Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1772: Tie Niu Qingxin God Buddha

With the disappearance of Liu Yi's figure, Meng Chang, Zhuge Changmin, Liu Fan, Liu Cui and others also retreated, leaving only Liu Jingxuan, He Wuji, Liu Muzhi and Tan Ping in the account Four of them, the strong masculinity just now dissipated a lot.

Liu Muzhi stood up, took up his bag of needles, and said, "Okay, it's okay to send a slave. In the past few days, we will take turns to take care of him. In about three days, he should be able to Wake up and turn around. But ... "

Speaking of which, Liu Muzhi's mouth was ticked: "If he can't wake up within three days, the problem will be serious. Whether he can wake up in this life is not necessarily true."

Liu Jingxuan just smiled on his face, and he froze at once. He shook his head in disbelief: "It's impossible, you said that poison won't affect him, and that something like the Five Stone Divine Power will only let him Take it off, how, how could he not wake up? "

Liu Muzhi said in a positive way: "Because the power of sending slaves far exceeds that of ordinary people, this divine power is stimulated by the seven-step soul-breaking poison, which will cause a much higher divine power than ordinary people, which allows him to compete with one hundred, Thousands of people are driven alone, but on the other hand, it will cause much greater damage to his body. Think about A Shou. When you were in the water, you got out of bed for more than ten days and last time at the Xiqutai , It ’s more medicinal, so you can get out of bed and walk for a month. You ca n’t even send your slave to your guard. You can prove that this kind of medicinal power is to consume human potential, and the more excitement, the more sequelae. Is it big? "

Xiang Jing's voice came from behind, with a crying voice: "Jin Nu brother, you can, you must not leave us like this, I iron bull, iron bull can not leave you, you have not found me yet What about my wife! "

Liu Jingxuan turned around and punched on Xiang Jing's chest with a fist: "Go to your mother, you stupid cow, will you speak human language! The farting just now hasn't counted with you, and then Is there a curse slave? Rolling rolling rolling! "

Xiang Jingji stomped: "I, I can't speak, I pray that the blessing will not succeed!"

Tan Pingzhi said coldly: "Your kid never believed in God or Buddha. What kind of chaos is there at the moment? Everyone is in a bad mood, so don't be annoying here!"

Xiang Jing gritted his teeth, threw the helmet down on the ground, knelt down on his knees, folded his hands together, raised his forehead, and said, "Buddha who rescues and rescues the sufferings, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of mercy, Mercy Zhang Tianshi who purges all beings, you ... ... "

Instead, Liu Jingxuan laughed angrily: "You stupid cow, what are you talking about, these are Buddhas and one is Tao, how can you put together to worship?"

Tan Pingzhi sighed: "I said Tie Niu, although you are sincere, but you can't even worship at least the rituals of worshipping God, and praying together, only making the gods and gods in the sky angry, and then, you There are too many killings, and there is no incense at ordinary times. Who will look down on you at this time! "

Xiang Jing gritted his teeth, knocked his head to the ground, and knocked his forehead torn, and said loudly: "Jade Emperor, who has boundless power, you gods in the sky, Buddha, I have never believed in this life of iron bull, now for Brother Ji, I believe it. If you can make him wake up now, I will burn incense for you in my life and do n’t eat meat all your life. If you ca n’t save Brother Ji Nu, you, you are his mother. Let ’s go to death, I want a temple and a temple to smash your bird statues, let your gang of useless things and his grandma ’s deceptive incense, let you ... "

Xiang Jingyue said more and more excited, almost jumped from the ground, pulled out the big axe on his back, and was about to make a gesture to the sky. Liu Jingxuan and Tan Yingzhi looked at each other and smiled bitterly, just about to pull him forward, but suddenly heard Liu Yu's voice sounded calmly: "Tie Niu, farts can be arbitrarily placed, don't arbitrarily swear, otherwise, it will make the gods angry, it will be very troublesome!"

Xiang Jing froze for a moment, then turned to the bed, looked at Liu Yu, who had opened his eyes and smiled, shouted: "Jinu, Jinu, are you alive? Great Now, I know you are all right, you will be all right. "

Liu Yu smiled and shook his head: "You meat ancestor, if you don't have meat to eat, how can you live this life? Next time, think of a way to withdraw the oath you just made. Also, those who desecrate the spirits must not Do n’t say, Tianshi Taoist thief is messing up, ca n’t you account for the Jade Emperor, the real person of Tianshi, understand? ”

Xiang Jing nodded vigorously: "Understood, I fully understand that next time I will donate money to the temple and incense in Taoist temples, I will definitely build golden bodies for Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Heavenly Masters. What is that called? Oh, fat man Teach me and ask for a return. "

Liu Yu smiled and looked at Liu Muzhi: "Dead fat man, I know I woke up just now, and I deliberately want to scare everyone like this, just to watch the brothers joke?"

Liu Jingxuan suddenly realized, pointing at Liu Muzhi: "Ah, you dead fat man is very bad, this time we have fallen on you!"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "You and Tie Niu were fooled, but the bottle is always clear."

Tan Pingzhi sighed: "I knew that the slave had woke up, because when the iron bull fart, I noticed that his appearance changed slightly, but you all stared at the iron bull, and didn't pay much attention to his expression. Changes. Of course, I believe Xi Le also sees it. "

Xiang Jing scratched his head: "Hey, why did he see that he had to leave?"

Liu Yu slowly sat up and looked at Liu Jingxuan and Xiang Jing: "A Shou, Tie Niu, it's not too early, you should go back to the boss ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I still feel dizzy now, I need a fat man and a bachelor to take care of me here, and I will go to you in a moment. "

Liu Jingxuan nodded: "Father and handsome are always looking for us. Now that the military is busy, you just wake up. Let's go first. Fat, if you let the slaves do anything else, I will let you eat chicken drumsticks this month! "

He said, pulling Xiang Jing, turning around and paying the bill, Xiang Xiang walked sideways and said unwillingly, "Why do you want me to leave?"

"You asshole, eat so many crotons, do you still want to send the slave to the stink? Don't stay there, go."

When the two figures disappeared out of the account, Liu Yu looked at Tan Pingzhi and his smile gradually dissipated from his face: "Yingzi discovered something, would you like to tell me?"

Tan Ping nodded and took out a dark blue arrow from his sleeve. He said in a true color: "This is what I found on the battlefield later, it is the place where you hit the arrow, and the arrow is the standard Beifu The three-sided arrow of the army and the shaft of the arrow are also specially made by Jingkou Garlic. I can be sure that this arrow is the standard equipment of our Beifu army. "


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