Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1970: Continue to increase the corpse like a wall

Youying, the sentry tower, Liu Yi smiled and watched the waves of arrows raining up opposite, pouring into the queue of the Xiejia private soldiers. Every time the arrows rained down, there would be dozens of hundreds of people , The arrow fell to the ground, or was dragged back, or pulled out the deep body of the arrow, and continued to roar to fight, although the casualties continued to increase, but the soldiers on the front line, the war was more courageous, rely on Taking advantage of the geographical advantage of the camp, the terrain was slightly higher than that of the outside camp. When struck by the height, the sergeants outside the camp continued to retreat, almost going back to the trench.

Meng Chang hooked his mouth: "It seems that the private soldiers of the Xie family are really not weak. Although the equipment is general, the will to fight is very strong. If we have the equipment of our Beifu army, we can still have a greater role."

Liu Yi nodded: "Many of the Xie family's private soldiers are former sergeants, and there are also some veterans and their nephews who participated in the Beifu Army. These are now still following the Xie family who have lost their power, mostly because they are in During the years of Wu Di ’s rebellion, some family members died in the hands of the thieves. After seeing these enemies, they were blood-red eyes, and they gave up their lives and forgot to die. Even if they were swords and arrows on their bodies, they were still slightly injured. Fight down. "

Meng Chang smiled slightly and glanced around. Above this sentry tower, only he and Liu Yi were left. He whispered: "Here, you are intentionally taking the private soldiers of these family children as future used?"

Liu Yi nodded with satisfaction: "Yanta, you know me. I have also wanted to understand these years. Relying on the Lifu people in the Beifu army can neither fight for slavery nor offend Liu Laozhi. It is better to find another way. As long as this time the merits are fulfilled, the line of Sima Yuanxian will be established and become his celebrity, and the surnamed Xie will be attached to me. They have no shortage of combative private soldiers, as long as they can do it for me With that, I will be able to train an elite soldier. "

Meng Chang tickled the corner of his mouth: "However, Wuji, Liu Jingxuan are all lovers of Sima Yuanxian, are you sure you can compete with them?"

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "Wuji and A Shou are just standard martial arts soldiers, and they will be planted, but I, Liu Yi, are both civil and military, and can play with Sima Yuanxian, let's talk about what he likes, whether it is gambling or Woman, I can do what I want. If I want to connect with the family and the family, and form a party with them in the DPRK and the Middle Kingdom, I can help him run around. Look, this battle is as long as it has been fought, then our achievements will be unlimited. ! "

Meng Chang smiled slightly: "Xie Hun is really desperate. These children of the family, in order to revenge the blood of the family, actually have such combat power. If this battle gives him the opportunity to kill Zhang Meng, it will greatly gratitude. he."

Liu Yi nodded and was about to speak again, but after hearing the army formation on the opposite side, a dull sound of drum horn sounded. A large number of disciples of Heavenly Masters, who were originally focused on the Chinese army, drew their swords and raised their guns, roaring. Going forward to the retreating lineup, Gou Lin finally pressed across the board, and even he himself drove forward and rushed forward.

A trace of excitement flashed in Liu Yi's eyes, clapping and laughing: "Okay, okay, okay, Yanda, let go of the smoke, let Liu Jing declare an attack, now, oh! Add two thousand Xiejia private soldiers to the front, hold on Assault on the Iron Horse! "

Gou Jie was holding a long sword and shouting at the war, but only heard a sound of killing sound from behind. Turning his head, the second wave of sergeants rushed to the front line, which could not help but retreat to the front line. The top of the fresh army immediately stabilized its position. The sergeants in the back lined up, pushing the back of the soldiers in front, protruding spears from their shoulders, under the threat, and striking the private soldiers of the Jin army, On the contrary, the Jin army who had been advancing all the way was gradually forced back.

In the area of ​​the battle fronts of both sides, people screamed and fell down constantly. The bodies were almost covered with the battle lines of the two armies. The trenches and the blood flowed into the river. Some corpses on the ground accumulated before and after, almost piled up to the height of the knee. The army was on both sides of the corpse wall, staring at the eyes, waving the weapon in his hand desperately, stabbing and hacking, trying to push the front forward.

Gou Lin's voice rang in Gou Jie's ear: "Ajie, I'm here."

Gou Jie wiped the sweat on his face and shook his head: "Brother, I'm afraid we're fooled. These are not ordinary soldiers and soldiers of the Jin army. They are elite soldiers. Their fighting spirit is very strong, and they are not a crowd of people!"

Gou Lin nodded: "I saw that these Jin troops are not weak. Although the equipment is not good, but they are not afraid of death, and obviously they have been trained. I saw that Xie Hou was in the battle. This may be the private army department of the Xie family. song."

Gou Jie opened his eyes wide, just now he only looked at the battle on the front line, did not look too far. Hearing Gou Lin said this, he saw the position of two hundred steps after the formation, a man dressed as a noble son, riding a white horse With the sword roaring loudly, warfare, and beside him, thousands of militiamen rushed to the front, further strengthening the front, which had been weakened by nearly half of the casualties.

Gou Jie took a breath. "So, the Jin army is stronger than we expected?"

Gou Lin gritted his teeth: "That's no way, now it's time to fight, otherwise the brothers in front die in vain, the disciples of the three sisters' general altar will oversee in the back, and help us guard the flanks. Let's fight again Let me call back Jin Jun! "

Gou Jie sighed: "But now we are so hard against the enemy fence, they are condescending. Although we have archers to release arrows, but the two armies are mixed, they have reinforcements to join, it is not easy to fight."

A sly look flashed in Gou Lin's eyes: "Did you forget, we still have this thing."

Gou Jie saw something like this in his hands ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ opened his eyes wide: "But now I use this, I'm afraid ..."

A sharp look flashed in Gou Lin's eyes: "I can't take care of so much, let me talk about it!"

Jin Jun, Zha Kou, Xie Heng had a sharp voice, and his coat fluttered: "Zhuangke, work harder to avenge the adults, kill, kill!"

Xi Sengshi ran to his side on horseback and anxiously said: "Yi Shou (Xie Heng's small print can only be called by a very close friend), you are too dangerous, too conspicuous, or change the clothes of a soldier A? "

He said, pointing to the ordinary leather armor on his body: "The thief always likes to attack our army generals, and there are magic methods, such as flying swords, even crossbows, etc. You should be careful."

Xie Hun's eyes widened and he said sharply, "No, I just want the soldiers to see me. If I'm greedy for fear of death, how can I make everyone desperately fight this battle until the dead!"

His voice didn't fall, and behind the army array opposite, dozens of black things suddenly flew into the air and flew towards the former army's cluster. Xie Han's eyes widened: "What?"

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