Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1806: Rush to the front line

At this point, Liu Yu said, "However, my good friend Liu Muzhi reminded me that Wu Di's rebellion, although it was triggered by a thief, was also due to the improper promulgation of the North Korean government. A hundred years of agreement with the imperial court, and the local tyrants ’unconditional deprivation of their interests, will only make them chaotic because of their grievances. This war must be settled, not only by killing, but also to clear up the scattered hearts of the people."

"The five sons of the Shen family followed his father's chaos, and his father and uncle had already professed to pay for their crimes. Although they had committed crimes, they were repentant and willing to redeem their merits. For such people, the court can pardon Then, why should we, the soldiers on the front line, wipe out all the killings? Killing the five sons of the Shen family is easy, but it will continue to chaotic the 5,000 people, and let 50,000 and 500,000 households in Wudi, who have followed the devil The road to repentance! "

"Then we have to bleed more and spend more time to clean up this situation? Even after the settlement, Wu Di is completely rotten. Where do we go to find someone to farm and weave, and how is the country here? Levy, collect taxes, and support us? "

Shen Qingzhi slammed his palms: "Liu Shenjun said it very well!"

Bao Sizhi reluctantly raised the corner of his mouth: "Well, since Liu Senjun said that, and the court also pardoned them, then I will not care about them for the time being, but I hope that the five Shen family brothers can really follow Liu Shenjun I said the same thing, reinvent the heart, be a new person, and redeem your sins with actual actions. I heard that the Tianshi Dao thief came back this time, and some Wudi natives who were hiding in the mountains went back into chaos, hum, these people There is no chance to ask for forgiveness, and we must kill without amnesty! "

Shen Yuanzi said loudly: "This is natural. I was abandoned by the thieves last time. I knew my mistake, and my father and uncle also gave their lives for it. Now what we hate most is that we deceived us into chaos and abandoned us. The thief can be said to be remorseful, and they do n’t share the sky with them. This time, I sent the slave brother to go to the front to help rebel, and we also selected more than 300 strong men from the tribute to the south with him. For revenge! "

Bao Hu laughed: "Having been in trouble for a long time, this is the right topic. Just now, the officer always wanted to ask why Liu Senjun came. It was the court of Jiankang that ordered you to help you quickly? The news arrived at the court so quickly, and the army was ordered so quickly? Or did Liu Shuai let you go first? "

Liu Yu shook his head: "No, I did not receive any order from the court, nor did I receive the military order of Liu Dashuai. However, Liu Muzhi, who had just returned from Kuaiji, notified me of the raid's raid in Kuaiji, only this news That ’s enough, so I immediately assembled all the subordinates that I could dispatch, and I quickly rushed to support General Xie in Kuaiji. I walked in a hurry and did n’t even bring the weight, so I came here to try to trouble the Bao county magistrate to provide some dry food. Let's eat on the way. "

Bao Hu's face changed: "This, Liu Senjun, you are the armor of the Beifu Army, it is your responsibility to guard the Wuzhuang warehouse. Now you are considered to be leaving the post without permission. If you are investigated afterwards, I am afraid that Engaged in military law. "

Liu Yuzheng said: "The military situation is like fire. If you report it slowly according to the usual procedures or wait for the order to be issued, then the fighter may be lost. Anyway, Liu Yu in the Beifu Army has also done things on his own many times, and I do n’t care about more violations. Military discipline, if the situation can be reversed and this rebellion can be settled, then Liu Yugan will be engaged in military law. "

Shen Tianzi raised her eyebrows and rushed to say, "Our brother is also willing to engage in military law with Brother Liu."

Bao Sizhi sneered: "You are not my Dajin soldiers, what kind of military skills do you accept? Don't follow the coax."

Liu Yu shook his head and pointed to the uniform and armor on them. "Boy, Bao Bao, once again remind you that they have accepted Zhao An and pardon. They are now state soldiers in Wuxing County, and are the guards of Yuan Neishi." , Who was sent to assist me in guarding the Wuzhuang Grain Depot, of course, the soldiers of Dajin. This time they went south with me. Yuan Neishi personally came to the horse when he was out of the city and agreed to their transfer, even though I was engaged in military law by Liu Yu , They are also okay, because Yuan Neishi allowed them to go out. "

Bao Hu's eyes turned and said, "Yuan Neishi really agreed to send troops?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Yuan Neishi is not too good at military, but he also knows the principle of saving soldiers like saving fire, so he came to ask me for advice. Three hundred of my Kuding, plus three of the Shen family brothers More than a hundred people, and another 100 Yuan bureaus allocated by Yuan Neishi, add up to 800 warriors, were the first batch of departures, probably the first team of Dajin to go to Kuaiji to rescue, Yuan Neishi is being recruited by Wu Xing Ding Zhuang, the second batch of people, may arrive here in a day. At that time, the county magistrate Bao will be invited to do the reception. "

Bao Hu quickly nodded and said, "Yuan Gong is a high-ranking family member, and he has excellent knowledge. Since he took office for a while, he has loved the people and acted as a role model for me and other local officials. Since he has done so, there is nothing to be said by this official. Hey, aren't you shouting about going to the front? That father will give you this opportunity now. "

Bao Sizhi excitedly boxed his palms and smiled, "baby listen!"

Bao Hu said: "As soon as you select 200 in the county, you will pick up 300 in your county, and you will join your county's garrison. ~ Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Action, after arriving at the Yincheng of Kuaiji Mountain, listen to the order of Xie Daishuai, do you understand? "

Bao Sizhi was a little surprised: "The county government guard army 300 is to protect your father and your adults. The children took it away, what do you do?"

Bao Hu shook his head: "If the thieves came forward, what would happen to these three hundred people? I don't know about military matters, but Liu Senjun is a warrior who is well-known in the world. Xie Daishuai is even more You have commanded countless wars, you can just listen to their orders. Liu Junjun, the dog is young and frivolous, and he has not much experience in actual combat. I also ask you to be more accommodating and accommodating on your way. "

Liu Yu smiled and said: "Mr. Bao is devoted to his country, loyal and loyal. There is a magistrate of Bao who understands the righteousness and contributes to the battle. The chances of winning on the front line are more sufficient. It is not too late. Let's start now.

Bao Sizhi raised the corner of his mouth and said, "That, Liu Yu, you are an armor and a cavalry, I am the military leader, the captain, and the military rank is higher than yours. Now I am in a hurry, I can act with you temporarily , But everything has to be discussed, you ca n’t order me. After all, I ’m still the subordinate of Yanshuai, not your Beifu army, just like Yanshuai and General Liu from your family, they are also not affiliated with each other, and my father is a civil servant. Things in the military may not be too well understood, you should understand. "

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