensive shadow killing sword fiercely fallen, squatting on the body of Ye Chenfeng, madly destroying his body defense and damaging his body.

"True Dragons!"

Looking at the destruction of the morning killing of the king of the murderer, he quickly merged the power of the dragon heart, and raised the power of the dragon to the peak, turning into a claw and a dragon, and the blood dragon of Longwei. Rolling the void, tearing the layers of shadows to kill the sword, nearly hitting the king of the killer.

The real dragon that was displayed by Ye Chenfeng became locked, avoiding the inevitable king of the killer, regardless of the physical injury, burning the blood, continuously exerting big killings, and weakening the attack of the real dragon as much as possible.

But the real dragon attacked too fast, and in the blink of an eye, he smashed his continuous killings and bombarded a life-saving shield that he had rushed between.


The life-saving shield in front of the King of the Killer was broken. The terrible dragon was slammed into his body like a tide, and he flew out. A lot of blood spewed out of his body.

Showing the mysterious magical power to kill the king of the killer, Ye Chenfeng will chase after the victory, but the king of the killer reacts extremely fast, relying on the unpredictable speed, breaking into a special speed trajectory, getting rid of Ye Chenfeng The pursuit.

In the end, the king of the victim who was seriously injured, with the help of the ruined ancient ban in the ancient medicine garden, got rid of the pursuit of Ye Chenfeng, escaped and disappeared.

ps: Today's photo of summer butterfly, very important person, see friends and WeChat public number: ylty83


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