Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1913: Bing Lin Hu Du Desire

Hudu Fortress, temporary county guard.

The muscles on Yuan Song ’s face were beating, looking at Wei Shunzhi, who was dressed as a farmer, and his voice was shaking: "How is it possible, how is it possible, Liu Yu, Liu Junjun, how could he lose?" "

Wei Shunzhi sighed: "The thief is too cunning. He sent his brother Nu to take care of Master Bao and his relationship with Wu Dishi. However, he didn't expect that Bao Gongzi took advantage of the enemy and entered the ambush. The front army was almost exhausted, and the slave army of Ji Nu brother was helpless, even if they escaped, they all used fraud. Now Ji Nu brother has withdrawn to the direction of Haiyan, waiting for support, Hudu has become an isolated city, and the thief army is in full swing. On the way I came, I saw them looting villages along the road, looting the people, and approaching here. Yuan Taishou was still taking advantage of the enemy army, and quickly joined the soldiers with the slave, there are you four thousand soldiers, things There is room for return. "

Yuan Song gritted his teeth: "No, I am the history of Wu's country and the highest chief of the entire Wu County. I have the responsibility of defending the soil. I must not escape without a fight. This Hudu fortress has been operating for many years and has been facing the sea for three years. The landing site of the thieves ’sea fleet cannot be given up easily. Otherwise, if the thieves go side by side, Jiankang will be in danger. Even the Jingkou where your Beifu military family members are located will bear the brunt!"

Wei Shunzhi said in a deep voice: "But Yuan Taishou didn't want to think about it. Why don't the thieves go to Jiankang, but want to come to Hudu? It's because they first want to stand up, and second, they want to pull the nail behind, Shanghai Blame itself is not important, the important thing is your four thousand soldiers, and your big celebrity, if you have anything unexpected here, this last unit that can threaten the back of the devil in ten days is gone, And your life and death will shake the entire Jin Dynasty, causing the morale of Jiankang's army to collapse. However, for today's plan, please also leave Hudu temporarily. The people in the city can let them escape, and the thieves plunder the people in the countryside. , Not to kill them immediately, as long as we can defeat the thieves in the future, we can rescue these people. "

Yuan Song looked at Chen Yi and said, "Chen Huwei, do you agree with Wei Zhu?"

Chen Yu gritted his teeth: "I was in Shangyu when the thief just started his army. I saw how they slaughtered the villagers who didn't follow them, just a while ago, outside Haiyan City, the thief was still humiliating in public. Hundreds of innocent civilian women, their crimes are monstrous, and once the army is withdrawn, they will inevitably be brutal and brutalize the people. Although Hudu now has no foreign aid, there are 4,000 elite soldiers and there are fortresses that have been operating for many years. With proper defense, a ten-and-a-half-month period is still possible. Liu Shenjun, Liu Shuai, and all the members of Jiankang City will definitely send troops to rescue us. "

He said here, he paused: "Also, there are hundreds of thousands of stone military grain in the city. This is the grain that we, the three groups of Wuxing, Wujun and Jinling, have gathered together in the past two years. Now the war in Wudi is back. Last year, there was almost no grain harvest. If we evacuate now, it is impossible to take away these stored grains. Now Huanxuan in Jingzhou blocks the Yangtze River and does not allow grains from the upper and middle reaches to enter Yangzhou. I just want to sleep and starve us. The grain and grass are gone, then the creatures must be charcoal. "

Yuan Song sighed and looked at Wei Shunzhi: "Have you heard, Wei Zhuzhu, I don't want to listen to Liu Shenjun's suggestion, it is really that I can't leave, originally Liu Shenjun suggested that I stick to Hudu, so I will put the three counties The grain and grass are all concentrated here, but he has missed the appointment himself. As Wu ’s domestic history, I ca n’t escape. Please also go back and report Liu Shenjun, saying that I am here to stand by and hope that he can come to rescue Hudu City earlier. Tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians. "

Wei Shunzhi gritted his teeth: "Since this is the case, then I will stay and help Yuan Gong to defend the city. Although I am not a general, Wei Shunzhi has also fought for many years. Some insights should help Yuan Gong."

Yuan Song's face was happy: "Great, Master Wei is also a veteran who has been in the army since Fei Shui. He is older than all of us here and has rich experience. The defense of Hudu is Sorry to bother you. "

Wei Shunzhi nodded: "Then please ask Yuan Gong to concentrate on the people in the city, select Ding Zhuang, and the sergeants go to the city to defend. The grain and grass in the city will be concentrated in the barn. Happening."

Chen Yi shouted: "All orders!"

A day later, outside Hudu Fortress.

Three miles away, the flags are full of sky, and more than twenty miles in a circle. It is a company of Tianshi Road. A team of halberd soldiers passed by in front of the camp and yelling various slogans of Tianshi Road. This kind of buzzing religious singing sings and shakes the earth, above the sea outside Hudu City, thousands of sails sail across the sea, large battleships over three floors, densely packed, the entire outer sea and the estuary are surrounded by water, the conch cape No., endless ears, hundreds of thousands of voices, all madly shouting the same sentence: "Go into Hudu, catch Yuan Song alive!"

Sun En rode a white horse, with his head disheveled, armed with a long sword, under the guard of hundreds of elite swordsmen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ stood a mile or so away from the city, lined up in front of him Open, with nearly two thousand **** human heads, each with grinning teeth, painful, and freezing the last moment of life, and beside him, a banner of the heavenly Dao fluttering in the wind, the top of the banner, awe-inspiring It is the first level of Bao Sizhi.

Yuan Song was wearing a leather armor and stood at the head of Hudu City. Wei Shunzhi and Chen Yi were separated. The sergeants and primary schools behind him were all pale. Many of the newly recruited militiamen in the upper city were shaking their legs. The elite of Beifu is their psychological support, but they did not expect that now they have become a bunch of first-class outside the city, so that those soldiers who do not know the battle outside, are all heartbroken and heartbroken.

Sun En extended his hand and pressed down, the huge sound wave stopped suddenly, only the roar of the wind, mixed with his voice, echoed on the battlefield, so that everyone under the city and the city could hear clearly: "Chengtou officials , But Wu Song's domestic history Yuan Song? "

Yuan Song helped his helmet, sorted out his appearance, and said loudly: "The official is Wu Song, the domestic history of Yuan Song. Sun En, you are in trouble, killing my people, harming my officials, and now committing crimes in Shanghai. Desecration of the fortress, wickedness of sin, indignation between man and god! We all the army and the people of the city are all united, and we must fight against you! "

Sun En haha ​​smiled: "A decisive battle? Do you have this strength? Now, I want to see, how are you all united ?!"

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