Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1821: Suzaku Blue Dragon also exposed

Liu Yi was a little surprised. Before entering this hall, he did not know the identity of the other three guards. He looked at Tao Qian and shook his head in disbelief: "Are you sure he is Xuanwu?"

Sima Shangzhi sneered: "Why, what's so strange? Our Qiaowang line is the most loyal clan of Dajin, so why can't we be a member of the Mafia?"

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "I don't believe that the Mafia was established to restrict the imperial power, but you ..."

Sima Shangzhi said indifferently: "My surname is Sima, but I am not an emperor. In essence, like you, I am a courtier. Since I am a courtier, I am a prince, and I do n’t want to be slaughtered like this. This is my takeover. The reason for the Xuanwu post. "

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "We have had a lot of dealings with each other. I always thought you were a member of the Xie family, but I didn't expect ..."

Sima Shangzhi laughed: "Xie An only killed Heli because he wanted to give Xie's family benefits. How could his successor continue to find Xie's family? I promised to take care of Xie's family in the future, and he would give me this position. What's so strange about this? "

Liu Yi sighed and turned to Suzaku: "Xuanwu has surprised me enough, how about you?"

Suzaku took off the mask coldly and showed a beautiful face in front of Liu Yi. Liu Yi frowned: "Xu Xianzhi? How could it be you ?!"

Suzaku wore his mask back: "You do n’t think about it, without Wang Ningzhi ’s multi-year funding, how can I build my own intelligence organization in Wudi under the eyes of the family. The former Suzaku is the most alert to Liu Yu in the whole organization. People will naturally put their hearts next to Liu Yu. And I, the former Suzaku is the last piece left by Liu Yu. "

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "I can't think of you and Liu Yu growing up since childhood. The relationship between them for so many years is actually the eye line that others put beside him. Undercover, it's terrible."

Xu Xianzhi shook his head helplessly: "No way, our Xu family has been sheltered by the royal family for the last time. It was the last time Lu Lu made a mess. My family has direct elders to participate. Even if the whole family is imprisoned, it will be punished by the prince. After we arranged for our family to travel farther away, we also found an official for our father. This kind of affection is inherited from generation to generation, but it has a deeper friendship than when I was a slave boy. I have no choice. "

Liu Yi sighed: "No wonder, your father would rather die in the county magistrate and do not leave, but also you have to report, I thought you were going to pick up your daughter in Huiji, it turns out that your real purpose is to report to Wang Ningzhi , Let him escape. "

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "This is a spyman and a true disciple for many years. It must be done. I originally wanted to protect him from running away, but unfortunately he refused. Maybe, from him let me follow his wife to take care of him The child of the child knew his ending from the moment. Unfortunately, my wife asked me to leave early, and I did n’t even have the chance to rescue my son. "

Speaking of which, Xu Xian's hate punched on the table, a huge echo echoed throughout the chamber.

Liu Yi nodded, turned to Qinglong, who had been silent, and said, "Okay, you are left, Master Qinglong, the first two surprised me a lot, and how holy are you?"

Qinglong shook his head and looked at Liu Yi: "To be honest, I did not expect that Tao Yuanming would actually let you take his place. In the future, we may be together together. It may be difficult. If you look for me more than ten years ago, you will burn The goose ’s time, I was dreaming and did n’t expect that we would really sit on one day. ”

Qinglong slowly took off the bronze mask, and a 30-year-old scribe face was exposed. Even now, he is still coated with thick white powder. A noble fan of a family son is ready to say that this person is no one else. It is the current owner of Yingchuan Yu's family, once a long history of horseback riding, and is currently Geng Yue of Wuxing County.

Liu Yi was stunned for a while, then sneered: "Unexpectedly, it was the son of Yu who didn't even score a goose and gave me this lowly person. I always couldn't figure out who Qinglong would be, but I never thought of it. , Xi Chao will take a fancy to you, a standard family major! "

Yu Yue was not angry and smiled slightly: "Hey, everyone in the world says that I am a frivolous son, and I have no talents, but in fact, I have followed Xi Gong's instructions and deliberately did it, maybe Yuanming can understand my mind. , Know why I did this. "

Tao Qian sighed: "At that time, Jingzhou was owned by Wang Dun at the beginning of the founding of the country, but was later acquired by my ancestors. Unfortunately, the prosperity was not long. After the father-in-law, the Yu family mastered Jingzhou. It ’s a pity that it ’s not a year, and the great cause has n’t been fulfilled. Instead, the Yu Family ’s three masters died one after another. Instead, they let the promoted subordinate Huan Wen take Jingzhou. "

"This humility is like a tiger and a wolf, and I don't miss the old grace. Instead, I raised the butcher knife for all the families who had been in power in Jingzhou and had powerful forces. Whether it is our Tao family or Yu family, we kill the heads of the people. Retired to Linquan, but the Yu family was a high-class family in Dajin, so there was nowhere to escape, so the young son Yu pretended to be empty-eyed and idle, if not, how could he escape the harm of the Huan family? "

Yu Yue nodded her head ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ looked at Liu Yi: "However, I didn't burn the goose for you this time, but I didn't do it deliberately. I just heard that Liu Xile had climbed high everywhere in Beijing before. The door, even the villains such as the Diao Brothers have to frustrate, so I hate it. In my case, there are still a lot of habits of the family children, and they may not be all pretend. If you hated me because of that, , I have any old complaints against me, and I can retaliate against me either, as a young master of the Yu family or as a green dragon, I will continue. "

Liu Yi sighed: "Unexpectedly, Xi Chao's heart was to seize Jingzhou, and he would naturally cultivate the son of Yu who had hatred against Huanxuan who owns Jingzhou. Poor Huanxuan thought he would take over Qinglong. He did n’t expect that his real enemy was his enemies! "

Yu Yue smiled slightly: "So this time the former white tiger Wang Xun came to me and asked me to agree to Yuan Ming as his successor. I agreed without thinking. Because we are the same kind of people and have common enemies. But, I really can't think of it. , Yuanming, you did n’t take the position of the white tiger! "

Tao Qian smiled slightly: "If I take the position of the white tiger, it means that I cannot return to Jingzhou in the future. If Jingzhou cannot be owned by my Dow, what use is it for me to struggle for so many years?"

Yu Yue gritted her teeth: "So, what do you want is the place of the blue dragon?"

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