Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 897: 刀魁

"Well...how come you are alone, what about the black rock? Why didn't he come to see me with you!"

Half lying in the arms of a rich woman, Luo Yi, who is enjoying a comfortable massage, opened her eyes and saw the gloomy gold guards coming back alone. The brows were slightly wrinkled and asked coldly. ·

"Returning to the domain master, that Black Rock is too ignorant of the sky, refused to join us." Jin Huofa added oil and vinegar to tell the story, deliberately discredited Ye Chenfeng.

"Interesting kid, I dare to look down on my Donglei domain!" Luo Hao's eyes flashed in the eyes, revealing a smile of Senran, said: "Go, pass me orders, let the knife to deal with him, refuse to join me Donglei domain, then there is no need to keep him."

"Yes, domain owner, I will arrange it."

Golden protection revealed a cold smile and quickly retreated.

"Domains, don't care about the kid who doesn't know how to lift, let's go back to the room, let the soft child serve you." Wearing a tulle skirt, a woman with a plump woman, a charming woman with a bright spring Soft channel.

"Haha, or you are intimate!"

Luo Xiao laughed and hugged the woman with tender eyes and tenderness, and walked to the bedroom, the scenery was infinite.

In the morning, the soft sun shines on the thunder room, which will absorb the lightning force, and the leaf morning wind that tempers the body wakes up from cultivation.

Rejected Luo’s invitation yesterday, Ye Chenfeng pretended that today’s fighting would never be easy, but he did not care, after bathing and changing clothes, he came to the battlefield early.

·1ka wants n books

When Ye Chenfeng is like a steel gun, standing on the battle platform, closing his eyes and waiting for today’s fighting opponents, the entire battlefield suddenly becomes noisy, and almost everyone’s eyes are burly. With a strong upper body, carrying six different shapes, the quality of the extraordinary knife, the heavy men are attracted.

"Knife, how did he come. He hasn’t been a knife for two years, don’t he participate in the fight?”

"Yes, Knife has completed a hundred-game winning streak. After becoming a diamond star, he has already closed the knife. It is difficult for him to shoot again today."

"Two years have not seen, the strength of this knife is more and more unfathomable. With his strength, I am afraid I can be among the top 50 strong stars."

Looking at the knives that appeared in the competition area and walked toward the martial arts step by step, the whole stand blasted the pot, and many people showed the excitement, and they were excited to witness the game.


Knife looked coldly at Ye Chenfeng, his body flashed, with a strong sense of oppression, appeared opposite Ye Chenfeng, the body's momentum was unreservedly released, and oppressed him.

"The original knife was for him."

"Hey, that black rock is not offending people, it has led to the knife, it seems that his winning streak has to end."

"It's not a stop, ten of them will be killed by the knife!"

Looking at the battle platform, the tit-for-tat two people, many people sympathize with Ye Chenfeng, almost no one is optimistic that he can laugh at the end, because they are released from the knife, let them There is a feeling of heartbeat. ·1ka

"The second level of beasts and emperors."

Looking at the strong body covered with criss-cross scars, the whole body muscles are full of powerful power, carrying the knife with six big knives, Ye Chenfeng does not like sadness, and there is no expression change on his face.

"Three strokes, you will lose!"

Knife indifference looks like only the five-level anti-Beast king of Ye Chenfeng, cold and ruthless.

"If you can't beat me in three strokes?" Ye Chenfeng smiled a little and asked faintly.

"Then four tricks." Knife said indifferently.


"You are bored!"

Ye Chenfeng said something silently, offering a pair of top quality amps and weighing tens of thousands of pounds.

"To treat the dead, I have always been like this."

Speaking, the six-handed big knife behind the knife knives felt the ascension of his body and swayed.


The knife slammed and slammed, and a large knife flew out automatically. He held the knife of the ancient knives in one hand, carrying the stunned sword and slamming toward Ye Chenfeng.

A knife bursts out, the air becomes rushed, and the madness melts into the knife, which inevitably enhances the power of the knife.

"Good! The attack power of this knife has become so terrible, that Black Rock should not be able to withstand his three attacks."

"With the knife entering the road, this knife grows to the point where we can't estimate it."

There was a knife in the hole, and there was a deep knife mark in the space. The audience in the stands took a sigh of coolness and revealed a deep horror.

"Transformation Phantom!"

Ye Chenfeng didn't have a hard-won-knife attack, his body flashed slightly, and he intertwined several speeds and shadows, and ducked to the side.

"I want to see how many times you can dodge!"

Knife's body momentum rose again. He pulled out a double-knife and broke out with amazing power. Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Ye Chenfeng launched a speed attack.

"Great River Knife!"

Knife and Knife smashed out, carrying the mountain river, layered and smashed to Ye Chenfeng, sealing the dodge space around his body.

"Strongly breaking the tide!"

Looking at the flashing knife in front of the eyes, Ye Chenfeng did not evade again, but burst out of nearly 20 million jins, holding a double axe to meet up, relying on absolute power, inciting the attack of the knife.

"Insane, this black rock is absolutely crazy, and it is going to attack the knife. It seems that this game is going to end early."


The two axe in the hands of Ye Chenfeng smashed on the river knife of the mountain river. The bursting sounds burst into flames, and the powerful spurs slammed the banned light around them, stirring the way out.


Relying on the power to tear the knife's attack, Ye Chenfeng, who suppressed the realm to the level of the five-level king of the beast, retired a few steps, and forced a blood out of the play.

"What, blocked, he really blocked the attack of the knife!"

"This black rock is not the strongest of the eighty-game winning streak. Sure enough, there are a few brushes. I hope he can create trouble for the knife and let us see the fun."

"I didn't expect you to be a waste!"

Looking at the big river knife, the mouth bleeding, the body out of control, Ye Chenfeng, Knife's brow slightly wrinkled, pedaling a strange pace, holding a double knife to continue to attack Ye Chenfeng.

Under his speed attack, the entire battle table was covered with criss-crossing shadows, and the morning wind was swallowed up.

In the face of the knives from all directions, Ye Chenfeng holds a double axe, and he has a counterattack with ease, relying on powerful forces to constantly smash the knife and knives.

After a violent attack, the attack launched by the knife was once again broken by the power of Ye Chenfeng, and his face with no waves for the first time showed a surprised color.

"A strong body, a great strength."

Knife is well aware of the terrible attack of the previous round. It is quite difficult for the three-level beast master to resist. The fact that Ye Chenfeng only paid a minor injury was resisted. This made him quite surprised.

But he did not slow down the offensive, holding a pair of knives to continue to attack Ye Chenfeng, wanting to smash it and hit it, gaining an overwhelming advantage.

Knowledge's offensive is getting more and more fierce and unpredictable, but under the powerful soul of Ye Chenfeng, it is easy to understand his attacking weaknesses, and repeatedly shot and interrupted his continued attack, which made him quite uncomfortable.

Gradually, there was a feeling of shrinking the feet and losing the patience, the mind moved, and used two ancient epee, the soul controlled to launch a deadly attack on Ye Chenfeng.


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