Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1773: Mu Zhijian's domination

Tan Bingzhi's eyes were bright and he looked directly at Liu Yu, but he never stopped in his mouth for a moment: "The equipment of our Beifu Army is different from other units. We will not say a little bit more heavily than the sword, sword and halberd. The arrow shaft should be more than half of the weight of the ordinary army. Send the slave, you know, even if it is a penny, the strength and precision of the archery must be adjusted a lot. Only with this practice all day long can you have such power. "

"And the position where you hit the arrow happens to be where our shoulder armor fits, indicating that this person also knows the armor of our Beifu Army very well. This person who shot you is not from Heavenly Master, but from our Beifu Army internal!"

Liu Yu looked at Tan Bingzhi and said quietly: "So, you just wanted to ask Xi Le in front of my bed, just to see his reaction, or that you have aimed the target of doubt. Healing? "

Tan Pingzhi gritted his teeth: "Brothers for so many years, I don't want to doubt him, but the fact is so, I can't help but I don't think so, and this is not the earliest I found, or the fat man is careful, I found the one you fell in the battlefield The broken arrow, coincidentally, just when he found it, Liu Yi also arrived on the battlefield. At that time, everyone was thinking about your situation and wanted to see you. Only him, Liu Xile, actually came to this battlefield alone. Is this also a coincidence? "

Liu Yu looked at Liu Muzhi: "The bottle does not have such a good insight, or do you doubt Liu Yi, and then go to the bottle to verify, right?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Slave, secretly calculate your arrow, it will always be the most dangerous thing shot from behind, you are not the first to encounter this, Wuzhuang was searched by Liu Yi, he came back and reported nothing, But when you go again, you will encounter an ambush. In addition to what the bottle said just now, I ’m not too good at ordnance and weapons, and I ’m afraid I might misunderstand him. So I just found the bottle to check the situation of the arrow. People who are not angels and arrows ca n’t do this, and Liu Yi ’s archery is second only to the bottle in the whole army. This is also known to everyone. To say that in addition to Hu Fan and the bottle, There is a third archer who can hurt you, it must be Liu Xile. "

Liu Yu closed his eyes and said, "The world is so big, there are so many strange people and strangers. In the south, there are now no more than ten archers known in the army who can do this. A Shou and Xu Daofu also have Such a skill. Not to mention what a strong general who is good at riding and shooting from the north. You ca n’t make such a conclusion easily without seeing Liu Yi shot. "

Tan Ping bit his teeth: "There are so many doubts on Liu Yi's body, do you really not doubt them at all?"

Liu Yu shook his head and opened his eyes: "I have too many enemies. Even if Hele does n’t like me, I do n’t welcome me. At least he is not an enemy on the bright side, and he has a high prestige in the army, and the surrounding brothers are not in me. Underneath, he insulted him innocently and without evidence. In the end, instead of finding the real culprit, it would cause the division of the Beifu Army. Now that the enemy is now, we cannot mess up ourselves first. "

Tan Ping stomped with hatred: "I have all killed you, and still be yourself? Sending slaves, I really don't know what you think. Do you always expect luck to be on your side?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "There is never a shortage of people who want my life, but most of them will lose their own lives. Xile is a smart person. No matter whether he does this or not, he should know that the next step What to do, what not to do, bottle, I know that you are good to me, true brother, and I will pay more attention to my back, but now, listen to me, the Master ’s way is not gone, the Mafia is more It is the minions that show up behind me. In this case, only our Beifu Army can unite to overcome this level. I hope you can put your doubts in your heart. In any case, you ca n’t talk to Xi Le at this time. Do you understand the conflict? "

Tan Pingzhi gritted his teeth: "Be careful yourself. Next time, you may not have such good luck. I have to go back to my barracks. I may have another mission. However, if you want me to help me during this time, On call. "

He said, turned around and left the account, Liu Yu's eyes fell on Liu Muzhi, sighed: "The bottle is a loyal person, no sand can be rubbed in his eyes, you should not drag him in."

Liu Muzhi said indifferently: "He can protect you and protect you, Tan Tan has a city palace than you think, and will not directly conflict with Liu Yi, which is why I did not find him."

Liu Yu closed his eyes and muttered, "It seems that this time when I returned to the Beifu Army, not only did the chief do not want to see me, but Hele didn't want me to come back. I knew that I might as well stay with the uncle . "

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "It is useless to retreat blindly. You are a natural talent, no matter where you are, it will shine. Sooner or later, you will have conflicts of interest with them. Instead of conflicting when you finally become a general, it is better to be now. Just solve it. Behind Liu Yi, I am afraid that there is still the shadow of the Mafia. You must pay attention to this. This is the difference between him and Liu Laozhi ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Liu Yu sighed: "Black hand It ’s a matter of time before the party finds him. I ’m not surprised. If it ’s the mafia that hurt me this time, Liu Yi must be involved, but now we do n’t have evidence and we ca n’t directly clash with him. Fat, you think I take How about retreating? "

Liu Muzhi's complexion changed: "Retreat in advance? What do you mean?"

Liu Yu sat up and said in a straight voice: "Just don't grab the power with the coach and Xile, let alone Xie Yan. I drive thousands of people this time alone, the limelight is too strong, and it will definitely cause many parties. Dissatisfaction, open guns are easy to hide, and dark arrows are difficult to prevent. I really ca n’t be so lucky every time, so I can use the name of wounds to stay for the time being without leading soldiers. The following chase operations are almost at your fingertips. I wo n’t compete with others if I do n’t compete with others. ”

Liu Muzhi's brow furrowed: "Slave, in my opinion, if you want to protect yourself, you need to be an independent army. Only by making a contribution can you join the army as a general who can lead the army. Now that you have everything in place, you are only short of a place. Once you have a general, even in the name of lieutenant general, there will be a large number of heroes who worship you in the Beifu army to go. "

Liu Yu shook his head: "This is tantamount to setting up another hill, pulling the team to build poles, and splitting the North Mansion. This is what the coach and Liu Yi most taboo on. Tianshi Dao still exists and still has a strong strength. At this time, Wan Do n’t just look at your immediate interests and break the overall situation. Moreover, to lead an army alone, you do n’t necessarily need the name of a general. ”


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