Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1808: Jiangnan ambush Xie Yanliang

Zhang Meng took off Dou Li with a smile, and said to Xie Yan: "This time we were almost fooled. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't imagine that their purpose was not to attack Shanyin, but to put them all over Qiantang Jiangnan Store food, take out military weapons, and ship them to the sea. These days they are all over the suspects in the Jiangnan camp, but the real main force has long been evacuated, and will eventually follow them with several troops, all found a large number of mountains and forests around Jiangnan The grain, the ordnance, and the fleet of thieves transported there to Hamou. "

"Master, currently there are only more than 5,000 thieves on the South Bank. They are all old and weak. The main force is retreating in the direction of Hamoukou. If they do not pursue now, they will have to watch them into the sea as they did last time. They can only catch them. This little fish and shrimp in the back of the palace, this time the devil said, with these treasures stored in grain, I will go east to Yingzhou Fusang and never return to Middle Earth! "

Xie Yan threw the chopsticks on his hand sharply, and started shooting: "Don't let the thief run away! Order the whole army, immediately cross the river to attack, destroy the thief, come back to eat a big meal!"

After he stood up, he walked directly out of the account. The three sons followed, and suddenly, Xie Yan thought of something, turned back to Xie Hun and said, "A Hun, you go back to Shanyin City and urge the city He joined the army Xi Seng Shi to let him cook lunch now. Today ’s lunch, add a small fish to each soldier to celebrate the victory! "

Xie Hun's face flashed a bit of displeasure: "Father and handsome, this time the war, the baby wants to participate."

Xie Yan laughed: "Relax, it's too late, you are careful in your work, first arrange the celebration feast, and then you can just kill the thief side by side with your father. The military merit is indispensable to you."

Xie mixed with a smile and said: "Follow the order!"

Two hours later, on the south bank of the Qiantang River, in a dense forest, Xu Dao was dressed in a green leather armor, the same color as the grass, just like the more than a thousand behind him lying in the grass, even with the sword body painted The celestial disciples of the cyan color, with their green camouflage on their faces, only had a pair of eyes, staring at the place where the Jin army passed by more than a hundred steps from the forest, and under a canopy, Xie Yan's whole body was covered with robes and armor, and surrounded by Zhang Meng and a dozen other guards, he moved forward with satisfaction.

Lu Xun also dressed the same, crouching next to Xu Daofu, his hands quickly whispering secret words, and in this way communicated quietly with Xu Dao: "Brother, as expected, thank you Yan really learned that the public was crossing the river. Now that his Chinese army is passing here, shall we rush out and kill him by surprise? "

Xu Dao shook his head and replied with a gesture: "No hurry, after the Jin army has crossed the river, we will rush out from here and cut off its return path. There is a large paddy field in the front of Nantang, Jin army The step ride cannot be passed through, but can only advance along Tianlong. The master has arranged the ship, and once launched, it will be killed from both sides. The Jin army embraced together, completely exposed to our army ’s crossbow, At that time, all you have to do is sit and receive a big victory. "

Lu Xun ticked the corner of his mouth: "Then we are here to intercept the enemy and return home, but there is no credit for it."

Xu Daofu smiled and waved his hand: "Xie Yan is arrogant, but he will not lead the soldiers in every battle, but will be dragged behind. If the former army is ambushed, he will first flee backward, if Xie Yan escapes back There is a possibility that the family's high gate will fight the whole army again. This time, we must realize the agreement with our friends, and we must not allow the family of the Jin Dynasty to have a chance to rise again. "

Lu Xun's eyes flashed coldly: "Do we really want to cooperate with Huan Xuan in this way? With the elimination of the Xie family, Huan Xuan can easily enter Beijing. The result of our struggle may not necessarily be enjoyed by ourselves."

Xu Dao ticked the corner of his mouth: "That's what Master considered, second brother, you still don't want to hit Master on this matter, now our three brothers, we need unity."

Lu Xun gritted his teeth: "I'm afraid that if Xie Yan is destroyed, a more terrible enemy will be ushered in. It's so far. It's no good to say more, and there should be ..."

His gestures hadn't finished before he could only hear the direction of the six or seven miles in front of him. Suddenly, the sound of the killing shook the sky, and the sound of countless war drums and gongs shook the heavens and the earth. The sound makes everyone here hear clearly: "The Supreme Master of Heaven, the Three Masters of Dharma, the incomparable power and the boundless mana."

Xie Yan's mount outside the forest was in a state of panic, and the soldiers beside him suddenly blew up the pan, and the discussion stopped, Xie Yan shouted loudly: "No chaos, keep the alert formation, where is the scout, ahead What happened? "

There was a sound of horseshoes from far to near, two helmets crooked, and blood-stained soldiers rushed to Xie Yan before rolling off the saddle and crying immediately: "Yuan Yan, great things are bad, before our army General Liu General encountered an ambush in the water village in front, countless thieves were killed from the rivers on both sides, and shot at our army ’s queue. With more than ten arrows in the body, the battle was killed on the spot, the troops were in chaos, surrounded by enemy forces, I waited for the dead to kill the encirclement, and reported to the commander Yan! "

Xie Yan's face became pale ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ turned his head and yelled at Zhang Meng: "What's going on, don't you say that the enemy troops retreat hastily?"

Zhang Meng ’s lips turned purple, and the words were unfavorable. He gritted his teeth and said, "Yuan Shuai, I'm afraid, I'm afraid that we've been caught by the enemy's criminals. They deliberately lured us across the river. Right. "

Xie Yan pulled a whip to Zhang Meng's face resentfully, and a blood stain appeared, he shouted: "Asshole, after going back, see how I clean up you, subpoena, the back team becomes the front team, the back of the Chinese Guard, fast Quickly withdraw to Jiangbei, Zhang Meng, if you personally lead the team, if a thief rushes over, the coach takes your skin! "

He said that he would leave when he turned around and hit the horse. Suddenly, in the woods on the side, there was a thick arrow of rain. More than a hundred Chinese generals did not hum, and they stood on the ground, countless The green swordsman from the forest, the grass, and the trees kept pouring out. A nine-foot tall giant, waving a double hammer in his hand, rushed straight in the direction of Xie Yan: "Xie Yanxiu Let ’s go, Heavenly Master ordered me to resign and take your life! "

Xie Yan's face was as earthy as he could no longer organize his resistance. He turned around and drove away, and a knife flashed through the corner of his eyes. Xie Yan suddenly felt a sharp pain above his right rib, and then there was a round of heaven and earth turning again. He couldn't ride a horse, and fell down.

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