Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1971: Sulfur fire broke into Jinying

I saw hundreds of black altars flying across the sky. On the battlefield, I rarely see such things, because they are fragile and difficult to throw away, but when the two armies are huddled together, there are hundreds of steps. When there are tens of thousands of people on both sides, it can be used. It can even be seen that there were hundreds of big waist-high Hercules who threw these altar jars far away from their front, thirty or forty steps away from the front.

Most of these jars fell on the heads of the private soldiers of the Xie family. The sound of "Boo" was endless. It was the sound of the jar when it broke on people. Pieces of light yellow smoke rose, accompanied by a pungent pungent The smell of sulfur was blown to the side of the Jin army in Yingzha by the northeast wind. And there are more than ten inadequate strength, or the jar that was hit by the arrows in the air, it hit the disciples of the Heavenly Master Dao. Within thirty steps between the front lines of the two armies, I suddenly gave this period of sulfur The fog is shrouded.

Liu Yi's eyes widened and he shouted: "Quick, quick sounding gold, quick retreat! The enemy's sulfur is used for fire attack!"

In the middle of the two sides, the harsh gong sounds almost at the same time. The disciples of Heavenly Master turned around at the same time and fled backwards, while the sergeants fighting in the front line were weapons in their hands. Whether it is a spear or a sword, he threw it hard at the Jin army who was fighting each other, and then turned his hands with his hands empty and turned to run, which is well-trained. Even the speed of turning from attack to flight is so fast. .

But the private soldiers on the opposite side of the Xie family have no such strict discipline. Many people still hold their heads and roll on the ground. That is because the sulfur canal broke their heads, or they were injured by throwing weapons across the opposite side. , More people, because of the pungent sulfur smell, coughing violently coughing down, and can't even hear the gong outside. After all, the two sides mingled at the same time, and it was impossible to tell whether the gong was on the opposite side. Many of the sergeants ran backwards, but most of the more than a thousand people in the front line were full of energy, roaring and starting to chase forward and flee the enemy.

Gou Lin's mouth twitched a cruel smile. He glanced at the right side, and he saw more than thirty large vehicles, under the command of Na Lulanxiang, connected end to end, pushed to the side, and the front line of the ditch The first line has temporarily been disengaged, and more than two thousand sergeants turned around and fled in madness. After fifty steps behind them, the archers have all changed into fire arrows, and in several trenches, the flame is burning, and there is no ignition. The sergeants are rapidly extending the arrows into these fire ditches, igniting the arrows. Most of the archers have bent their bows and raised their arrows, pointing diagonally forward and upward, just waiting for an order.

Gou Jie hooked the corner of his mouth, pointing to the front line, there were still more than one hundred sergeants who fled, because they fell behind and were caught up by some faster Jin soldiers, and simply turned back to pick up the weapons left on the ground , Fighting with the enemy, he said: "Now the fire attack will hurt their own people, do you want to wait for them to retreat?"

Gou Lin smiled and said: "Don't hesitate to hurt the enemy, this is a good time, you can let them all enter the fire, order, and put the rocket!"

With Goulin's order, thousands of rockets, like thousands of flying firebirds, rose into the air and flew directly to the trench line. The fierce rocket head hit the ground with sulphur, or it hit one of them. The private soldiers of the Xie family who were still running and chased down by the yellow powder suddenly turned into a flame of skyrocketing, almost within thirty steps in a circle. The screaming firemen fluttered and turned on the ground, because the fire was too violent, only a moment, ten seconds of kung fu, stopped struggling and turned into a charred corpse.

And the more than 100 disciples who were fighting in the front were also engulfed in flames. They screamed and turned around. Some sergeants who were only partly on fire cried and wanted to go back to their camp. Gou Lin said sharply: "It is forbidden to let a fireman come, whether it is an enemy or a friend, an offender, cut!"

During the escape just now, the disciples of Heavenly Master bypassed the archers who carried the rocket and retreated from the side. This made these more than a thousand archers face the battlefield in front, Jin Army and Heavenly Master Dao disciples, together with three or four hundred people, burned with flames on their bodies, and ran towards here. All the Archer Daoist archers quickly pulled bows and arrows and did not aim, against these running firemen, It was a burst of fire.

The nearest fireman fell in less than seven steps from the arrow array. At a distance of about one hundred steps, more than three hundred dead bodies were still smoking, emitting a burning smell, far from After the fire scene, you can see that one or two thousand corpses have been burned to charcoal. This sulfur-fired fire has to be so fast and extinguished so fast. Only this moment of effort is because of sulfur. Burned out, and basically went out.

Throughout the battlefield, there was a burnt smell of grilled human flesh, and the middle people were vomiting, and through these smokes, you can see that Xie Ming opposite, Xi Sengshi was in tears, almost for the subordinates Stand up, forcibly leave the battlefield, and run back.

Goulin haha ​​laughed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Thousands of sergeants around him also made a burst of cheers at the same time, Goulin raised his weapon, facing the smoking camp, and said sharply: "Teach Dear friends, the enemy has collapsed. The time has come for total merit. Use your sword to send these Jin dogs to hell! "

The sound of Mingjin ’s gongs turned into the sound of the shocking drums of war. The right wing army of Tianshi Dao, almost the whole army launched an attack on the Jin army battalion. Even the disciples who pulled the cart behind to block the right wing, I could n’t hold back, they picked up the guy and rushed up. They learned from the countless previous battles. At this time, it ’s the best chance to grab the power and take the lead. One step at night, I might miss becoming a small teacher. Brother ’s chance!

Lu Lanxiang gritted her teeth and watched the carts crooked in a row, not lined up, and the people on the carts had almost ran out of light, and a captain on the side said: "Sister, what should I do now, Should we keep ourselves here? "

Lu Lanxiang shook her head, and she was about to say something. Suddenly, her ears moved, and she noticed something, because she seemed to see that the big car she was standing on, seemed to tremble slightly, followed by her. His face changed, turning his head to the right, and suddenly became pale: "No, the enemy rides!"

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