Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1820: Xuanwu Zhenrong finally meets

Liu Yi frowned: "What do you want is the position of the green dragon? But now I don't know who the new green dragon is, nor his strength, how can I help you take it?"

Tao Qian smiled and said: "Then let you join the Mafia first, and then see the opportunity to act chanting, Xin Qinglong wholeheartedly wants to pull Liu Yu to join the organization, and you are definitely the opposite of you, you are not for me, and sooner or later to get rid of this People. Of course, only after you formally join the Mafia, the identities of the three of them will be disclosed to you, and we will cooperate with each other at that time, so that the Mafia can be used by us. "

Liu Yi hooked his mouth: "Yuanming, did you think it was too simple? The mafia has been established for hundreds of years, and talents and talents have emerged in an endless stream. Since the Jin Jin Nandu has operated in Jiangnan for a hundred years, it is not a new entry for you and me. The people in the bureau will be able to crack it. After I join, I will act cautiously, listen more, rather than make a grudge against others. I ca n’t guarantee you as a green dragon. "

Tao Qian smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay, I can wait slowly, as long as you have such a friend who joined the Mafia, I believe that I will have a day to enter sooner or later, let's say, the ancestors have not entered the Mafia. Become a hero in the world? My fundamental goal is to be able to own Jingzhou, which we agreed on last time. "

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "I can avenge you first, wipe out Huan Xuan, hum, this guy I have long lost sight of, this kind of arrogant style in front of me, thinking that the superior is not just relying on his old man Well, what I hate most is that these family children are not only useless, but also bullying people everywhere. "

Tao Qianzheng said: "The reason why Dajin has fallen into today's situation is that the children of the family are far inferior to their predecessors. The glory and wealth obtained by Yin Jue, who is dependent on his father and grandfather, do not know how to cherish, and we do not know how to advance. We are Scholars, we must learn these lessons. After all, we studied hard in our young age because we wanted to get ahead. Since the country does not give us such an opportunity, we have to fight for ourselves. There are actually many in Jingzhou The talented people are not used by the court because of their background. If I take charge of Jingzhou in the future, this will never happen. "

Liu Yi said with a smile: "I will talk about the future, if you say you want me to be a white tiger, does Wang Xun agree?"

Tao Qian smiled and waved his hand: "I don't need his consent, I will take over the position of Bai Hu first, and then I will transfer it to you, won't it end?"

Liu Yi frowned: "If the Mafia's rules are to be transferred, in addition to the predecessor's presidency, there must be someone who agrees. It is impossible, you have ..."

A hint of coldness flashed in Tao Qian's eyes: "Yes, this person, I've already found it."

Jiankang City, Wuyi Lane, Abandoned Well, Mafia Rudder.

After the round table, four black robes sat opposite each other, and four pairs of gleaming eyes looked directly at a large sand table in the center of the table. The mountains and rivers appeared all over here, and everyone ’s eyes were concentrated in that Wudi All over the banner of the Beifu Army.

Xuanwu sighed softly: "Unexpectedly, the thieves are retreating so fast now, they were still worried that they would take advantage of the situation to build Kangcheng, but unexpectedly, they will take the initiative to evacuate, which also makes us false alarm. "

Qinglong said coldly: "But Liu Laozhi's Beifu Army has passed, and now Wu Di has been completely controlled by these Qiu Bamen, and Liu Laozhi's pawns have been looted, and all the things they have passed are broken. Bandits are no different. "

Suzaku's eyes flashed coldly: "That's also a way out. The Beifu Army was dispatched in a hurry this time, and there was not enough grain and grass. The more than 100,000 stone deposits that Liu Yu left in Wuzhuang were not enough to supply the 60,000 Beifu Army. So I can only let the Ministry go down to find food and money to find women. If the Beifu Army is not good and has nothing to eat, it may be the opposite. "

Bai Hu took off his mask, and Tao Qian's face appeared in front of everyone: "Everyone, this is the first time I have discussed the situation after taking over the position of Bai Hu. Can't I talk about a useful way?"

Qinglong's mouth was ticked: "So what useful methods do you have? It's impossible, you have the ability to let your present hero give us food?"

Bai Hu shook his head: "Huan Xuanba can't fight to build Kangcheng now, so that he has a reason to bring soldiers into Beijing to fulfill his dream for many years. It is better to count on the rooster to raise trees if he is to be fed. I'm afraid that Gong can count on it now, I am afraid that it has its own strength. "

Xuanwu said coldly: "You are new to the organization, you don't know the rules. In the past, in order to avoid mutual war between the guards, there were provisions that the mafia guards were not allowed to establish their own troops. The former Xuanwu Xie An, because of selfishness, Violation of this rule will only allow the other three parties to join forces to clear it. I advise you not to have any other ideas. "

Tao Qian smiled slightly: "So, if we make a person who is already in charge of the army one of us, can we avoid this taboo?"

Everyone's face changed at the same time, Qinglong stood up directly, staring at Tao Qian, and said in a deep voice: "What do you mean, just two days after you came in, you want bad rules to find outsiders to replace us?"

Tao Qian smiled slightly: "Master Qinglong, don't be excited, I am not you, I will not replace others casually, but now I am different from you, I cannot stay in Jiankang for a long time, otherwise Huan Xuan will rise for a long time Suspicious, and my strength is in Jingzhou. If you can't use Jingzhou's resources, then it is of no use to you. "

Suzaku's mouth was ticked: "Master Xuanwu, does our Mafia have this rule, and how much time should we not change after joining? If you join the organization for a few days and want to find someone to replace, it is not like a children's play, what can you do? thing?"

Tao Qian looked at Xuanwu with a smile: "Well, I asked you to find this answer a few days ago, did you find it?"

Qinglong and Suzaku's faces changed at the same time: "What, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you, have you even discussed with Xuanwu?"

Xuanwu said indifferently: "The new acquaintance Bai Hu is the only person familiar with me, and I have no friendship with the two of you. This is no surprise, and it does not violate the organization's procedures. For this reason, I specifically went back to check the relevant rules. The limit of how long you have to stay before you can make another substitution. Therefore, Baihu ’s proposal does not violate the rules of our organization. "

Qinglong gritted his teeth: "Who are you going to change for?"

Bai Hu smiled and looked at the entrance of the local side, said indifferently: "You can come in, please."

Three eyes with different looks cast on the slowly opened door. Liu Yi struck in black robe and walked in slowly, with a smile on his face: "Master Xuanwu, your words have finally come true, my Liu Xile, finally stepped on Enter here. "

Xuanwu slowly took off his mask, and Sima Shangzhi's cold face appeared in front of everyone: "Liu Yi, you can't wait to take my place, but are you going to grab the position of the white tiger?"


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