Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 889: Celebrity God of Death

Outside Guangling City, Beifu Military Camp.

A few days ago, it seemed a bit deserted, and the lack of popularity in the big camp is now lively and extraordinary, as if it became magic, and the empty camp is full of people at once, and three and five groups of strong men are constantly flowing. The ground enters from the camp gates in all directions. Everyone's face is written with excitement and excitement, and the Beifu Army sergeant tokens attached to the belt of the trousers let them unimpeded in the camp.

Liu Yu was standing on a tower with arms in his arms. Liu Mu's mouth was nibbled with a big cake, full of meat, and he was sucking his fingers while eating the cake: "Cun powder should be added a little more , It ’s more flavorful, so I have to ask the cook to get more. "

Liu Yu frowned: "I remember you didn't like to eat pasta, why haven't you seen it in two years, and you've changed sex?"

Liu Muzhi smiled and put the last bite into his mouth, said ambiguously: "I am also preparing for the Northern Expedition. When I go to the north, I want to drink millet porridge. It is not easy to eat rice. I heard that The steamed meat bun is a famous food in Guanzhong, and it is just for the cook to try it. "

Liu Yuqi said: "It is indeed popular to eat this in Guanzhong, but the question is how can you find a cook who can make this?"

Liu Muzhi said with a smile: "Have you forgotten that Qin Guo's former Qingzhou thorn Shi Fulang? He is the world's number one foodie. Since I was in Jin Dynasty, I soon became a good friend with him. After all, we have many Similar hobbies, such as literary talents, such as gourmet food, these Guanzhong flavors, those of his cooks are naturally easy to learn, I also learned with both hands, this meat sandwich is just learned two days ago. "

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "Eat, eat, you know to eat, do you know that people in Guanzhong, especially those in Chang'an, are eating soil and eating mud."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "No, they didn't eat soil, they were eating people. Since the taste of human flesh that night, the people of Chang'an have been better."

Liu Yu's face changed slightly, and the terrible tragedy of that night swayed in front of his eyes again. He gritted his teeth: "Anyway, eating people is a loss of conscience. Whether Guan Zhong is a soldier or a civilian, he is gone. In view of human nature, we should rescue this **** earlier. By the way, how is Fujian now? "

Liu Muzhi put away his smile and said straightly: "Fujian's benevolence was finally rewarded at this time, Qin Jun was dying, Xiyan was not upset, they also lacked food, and Yao Chang was sitting on the mountain again. Tiger fight, so Murong Chong gave up the siege for a while, and instead ambushed the various docks and villages around Changan, which instead let those people who were originally just defending themselves to support Changan. "

Liu Yu sighed: "Keeping in the dock, relying on the danger of the terrain, may be able to block Xiyan's small unit, but if it comes out like this, what is it not to die?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, these people went to Changan one after another, but at most only one or two of the ten people could break through. Finally, Fu Jian couldn't see it anymore, and he posted a blatant speech on the city head. He said that his original army was like a sea, and the mighty man was like a cloud, but now it is like this, but it is due to the will of the people. If the people are truly loyal to Daqin, it ’s best to stay intact. , Do n’t make these fearless sacrifices now. "

Liu Yu nodded: "Fujian is indeed a benevolent monarch, but unfortunately he can't see the enemy clearly, he can't listen to the loyal words, but after all, if he really kills Murong Chui and Yao Chang ruthlessly, he might not be able This is so good. The so-called Cheng Yi Ren Yi, defeats also Ren Yi, that is to say he. "

Liu Muzhi said with a smile: "But although Fujian said so, some people still did not give up. Some people captured by the Xiyan Army quietly spoke to Fujian and asked him to send troops to respond. They would set fire in the camp, and they should cooperate inside and outside. Boke will break the Xiyan Army. "

Liu Yu frowned: "I'm afraid it won't be easy. Murong Chong may be in touch, but Murong Yong is a famous general and won't keep this opportunity."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "It is precisely that Fu Jian originally persuaded the captives not to do this, but they insisted repeatedly, and finally Fu Jian couldn't help, and sent seven hundred daring men to take advantage of the night out of the city, they had good luck, Murongyong took the soldiers out to sweep, and the captives really succeeded in setting fire. For a time, the fire was soaring, but at the most critical time, the wind direction suddenly changed, not only the fire did not burn to the Chinese military camp in Murongchong Instead, all the Qin soldiers and the captives who set fire were burned, and almost none of them returned to Chang'an alive. "

Liu Yu sighed and shook his head helplessly: "Fujian's luck was too back, probably he was too smooth in the first half of his life, so he always walked back from the beginning of Fei Shui, like a ghost hitting the wall. Perhaps, this is what is called The world is full of strength, it is not free to transport heroes. "

Liu Muzhi nodded: "You didn't believe in it before, how can you say that now?"

A trace of desolation flashed in Liu Yu's eyes: "Maybe it's been more experience, this trip to Guanzhong, I saw the terrible of all kinds of obsessions ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Human distortion, saw hundreds of thousands How people become beasts, some beliefs may be shaken, but I still believe that my destiny should be controlled by myself, not controlled by God or something. "

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "This is the Liu Jinu I know. But this northern expedition will still attack Hebei, not Guanzhong."

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, but what surprised me is that Xile has done so succinctly this time. In three days, it has summoned over 10,000 brothers from Jingkou. This ability is really impressive. Needless to say, there are also Diao brothers who are making trouble there. "

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Diao Kui did not make trouble this time, almost watching Liu Yi take people away, which made me feel not very good. There is another thing, Fulang died yesterday."

Liu Yu's face changed: "What's going on?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Because at the banquet that day, he teased the Wang family brothers, saying that they are dog-faced and human-faced, so Wang Guobao is grieving, and has been advancing on the emperor's face these days, saying yes Fulang is not my family, and his heart will be different. After he came to build Kang, he secretly became a partisan. He was suspected of spying on the military and conspiracy. So the emperor ordered to go to the Fu family to search. Now! "

Liu Yu's eyes were gleaming, and a trace of vigilance flashed on his face: "Fulang was surrendered by Xuanshuai and Xianggong personally. At this time, killing him was very intentional. It seems that this time the Northern Expedition will not So flat, the hindrance comes not only from the strong enemy in the front, but also from the difficult friends in the rear. "

Liu Muzhi nodded and said aloud: "Yes, so as a friend, I have to say, send slaves, it is best not to go this time, dangerous!"


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