Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 880: Who counts who?



A powerful suction spreads through the body of the summer butterfly, urging the rich aura of the Qiankun to come from all directions, forming a powerful aura of anger on her head, madly immersed in her body. Enhance her strength and impact the five-level beast kingdom.

With the increasing energy accumulated in the body of the summer butterfly, accepting the bail-out of the day, the meridian, and the integration of sufficient energy, she finally broke through the bottleneck and broke through to the five-level beast.

Breakthrough the realm, the summer butterfly woke up in cultivation. When she saw the leaf morning wind not far away, the corner of her mouth was slightly upturned, and there was a smile that was intriguing.

"Summer butterfly, I did not expect that there are so many secrets hidden in your body, not only passed through the days of punishment, but also broke through the realm, reaching the level of the five-level beasts."

Looking at the black robes, the true appearance of the beautiful, beautiful and beautiful summer butterfly, Ye Chenfeng slowly walked over and said.

"Why, are you interested in the secrets of me?"

The summer butterfly showed a fascinating smile, and looked at Ye Chenfeng as if he had completely forgotten the scene that had just made her crazy.

"Well, I am really interested in the secrets of your body. I want to know the origin of the mysterious voice in your body. I wonder if you are willing to tell me?" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said.

"Tell you not that you can't, but you must defeat me, otherwise everything will be free." The beautiful eyes of the summer butterfly reveal a hint of color.

"Win you?"

Ye Chenfeng instantly understood the meaning of the summer butterfly, knowing that she was worried about the matter just now, and wanted to learn from herself.

"What, don't you dare?"

The summer butterfly is provocatively looking at the silence of Ye Chenfeng, asking in a bad manner.

"Summer butterfly, you also know that there are many crises outside. If we try at this time, it is too dangerous." Ye Chenfeng said with some scruples.

"Why are we going to try outside? Can't you try it here? No one can disturb us here." The summer butterfly directly blocked Ye Chenfeng's excuse, and said nothing.

"This..." Ye Chenfeng hesitated.

"Ye Chenfeng, are you a man, a mother-in-law of a mother-in-law." The summer butterfly licked his mouth and deliberately stimulated him.

"Summer butterfly, I can compare with you, but I have to attach a condition." Ye Chenfeng bit his teeth, as if making a major decision, facing the beautiful big eyes of the summer butterfly.

"What conditions?" asked the summer butterfly smiley.

"If I beat you, you not only have to tell me the secrets of you, but also promise me three things." Ye Chenfeng said.

"No problem, but during the fair period, if you lose to me, you must promise to do three things for me, but also recognize me as my sister."

Breakthrough to the fifth level of the beastly kingdom, the summer butterfly has full confidence in its own strength, no hesitation to promise, and attached its own conditions.


Ye Chenfeng gritted his teeth and promised.

"In order to prevent someone from losing the game and not accepting the account, we must swear by the heavens before the test."

The summer butterfly reveals a smirk, suggesting that the sacred scorpion has already poured out to her.

"Summer butterfly, it seems to break through to the five-level beasts of the realm of the beast, you are very confident about your own strength." Looking at the fierce, unscrupulous summer butterfly, Ye Chenfeng said low.

"Ye Chenfeng, in fact, you don't have to be too frustrated. With your means, there is also a chance to beat me." The summer butterfly is afraid of Ye Chenfeng's return, and quickly said.

"Okay, then let us swear by the heavens."

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, and both the summer butterfly and the butterfly made a vow.

"Fu Sanshu, how do I feel that it is not the morning wind brother, but the summer sister?" said the spirit fish who came over and watched.

"I also have this feeling, the girl is unlucky."

Fu Qingshan still knows about Ye Chenfeng. He knows that he never does things that he is not sure. It seems that Ye Chenfeng is being picked up by the summer butterfly. In fact, all this is in his calculation.

"Fu Sanshu, you three to help us to be a witness." With the swearing of Tiandao, Ye Chenfeng shouted at the three people of Fu Qingshan.


Fu Qingshan nodded and said.

"Ye Chenfeng, you dare to offend this girl again and again, I will fight you to find your teeth, so that your mother does not know you." Hearing Ye Chenfeng shouted, Xia Wei Butterfly I couldn't help but laugh out, grinding the cute little tiger teeth and meditating in my heart.

But she didn't know, Ye Chenfeng had already opened the flowers in his heart. In the Qiankun environment, Ye Chenfeng is the absolute master. He can freely mobilize the power of a space in Qiankun. It can be said that the butterfly has fallen into the sky. I have dug in the trap.

"Ye Chenfeng, can we compare it?" asked the summer butterfly.

"Yes, you can attack."

Ye Chenfeng is carrying his hands, and his face is relaxed. He is in stark contrast to the seemingly hesitant and worried look, so that the summer butterfly is aware of an unusual atmosphere.

However, by destroying the daily punishment, refining the mysterious power and the power of life in the body, breaking through to the five-level beastly kingdom, the strength of the summer butterfly is raised to an extremely terrifying degree, and there is a complete killing of the sixth-class beastmaster. strength.

Even if Ye Chenfeng has the best holy treasure, Kowloon, she is not afraid.

"Ye Chenfeng, my grandmother must cut you into a pig head today, to vent my heart and only hate!"

Speaking, the flash of light at the foot of the summer butterfly is like a lightning strike through the sky, and an attack launched by Ye Chenfeng.

In the vicinity of Ye Chenfeng, the endless starlight vented out in her hot body, turned into a starry sky, and wanted to cover the leaf morning wind.

The starlight hood came out, and Ye Chenfeng did not sacrifice any weapons. He did not use the Tao and applied his skills. Instead, he gently waved his arm.

But the moment he waved his arm, it merged with the power of the space in the hustle and bustle, and directly smashed the shroud to his starlight network.


Looking at Ye Chenfeng’s gesture of tearing the starry net, the eyes of the summer butterfly suddenly burst into the sky, revealing the feelings of a ghost.

Although this blow, she only used a small amount of power, but it should not be so easily broken.

"Life and death map!"

The summer butterfly merges with the death mandala, enlightens the tree, accepts the bail-out of the day, and has a major harvest, that is, to cultivate the meaning of life to the tenth degree of perfection, and to display the same with the meaning of death. It can condense the horrible picture of life and death.

The picture of life and death is played, and the void in front of Ye Chenfeng is immediately affected. The violent fluctuations, the infinite force of life and death continue to emerge in the map of life and death, and the bombing is to Ye Chenfeng.


In the face of the death and death map attack, Ye Chenfeng gently pointed out a finger, blending the power of the Qiankun, and tearing the incoming force of life and death. Pointed on the map of life and death.


The life and death map can not withstand the force of the space filled with awns, and instantly burst, and this strange scene shocked the summer butterfly eyedrops almost fell out.

When the summer butterfly was surprised, Ye Chenfeng suddenly appeared behind her, picking up the right hand full of space, and slamming on her pretty buttocks.


A crisp slap in the air, the summer butterfly was slapped out by the leaves of the morning breeze, and the tearing pain of the buttocks almost cried.


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