Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 896: Domain domain 睺

"I think that the big devil will see the words I left, it should be mad. 1"

The corner of Ye Chenfeng, who is hiding in the Qiankun environment, is slightly upturned, revealing a faint smile, and the distorted face of the big devil is involuntarily revealed in his mind.

"I don't know how many points are in the relics of those people."

Ye Chenfeng checked the relics of men and others in black, and got another 13 million points, plus a total of 45 million points from the blackmail. The remaining 4 million points in the previous period. Ye Chenfeng has nearly 100 million points.

Enough to enter the star field and participate in an auction held in the star field.

But this trouble, his identity token can no longer be used, Ye Chenfeng can only use the third identity token, continue to participate in the combat test, accumulate victory.

Fortunately, he doesn't need points anymore, and he has accumulated more than two months to make him a gold star.

In addition to the 13 million points, Ye Chenfeng is still in the black man's ring and other people's ring, accidentally got two avenues, two bottles of precious backwater, more than ten pseudo-Dao Dan, tens of thousands of best Soul crystal, two pieces of quasi-roads, several pieces of the best treasures and other treasures.

Received the relics of the people, Ye Chenfeng sat in the core of the aura of liquidity, and continued to practice the magical vertigo.

Dizziness is very difficult to practice, but Ye Chenfeng, who has a brain-shaking brain, only took four days to fully master it, and found the king of killing who just broke through the fourth-level beastly kingdom. The power of vertigo. To read a book·

In the hundreds of years of mastering the city of killing, the king of killing refines a large number of heaven and earth spirits, and its own accumulation and cultivation roots are more than ordinary warriors, and the soul is even stronger.

But it was attacked by Ye Chenfeng's vertigo. His soul still produced a stun of nearly one second. Although it was not a long time, but the master had a trick, this second time was enough to change the situation.

Seeing the power of vertigo, Ye Chenfeng showed a satisfied smile, no private possession, and passed the stun practice to the spirit fish, the king of killing and Fu Qingshan.

After the enchanting woman and other people died, it has already passed seven days. Ye Chenfeng feels that the outside should be calm. On a dark night, the control of the illusion of the road pattern re-transformed the figure and quietly left the Qiankun. Returning to the triple minefield, I went directly to Leige to rent a two-month thunder room to make a temporary stop.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Chenfeng took the new identity token and came to the battlefield to start the fight again.

And his strategy of fighting is the same as last time, the strength is suppressed to the level of the five-level king of the beast, and each opponent fights hundreds or even thousands of strokes to win the game, so that people can not see through his true strength.

When Ye Chenfeng participated in the fighting field every day, slowly accumulating his own winning streak, the ice ice cloud and the real demon family protection team joined forces to thoroughly clean the entire Xing Luo Tiancheng. Ww want w·1ka book

The four Dengtian Roads were directly closed. A large number of suspicious people were captured by the masters of Xingluo Tiancheng and detained in prison. The security of the entire Xingluo Tiancheng reached the highest level, except for the close relationship with Xingluo Tiancheng. The disciples of the forces, the genius disciples of other forces, were rejected by them.

Ye Chenfeng, who is in the triple thunderfield, has been surveyed twice in a month.

Fortunately, the white house gave him the identity token is very clean, so that the Star Luo Tiancheng master did not find any problems.

Time flies, two months are fleeting.

In this one-and-a-half-month, Ye Chenfeng steadily and steadily, not completing the 50-game winning streak without revealing the mountains, and became a gold star in a very low-key manner.

In the meantime, the stormy starry sky has gradually returned to calm, and the stars of the Tiancheng Tiancheng began to fully prepare for the upcoming auction in the star field.

"In the past month, the problem of completing the eighty-game winning streak should be small."

Ye Chenfeng calculated the time and continued to make daily appointments to participate in the fight.

Although the end, Ye Chenfeng encountered more challenges, including half-step Fenghuangqiang, but he still spent 20 days, fighting more than 3,000 rounds, defeating a Fenghuangqiang After completing his 80th winning streak

And this record finally caused the idea of ​​the Dongcheng Leiguan high-level.

"Golden Law, what did Black Rock, which just won eighty-game winning streak, come from that power?"

Wearing a dark gold robes, the body is burly, black and long hair is scattered on the shoulders, the face is sharp and angular, the bronze skin is hidden under the powerful power of the East Ray Domain Lord Luo, looking at the soul of the hand, low Asked.

The picture that appeared in the video is the process of Ye Chenfeng defeating the Emperor and winning the 80th victory.

"According to our investigation, the black rock is suspected to be the apprentice of the stone-dwelling stone people in the mainland. The talents are endless, and he defeated Jia Gujian, the first realm of the beastly kingdom, and relied on more than ordinary people. Sustainability and endurance eventually exhausted Jaguar’s soul and achieved the final victory.” The body was thin, with a golden hair and a golden guard on the neck with a poisonous spider.

"The stone disciples' apprentice!" Luo Yan's brow slightly wrinkled, his fingers tapped on the handrail: "If I remember correctly, the stone man seems to be dead."

"Well, the stone man is dead. This black rock should be the only apprentice he left behind." Jin Huofa nodded. "Not long ago, when I was in a big turmoil, his identity was also investigated. No problem. ""

"Golden Law, I am interested in this black rock, you take me to him, saying that I appreciate him and ask him if he wants to be my own. If he wants, I can give him a lot of cultivation resources. "Luo Luo revealed a smile like a demon."

"Yes, I am going to find him! I think if he knows that he will be happy by the domain owner, he will be happy."

When finished, Jin Hufa retired and went to Lei Ge, where Ye Chenfeng rented.

"Yan Gongzi, someone is looking for!"

Ye Chenfeng went to the city and turned around. He just returned to Leige, and the person in charge of Lei Ge immediately shouted at him.

"Who is looking for me?"

Ye Chenfeng’s brow slightly wrinkled and asked in a low voice.

"I am looking for you!"

When wearing a black robe and a spider on his neck, the golden guardian who gave a feeling of evil spirits came out from the back hall and said slowly.


Ye Chenfeng looked at the golden guardian of the second-level beastly kingdom, and asked faintly.

"I am the protector of this Donglei domain. You can call me the golden guardian law. The purpose of my coming today is to invite you to join me in the East Minefield. Do you know if you are interested?" Said an arrogant smile.

"Sorry, I have no plans to join any forces at the moment." Ye Chenfeng shook his head and refused.

"Do you really think about it?" Jin Huofa did not expect Ye Chenfeng to refuse, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and some unpleasantly said: "The domain owner appreciates that you are your blessing, and if you become a domain master, you can Enjoy all the resources of cultivation in these three minefields. It is no exaggeration to say that these good things are enough to make any warrior crazy."

"Sorry, I have to cultivate, you have nothing to do, you can go back."

When finished, Ye Chenfeng turned to the rented thunder room despite the increasingly gloomy eyes of the Golden Protection Law.

"Mom, the guy who doesn't know the lift, refuses the domain owner, you just wait for the demise." Jin Huo's eyes flashed with a stunned look, said a gloomy voice.


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