Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1822: Danyang Jingbing made a deal

Tao Qian grinned: "If I want the position of the green dragon, why should I abandon the position of the white tiger? Our Tao family's ancestor training is to become the master of Jingzhou. This does not necessarily need to be a member of the mafia. The ancestors have made great achievements. , Maintaining good ally relations with the Mafia, isn't it also a matter of staying in Jingzhou for a lifetime and becoming an old story? Lord Qinglong, don't worry about this. "

The corner of Yu Yue's mouth was ticked: "But you became the master of Jingzhou, what about my interests? You also know that Qinglong's accumulation is stored in Jingzhou a lot, and now Huan Xuan is there, I can't take it out, if you are Become the master of Jingzhou, I'm afraid it won't allow me to get it back. "

Tao Qian smiled and said: "The gentleman loves wealth and has the right way. Your accumulation of the Qinglong family is yours. If I own Jingzhou, you can naturally get it back, but likewise, Jingzhou belongs to my Tao family, land, population, Food and taxes must all belong to me. If we agree to this condition, we can cooperate. "

Xuanwu said eerily: "It turns out that what Mr. Tao wanted was for us to help you run Huan Xuan. Do you become the second Huan Xuan yourself? Is that the case?"

Tao Qian said indifferently: "This is just the realization of the ancestor's ideal, and there is nothing excessive. As for the return of Jingzhou, we can continue to be friends. Maybe at that time there is a vacancy in the Mafia position, I will also resign from Jingzhou assassination history. , Join the organization. "

Suzaku ticked the corner of his mouth: "So what can you give us? Is it that Liu Yi was found for us? Although he can now be said to be a scholar, he still has little say in the Beifu Army, and his status is far less than that of the independent now. Liu Yu, you said to help us build an army, so where is the army? "

Tao Yuanming's eyes flashed coldly: "The army I am talking about is not the current Beifu Army, but the brave and combative Jingxi infantry in my peach blossom in Jingxiang."

Xuanwu's face changed: "What do you mean, Jing Xi infantry? Is it the legendary Danyang soldier?"

Tao Yuanming laughed: "Didn't Wang Xun tell you about this? Our Tao family is the chieftain of the Xi nationality, and the Jing Xidong man in your eyes can sweep the world of Chu in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period. The elite soldiers of the two provinces and the Guangxi were tremendous, and the world was shocked. Later, although the three families of Chu died in Qin Bichu, everyone in the world believed that Xiang Yu ’s eight thousand child soldiers and Liu Bang ’s abundant Yuancong, but I did not know that Chu Chuxi people, China is also a commendable hero, Yingbu, General Pu and other famous generals, all of whom are our predecessors. "

Xuanwu smiled and said, "When we arrived in the Three Kingdoms, the Danyang soldiers became more famous and became the strongest infantry soldiers in Soochow. Even in the face of the Northern Iron Riders, it was also a fruitful battle. When Dajin arrived, your family first came to Jingzhou. The Xi infantry first settled the Jingzhou chaos, then blocked the northern Hu Qi from going south, and finally settled the Su Jun chaos, Megatron. But then the Yu family entered Jingzhou, and Huan Wen split their independence, this powerful The troops are gone. "

Qinglong looked at Tao Yuanming and said with a sneer: "It turns out that Taohuayuanji is not an ordinary article, it is actually written by your Danyang soldiers, the elite of the Xi tribe. Do I look strange, so to speak, Wang Xun Looking for you to cooperate is to see the military power in your hand, not you, the big celebrity? "

Tao Yuanming said with a smile: "Now it is a troubled world, with strong soldiers and strong soldiers is the emperor. The celebrity is really worthless, far less important than the elite soldiers. Your Mafia did not have its own army for many years before, so although it can be manipulated behind the scenes, but Once encountering this upheaval and chaos of Heavenly Master Dao, it is helpless, ghost soldiers can be broken by drugs, Beifu Army can also betray, and only an absolutely credible army can help your organization continue to exist. "

Xuanwu nodded: "But in this way, it is equal to the military strength of our organization, and it is completely in your hands. These Danyang soldiers will only listen to your Dow's commands, and will not really allegiance to us. Such cooperation. I ’m afraid it ’s not good for us. "

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "It's a matter of time to listen to who's order. Liu Yi is good at leading troops. Lord Xuanwu is also a general of the Guards. You all have the ability to command the army. As long as they give the sergeants enough benefits, they will only follow. The people who benefit them go. In these years, the Xi people have listened to my Tao family, but also because we can effectively protect them, but we cannot let them stay in the mountains forever. What do you enjoy is the world. "

Qinglong hooked the corner of his mouth: "Are you going to hand over this army to the White Tiger? He is now the leader of the Beifu Army and joins the army, but he is not qualified to bring your Jingxi infantry."

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "Liu Yi has his new life goals and development plan. He is slowly rising in the Beifu Army. He is in charge. The main task is to balance Liu Yu. You must know that my biggest enemy is Huan Huan. Xuan, and your current strongest enemy is Tianshi Dao, but in the long run, the real and most dangerous enemy is Liu Yu, which is the same for me. "

Xuanwu nodded: "Mr. Tao is right. Liu Yu is the enemy of all our families and scholars. He can't reconcile. If he can't let him go north, the farther away from us, the better, then we have to do everything we can. He wiped out. Suzaku, what do you think? "

Suzaku replied with a blank expression: "I have no opinion. I will do it according to the organization's decision. This is a rule and exceeds my personal feelings."

Qinglong looked at Tao Yuanming and gritted his teeth: "How do you bring these people out? Who are you going to hand over to? They said it was for the Mafia, but which guard is in charge?"

Tao Yuanming ticked the corner of his mouth: "Liu Yi will not bring this army ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Suzaku, you are now no official, no filial piety, and it is not suitable to lead troops. General Sima, who is the priest of Yuzhou in Yuzhou, and Yuzi, who is a long history of Qi Qi, can also lead the troops together, and be stationed in the defense of Huan Xuan. How? "

Xuanwu's eyes lit up: "Are you really willing to let me bring this soldier?"

Qinglong said coldly: "And me, Xuanwu, this is not yours alone."

Xuanwu laughed: "On the bright side, I am a general, and you are the most involved in the army, but you can rest assured that I am not a former Xuanwu and do not engage in the private army. This unit is our entire organization. The eunuchs of Zhongguan are not useful at all, but if there are Danyang strong soldiers who are famous all over the world, then I am confident that with our resources, we can build a force as powerful as the Beifu Army! "

Tao Qian smiled slightly: "So, can I accept my request?"

All the four guards stood up and said in unison: "Happy cooperation!"


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