Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1774: Archbishop Sun doesn't shy away

Liu Muzhi's face changed slightly: "What do you mean?"

Liu Yu propped up with a smile: "I think, I am afraid that the joint military discussion between the two military coaches will start."

Kuiji County, Sanyin.

Above the lobby of the original Shi Shifu, Sun En was wearing a pale yellow robe, covered with spring breeze, sitting on the head, and more than a dozen Wudi local tyrants were sitting on both sides. At this time, all the robes were armored. On the first on the left, a smile on his face: "Master, when are we going to enter Jiankang?"

Sun Enha smiled and waved his hand: "I have said so long ago, I would like to go to Beijing with everyone's kimono, and go to get the glory and wealth. Just wait for the good news in front, and let's go together."

The first person sitting on the right is a giant with a height of nine feet. It seems to be a full circle larger than a bunch of local tyrants. Even because of his huge size, he has seven or eight members on the right. The generals are also blocked, and even such a big man like Xu Daofu will be dwarfed in front of this person. This person is the general guardian of Tianshi Dao. The handsome coach Yao Sheng is the first master of Sun Taishi's general altar. Last time Sun Tai was designed to be lured and beheaded with his five sons, but Yao Sheng relied on In martial arts, he just killed a **** road and fled to life. After Sun En started his army, he was killed from the hidden secret altar. With his dead party, he captured Wu Jun and nearly killed Wu domestic Shi Huanqian. It is precisely because of his superhuman status and superior combat skills that he can overwhelm the crowds of Wu Di and sit first on the right, becoming the general after Shen Mufu.

Yao Sheng's eyebrows were locked all the time, he said with a deep voice: "Master, I'm afraid we can't be careless. This time they are the two great generals of Beifu. Xie Yan and Liu Laozhi joined forces to lead the attack. The elite soldiers and soldiers of the Jin dynasty can hardly be compared with those of the former state and county soldiers. We have to plan well. "

Sun En's mouth was ticked: "Xie Yan was proud and arrogant. As a child of the family, he always looked down on Liu Laozhi. Although the two armies were in the crowd, their appearances were divorced, and they could not form a joint force. Being alone is not too worried, even if you cannot go to Beijing for a while. Facing Sheng, the Qing monarch removed the traitors, but it is not bad to be a lord of the Yue Kingdom to seize the land of Wu Yue. "

Speaking of this, general Xu Yunzhi opened his eyes wide: "It turns out that the master wears the python robe worn by the prince, just want to stand here as king."

Sun En nodded with satisfaction: "This Wudi is our foundation. The gods have been operating here for a hundred years, and they have been inseparable from the people of Wudi. This time, it is not because we want to seize power and usurp the position. The family was so deceiving, the people of Wudi and Wudi, the Master of Heaven dropped the law, and asked me to wait for the soldiers to get rid of the violence. Now that the enemy is strong, we need to prepare for a long-term struggle. Xie Yan and Liu Lao cannot be in Wu Dikuuru, because the civil war in Changdao has already broken out, Huanxuan, Yin Zhongkan, Yang Quji and others in Jingzhou will go east at any time. As long as we can block the officers and soldiers for a while, they will only have to withdraw their troops. One party's guilt, please ask the emperor to punish it. This Wudi will always be a heaven for our celestial beings, and will no longer be tainted by those ordinary people. The world of heaven we want from the soldiers will eventually be realized! "

All the local tyrants were excited, and said in unison: "Teach the Divine Prestige, Heaven on Earth, Divine Prestige, Heaven on Earth!"

A prolonged "report" sound came from outside the county guard house. A lost herald soldier rushed in at a speed of 100 meters. Several disciples of the goalkeeper pulled out their weapons and stopped the coming person. "Don't you see that the leader is debating? Living impatiently?"

Sun En waved his hand in the lobby: "Let the messenger come in, he seems to have a military report."

The sweaty messenger rushed to His Royal Highness, kneeling on one knee and anxiously said: "The military newspaper in front, the second leader and the third leader led three thousand elite disciples, but the ambush of the army in Wuzhuang, Wuxing County was unsuccessful, and Liu Yu was alone. Killed and lost more than a thousand church members. Now the second and third leaders have been returned to Shangyu. The officers and soldiers of Xie Yan pursued all the way. The defenders of our army have not been able to form an army. Please ask the archbishop to show me how to respond! "

Sun En jumped up suddenly, and said in surprise: "What are you talking about? Three thousand elites, give Liu Yu back alone? How is it possible, how is it possible?"

The messenger raised his head and cried with regret: "This is the case in the military newspaper in front.

Sun En stepped forward and grabbed the messenger holding the tang newspaper with his hands above his head. As his eyes swept over every word on the tang newspaper, the muscles on his face were beating. Obviously, Liu Yu Du's feat of driving thousands of people also shocked him. This always arrogant Master of Heavenly Taoism turned pale, and his hands shook slightly.

When Sun En turned around, everyone looked at him with a distracted smile, and he barely squeezed out a smile: "Go alone!"

Ten days later ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Outside Shanyin City, Jin Army Camp.

Liu Yu was dressed in a uniform and his left shoulder was raised high. It was caused by a thick bandage, but his appearance was very good. Compared with the pale white color of his face when he was in bed a few days ago, he has recovered to eight or nine. Cheng, at this moment, he stood above a tall sentry tower, looking at the head of Shanyin City, the dozen or so small wooden cages hanging high, each of which contained a **** flesh The heads of Xu Yunzhi, Qiu Wang, Zhou Sheng and other local tyrants are all among them. The head is the first one, and it is Shen Mufu. The fear and unwillingness are still fixed on his face, becoming the last psychological reflection before death. .

Liu Yu sighed softly: "It's a pity, it's a pity, in Luoyang, you can still fight side by side with the same robe. ?? "

Liu Muzhi stood beside Liu Yu and smiled slightly: "Sun En has run away, but these local tyrants are reluctant to do their own business. Instead of taking refuge with Master Sun, they try to lurk in the mountains, but take a few Thousands of tribes, but also reluctant to those gold and silver treasures and women, finally ended up with a broken end. Our coaches, like the wolf-like men, are the best at this kind of thing, solve these The local tyrant's dock is not even a day's work. "

Liu Yu hooked his mouth and said: "Shen Mufu's five sons are all brave and outstanding. Last time I was impressed. Was this time killed together?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "No, those five boys escaped and killed many of us. Wuji is taking his men to search everywhere."

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