Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1807: Xie Yan's young son reported bad news

Liu Yu nodded: "It's about a day to discuss everything. Going to Shanyin will take about a day. You must gather the horses now. My subordinates will rest on the spot outside Ximen. After eating dry food, they will go on the road."

Shen Qingzhi also said, "Since someone has gone to report, I do n’t have to go to Jiankang anymore, or I can ask my deputy to go to Jiankang. I took one hundred people under you to return to the front with you. After all, one more Everyone has more strength, and I can also send a few soldiers back to Shenjia Village to mobilize the brethren who returned to the farm last time to help as soon as possible. "

Liu Yu shook his head: "Shen Zongzhu, you just go back with us. As for the private recruitment of troops without killing, this is a big taboo. Last time Sun Tai was slashed for this crime, you should never stop. Impulsive, leaving a criminal evidence. "

Shen Qingzhi's face changed, and a large bean of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead. He continued to say: "Thank you Liu Senjun for reminding me that it is indeed suspected of confusion to gather troops while they are chaotic. I really have nothing to say because I lost my head. .. I was impulsive and careless. "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "We are all officers of the court, and bringing our own sergeants is at most a crime of leaving their posts without authorization, but if they gather troops privately, it is a conspiracy to rebel. This kind of thing, local officials, such as Yuan Nei History, Bao County Order can do it, we ca n’t. Mr. Shen, do n’t make this kind of mistake again in the future, someone may not remind you next time. "

Shen Qingzhi quickly said: "Thank you Liu Junjun, then let's go."

A sound of horseshoes came from the street outside the county government office. From far and near, Liu Yu's ears moved, and his face slightly changed: "This is an urgent military horse of eight hundred miles. There must be an important military report, just right, We can ask what is happening on the front line. "

His voice did not fall, the sound of the horseshoe stopped in front of the gate of the county government, a sergeant who was soaked all over his body, and the two Honglings on his back, one of them had been broken, and he crawled into the county government. In the middle, he fell directly to the ground, clutching a tang newspaper tightly in his hand: "Haiyan, Haiyan Bao County Order, please, please, please send this military report to Jiankang, at the same time, at the same time Immediately organize the evacuation of the military and civilians in the county and evacuate! "

Liu Yu stepped forward and pulled up the sergeant, shouting: "What happened to the front line, how is Xingpu fighting?"

The sergeant raised his head, a **** face caught in Liu Yu's eyes: "You, you are Liu Yu, Liu Jinu ?!"

Liu Yu opened his mouth in surprise. This blood and muddy face was still hard to conceal the original Qingxiu and elegance. This person he knew, in his early twenties, was Xie Yan's young child, named Xie Hun. When Liu Yu participated in the Wuyi Poetry Society, the boy was only a few years old. When he saw goodbye in Kuaiji not long ago, he was already a white-faced scholar in his early twenties. His manners were excellent. I did not expect this third meeting. Happening.

Xie mixed with tears and cried, "Father is handsome, he and my two elder brothers are defeated and killed. The thieves, the thieves have broken through the mountains, Wu Di, it's over!"

Liu Yu loosed his hand, and Xie Heng's body softened and fell to the ground again, fainted to death, splashed a burst of smoke, and covered Liu Yu with him. He murmured, "After all, it is still Isn't it too late ?! Xie Yan, Xie Yan, your personal death is small, the whole world, because of you! "

He gritted his teeth and turned to the overwhelming crowd behind him, saying: "Everyone, Sanyin has been lost, this has become the front line against the thieves, please ask the county magistrate Bao to arrange the evacuation of the people as soon as possible, and consolidate Ding Zhuang. City defense, now we, need to firmly hold here before the Beifu Army arrives, Shen Zuozhu, please hurry up on the road, notify the war in front of the court, and tell Master Shang Shuling Wang Xun, if the Beifu Army does not arrive here within three days, Jiankang The city ca n’t be guaranteed! Their small group, and the family of Dajin, no longer have room! "

After saying this, Liu Yu spread out the Tang newspaper and said to himself: "What's going on in the battle of Xingpu?"

One day ago, Xingpu, Bei'an, Xie Yan army camp.

Among the Chinese military commanders, Xie Yan was sitting firmly in the big case. He was carrying a rice bowl in his hand. The high white rice was covered with scallops and oysters. He also smeared a thick layer of crab croaker and fish roe. Overflow, so that the sergeants standing in the tent unconsciously swallowed saliva, even in the war of war, the people of Wudi were hard to find a meal of brown rice mixed with leaves. The handsome man from the high family of the family still does not reduce the taste and grade of his life. I do n’t know if Xie Anruo is resurrected. What would he think of seeing his son like this?

Liu Qianzhi is the only general in the tent. He hooked his mouth and said, "Master, now our soldiers and horses have basically assembled, there are more than 20,000 people, and it is no problem to stick to Xingpu. . "

Xie Yan didn't answer, still eating on his own. His three sons, all dressed in sergeant's leather armor, stood on one side. The eldest son, Xie Zhao, a white-faced scholar in his thirties, thanked his two younger brothers. Jun and Xie Hun, even in military uniforms, still have thick white powder on their faces. This kind of dress that keeps the kind of noble children of high-level nobles whenever and wherever, has to be said to have its merits The father must have his son.

Xie Zhao dissatisfiedly raised the corner of his mouth: "General Liu, did your father and handsome say this last time? We can't be content to stay here and wait for help. This way, the credit is given to Liu Laozhi's Beifu Army. The sound of the wind made the thieves think that the Beifu Army was coming, so that the thieves would take the initiative to evacuate, and we will follow up and chase at this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can wipe them out in one fell swoop! "

Xie Jun said, "Yes, Governor Du has been reconnaissance on the South Bank these days. He is a local and familiar with the terrain. He used to help Wang Ning to guard the Kui Ji. Once we have discovered the inside of the enemy camp, we can make corresponding arrangements. Now. "

Xie mixed with a smile: "General Liu, you will have to let go of the killing and make new achievements."

Liu Qianzhi hooked the corner of his mouth, and there was still a trace of doubt on his face: "But, Zhang Dudu has been scouting for two days. No news came, and no, there should be no accident, Marshal, according to the end, it ’s still safe. Keep here firmly and you ca n’t go wrong. "

Zhang Meng's voice sounded from outside the account, with his big laugh: "General Liu, you are wrong again this time, handsome, the devil wants to run, we must not let them go!"

Xie Yan's expression was calm, slowly put down the bowl in his hand, looked at Zhang Meng, dressed as a fisherman, Zhang Meng, who was going straight from the account, said, "Did you find anything?"


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