Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1914: The first flying stone thief

Sun En said, with a wave of his hand, the camp door was wide open, dozens of steps tall trebuchet, was launched by thousands of sergeants, bypassed Sun En and others, directly pushed to the place about two miles away from the city, and placed put.

There was a little commotion at the head of the city, and many sergeants who had not experienced the war cried in horror: "No, it's a catapult. The enemy is about to attack the city, it's about to attack the city!"

Yuan Song also turned pale. After all, he was a civil servant and had not experienced the battle of offense and defense. His voice trembled slightly: "Wei, Master Wei, what now?"

Chen Yi Shen said: "Don't worry too much. We have more than 20 catapults and giant crossbows in the Hudu Fortress. We will launch it now and shoot with the thieves. It won't hurt."

Yuan Song hurriedly said: "Good, hurry and launch to kill these thieves."

One of Wei Shun waved his hand: "Wait slowly, Yuan Gong, the thief's first siege must be based on temptation. The enemy is strong and weak, the fortress is small, and there is no room for conversion. If we now expose the location of our catapults and crossbow machines, the thief It will be attacked and destroyed in a concentrated manner. What we need to do now is to hide the strength. The thief wants to attack the city. Only the west side can attack. The other places where the sea is facing are the cliffs. , Can't smash our strong stone city! "

Yuan Song's eyebrows were stretched out, and he smiled at Chen Yi: "If you see it, if it is still the experience of Master Wei, he will do what he says."

Chen Yi turned back to the soldiers at Chengtou and shouted: "All listened. According to the previous exercise, each team in Chengtou stayed with one person. After standing at the **** and the female wall, the rest quickly went to the city, and all the residents in the city concentrated on Don't go out at home, prepare to attack the enemy and throw stones! "

Following his orders, the city head quickly began to evacuate. Many sergeants who had long wanted to leave ran away from the tower, until they hid behind the wall and stood against the wall before celebrating. Knowing that I am temporarily safe.

At this moment, the trebuchet on the opposite side was also loaded. Sun En's face was grinning with evil spirits, and he waved his hand: "Smash it, let the people in the Hudu Fortress see what is real terror!"

"Woo" "whoo" "huh", the sound of the drooping arm, and the sound of those flying stones breaking into the air, endlessly, accompanied by the cheers of the celestial sergeants outside the city, the flying stones thrown all over the sky, the same raindrops He flew up to the head of Hudu City, and had already helped Yuan Song, who was in a wall sandwiched under the wall, listening to the sound of the non-stop things falling on his head. Beating, this great literati, master celebrity who can write dozens of volumes of post-Han books and countless verses handed down, rubbed his hands nervously like a child in the face of real war and said, "These , These are just throwing stones, terrible, terrible! "

Chen Yi smiled slightly: "Don't worry, Yuan Gong, these throwing stones can't destroy our Hudu stronghold. From the above situation, it sounds like there may be no fortifications to destroy. Wei Zongzhu is right, the enemy is only using small stones to test Sexual assault, want us to expose the weakness of the fortification. "

However, Wei Shunzhi had his ears raised, his brows closed, and he shook his head: "No, these are not stones, the sound of smashing is completely different, it seems like ..."

There was a burst of exclamation and screams in the city, accompanied by some people crying: "Oh my god, isn't this Liu Erzhuang's Li Erfu?"

"Ah, it's my auntie in Qijiagou outside my city, auntie, you died so miserably!"

"I've seen this man, Li Sanhu from Nan'er Gen'er. He went out of town and bought the day before yesterday. How, how can this be the case!"

"Yes, Li Sanhu, San Hu, what can you do if your mother dies!"

Wei Shunzhi bit his lip and said in a deep voice: "Sure enough, this is really the trick. The demon slaughtered the people who were plundered outside the city, cut off the first level and threw it into the city, to deter people and spread panic."

The roaring sound outside the city gradually ended. Yuan Song looked from the observation port of the wall to the inner city. I saw that in the streets and alleys, there were one or two thousand **** heads scattered on the treetop roof. Many people in the city have rushed out of their homes and recognized these leaders on the street. More and more people walked to the heads they knew and cried in tears, even if there were no relatives or acquaintances. The sergeants who were killed were all watching silently on the side. In addition to the angry colors, their faces were more frightened and silent.

Sun En ’s voice sounded again outside the city: "The people in the city listen well, these heads are those of Wu Jun people, they think your Yuan Taishou can protect you, so stay at home, yesterday the gods army defeated Liu Yu After they pursued the soldiers, they thought they had to run away. It was too late. The people we captured were all demonized. According to the will of the Heavenly Master, all beheaded, and the first level was given to the people in your city. To bury you is also a warning to you, who does not follow the heavenly master and confronts the gods, this is the end. "

Yuan Song shivered with anger, and drilled out of the wall, holding the city head, shouting: "Sun En, you ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You extinct human creature! The two armies are fighting, and the people Why? You will be retaliated by killing all the people and killing the people! "

Sun Enha smiled: "The soldiers and civilians in the city saw that, this is your guardian. This person is known as a celebrity, but he can only sing poems, dance and ink, without the slightest military ability. He can't protect people outside the city and kill them. The same is true for the people in your city. If you continue to follow this incompetent guardian, your head will be cut off, and then thrown into the Jiankang City and Jingkou Town for the bishop to warn those stupid against the gods! "

He then waved his hand, and dozens of catapults behind him suddenly dropped their arms at the same time. Wei Shunzhi yelled, "Not good!" A tiger fluttered and hugged Yuan Song, and fell into the underground Inside the wall, this one fell from a few feet high. Why did Yuan Song have suffered this kind of bitterness? If it was not a haystack, it would be a big celebrity who was well respected If you die, you are disabled.

But where he stood just now, he hit at least three pieces of watermelon-sized stones. The sound of screams rang out one after another in the city. The soldiers and civilians who came out to recognize the head just smashed the real stones. The meat, the woman ’s crying cries all over the city, accompanied by the screams of the stones above her head and the squeaky sound of falling on the ground, echoed throughout the Hudu fortress, and the sky on both sides of the land and sea In the divisional barracks and warships, the drums and drums rang in unison, and the drums blasted loudly, making everyone in Hudu City short of breath and chest tight, and had difficulty breathing.

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