Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 890: 1 heart to the country but nowhere

Liu Yu looked calm and frankly said: "Fat man, thank you for your advice. You are not the first to speak, nor the last to speak, but no matter how many people tell me this way, my answer is only one, that is Do not."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Liu Muzhi's eyes: "I knew it would be the result. The Northern Expedition is a dream in your heart. You will not give up, but you must know that this Northern Expedition is not the last one of Fei Shuizhi. War, dangerous road ahead, long night, waiting for you, it is likely to be a failure. "

Liu Yu nodded: "I know, maybe three years ago, I would listen to you and not join in the excitement of this time, but when I saw the situation in Changan, my conscience could not keep me away from this action. Hebei has been fighting for more than three years, and it is more damaged than Guanzhong. The tragedy of Chang’an must also be reproduced in Hebei. I ca n’t just watch the people there suffering and suffering, and my conscience ca n’t stand it. ”

Liu Muzhi frowned slightly: "But I said that this time the situation is not good, the emperor and other big families are messing up behind, the Xie family can be said to be alone, without the support of any people, and the enemies they face are not Then there is the great joy, the benevolence of Fu Jian, but the ruthless and unscrupulous Murong Cui. Although it seems that we have an advantage now, I have a very bad hunch. This time, the Northern Expedition is difficult to compete. "

Liu Yu shook his head: "We are not alone, Fu Pi agreed to help."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Do you believe in Fu Pi? I believe it, but he would rather stay in Yecheng than return to the customs. I don't think he will give up some food and grass, and come from our contact with Fu Pi Look, Liu Yi didn't talk to him when he talked about the conditions, but talked to his men, who joined the army Jiang Rang. This person is a Han, and his conditions may not really be approved by Fu Pi. "

Liu Yu's complexion changed: "You mean, Jiang Rang might have negotiated privately with Fu Pi?"

Liu Muzhi's expression is serious: "It's not possible, but almost certain. It is impossible for Fu Pi to give up Yecheng at this time. If it weren't for his mitigation plan, Jiang Ran would negotiate privately. From me to Fu Pi According to the understanding, this person has a shallow impulse, there is no city, and the strategy of slowing down the war is 80% impossible. If Jiang Rang is carrying his agreement, then Fu Pi will definitely regret it when he knows the truth. When the Northern Expeditionary Army is in Hebei, Facing Qin Yan's two rivals at the same time, instead of pulling one against the other. "

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "This matter must be reported to Master Xianggong and Xuanshuai, otherwise there may be something serious."

Liu Muzhi smiled and shook his head: "Did you, Master Xianggong and Xuanshuai, not see it, but even knowing this, you can only go northward, because there is no other choice. Liu Yi and I said that when the time came Put it in the Liyang ferry to the south, and let Pi Pi pick it up, and we took the opportunity to take Yecheng. As long as Yecheng fell into our hands, it would be useless for it. Even if Jiang Rang did n’t let Fupi Knowing this, but at least it should be internal. If necessary, you can take down Fu Pi, and you should fit in and out. "

Liu Yu's face sank like water, and shook his head: "That's too dangerous. To form an alliance with people, but to use this method, it's betrayal. I would rather face the battlefield upright. And the military and civilians of Yecheng, in Fu Pi He has been very prestigious under the leadership for many years, and Jiang Rangruo has little chance of success if he wants to mutiny. "

Liu Muzhi nodded: "So the road ahead is full of obstacles. Master Xianggong convinced the emperor that the basic reason for reluctantly agreeing to the Northern Expedition was that someone in Hebei would respond, and our army would not go alone, but if Fu Pi was not reliable, it was really It ’s dangerous. I think Xuanshuai hopes to cross the Yellow River first, even if he ca n’t take Yecheng, at least occupying the ferry crossings in Liyang, as a stronghold for the advancement, when the later army is killed, the army will carry a lot of grain and rely on These are for the people of Hebei to come to surrender. "

Liu Yuchang sighed: "Muronghui is a famous general who won't give us this opportunity. He is backed by the Yellow River. He can't be guarded. He gives a frontal attack. In case of failure, there is no escape route. This is exactly what Huan Wen failed last time. The reason is that we ca n’t repeat it. If it ’s not the right time, we would rather not be the Northern Expedition, and we ca n’t give away the elite Beifu Army, which is a battlefield. This 20,000 soldiers are enough to sweep the world. If the effort is gone, not only will the Northern Expedition fail, but I am afraid that the power of the Xie family will also disappear overnight. "

Liu Muzhi put his smile away and said aloud: "So the Xie family not only bet on the Beifu Army, but also on the family luck. If it really fails, you better not have a close relationship with the Xie family. I advise you not to have a reason for the Northern Expedition this time. "

Liu Yu's brow furrowed: "Are you talking about Miaoyin? I didn't marry her because of the power of the Xie family. You should be clear about this. I am in love with her and really love each other."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "But what about outsiders, how can outsiders know? The world only knows the Beifu Army's new general Liu Yu Liu Jinu, married the Xie family and the royal family's marriage Queen Miaoyin, and you are in the Beifu army The record is also because the Xie family gave you a lot of opportunities. There are many men and women in this world who have never met before marriage, how many of them will have love like you? Even if some people know, few will admittedly."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "So, for the future of me and Miaoyin, I still have to do my best to help the Northern Expedition. Otherwise, if Xie's family is lost ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ she will be sad in the future, I She ca n’t suffer. Besides, even if I do n’t participate in the Northern Expedition, no one will think that I have nothing to do with the Xie family. This is unavoidable. Fatty, you stay here, I will help Xuanshuai! ”

Liu Muzhi sighed: "I'm afraid that Xuanshuai won't reuse you in this Northern Expedition, this is not a question you want or not."

Liu Yu's complexion changed: "How is it possible? You all said that this time was difficult. Xuanshuai did not know, how could he not use me?"

Liu Muzhi's eyes flashed coldly. He turned his head to look at the Chinese military camp. Liu Yi was wearing a mail armor and covered with the spring breeze, saluting with the newly reported Beifu army veterans from time to time, looking at the extremely affectionate look .

Liu Yu hooked his mouth and said: "Xile has done a good job this time, but even if he is the pioneer, he will not use me."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "If you are used again, it will greatly reduce his credit. Even if you are just a soldier, you can be more popular than the general on the battlefield. This is something I have proven many times before. I If it is Liu Yi, you will not be allowed to follow you, and even the opportunity to be a soldier will not be given to you. Send slaves, probably this time, if you want to go north, you can only guard the grain and grass in the back army, or build weapons. . "

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