Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2043: Suzaku's grudge burst

Qinglong sighed: "This will happen sooner or later. The children of the family will fall into incompetence, do not think of progress, and lose control of the army. Sooner or later, there will be this day, even if Liu Yu does not engage in this kind of Beijing and Eight parties, it will definitely be in the future. In this way, because all high-ranking families in Dajin, the process of gaining power begins with the control of the army. It is just that I heard that Liu Yu set the rules when he established the Beijing and the Eighth Party. If he does not join the army in the future, Those who do not build military merits are not allowed to join the Beijing and the Eighth Party. This rule, I think we should stand up for our family members now! "

Suzaku's face changed: "Is there such a rule? This is too difficult for a strong man. Can it be said that only when the soldiers are bleeding and sweating, and the murder and arson can control the world's power? Isn't the governance of the country not a talent, not worthy of power?"

Bai Hu shook his head: "Liu Yu means that only by serving as a soldier and bleeding and sweating can you gain the power to govern the country and govern. If you don't practice military affairs or build merits from the military, then don't think about joining the Beijing-Eighth Party. Mr. Suzaku, he did n’t say that he would not allow the current family members to join in the future, but if the family children still like this, spend their time in poetry, hate the military, then do n’t think about taking power again. "

Suzaku gritted her teeth: "It's impossible. The generals and the prime minister decide that people will hate the kind of life that kills, kills, bleeds and sweats, and will definitely pursue a safer and more comfortable life. This is human nature, and Liu Yu cannot change. "

Xuanwu said indifferently: "But at least he wanted to change it. If he really wanted to add a restriction that the non-military party should not join the Beijing and the Eighth Party, and not join the Beijing and the Eighth Party, they should not be in power. This is really troublesome. This set It ’s not like nobody has done it before. This is how Shang Yang of Qin Guoshi played. "

Suzaku hated and said: "Does he really think we can make our Chinese people who are well-dressed and well-dressed into those rude and savage Guanzhong Lao Qin? What's the difference from giving Huru the national rule?"

Bai Hu smiled slightly: "Then you should report him and tell Huan Xuan to let him destroy Liu Yu, together with the Jing Ba Party, so that you can continue to be polite and gentle and gentle and gentlemen's family children continue to master Da Jin is in the world. I think Huan Xuan is very good. I heard that he recently likes to pick the wrong typos for his subordinates when he criticizes the break, like Chun Chunsuo writing Chun Chun, and then he showed off his genius and marked out this. Mistakes and downgrading all officials who let this set of chants take place full-time. In addition, they will also gamble with people on a variety of family game games, from playing chess to throwing pots, from Qing to talking about Xuanxuan, losing I ’m going to take someone ’s family business. Most of my Jin Jin is a child of a high-family family like Huan Xuan.

Suzaku gritted her teeth: "White Tiger, you are less happy here to make me happy. I admit that the children of the family are lack of blood and lack of experience, but they don't like to be in the army. This is a natural condition, not Liu Yu can change it all at once. Only the army can control the power, and at least give people a time to adapt. Liu Yu is doing this now, I am afraid that it is also a big banner. The basic reason is that he wants his eight comrades in Beifu Junqiu to do great things with him. , And then share the power to exclude the family members who are now in power. "

Qinglong nodded: "Adult Suzaku makes sense, even the current military men, once they really have power and wealth, they may not be willing to bleed hard, and their children will also give up their weapons. Of course, these are all afterwords. Now we need Liu Yu to bring down Huan Xuan. He has set up an anti-huan heart since he started such an organization. The rest is just us pushing him one more step. "

Bai Hu frowned, and looked at Xuanwu: "Last time you let Huan Xuanxin what hermit came out of the mountain, Jiangshan changed the prophecy, and Huan Xuan really let Huangfu Xizhi Xibei go to the mountain to install the hermit, But this gameplay is too low-level and became a big joke. Then what is the reopening of the West Lake, auspicious signs like Bailin in the mountain appear, and people with a clear eye will know that it is a fake persuasion trick, can you play some advanced ones? Tampering is not like being a fool to fool people. "

Xuanwu smiled slightly: "What is he not a fool? In the face of power, the most basic judgment is gone. There is no real aspiring monarch like him. When he entered Jiankang and obtained the power of the country, he did not think about it. To appease the people and win the hearts of the people, but to engage in this set of slander and exploit the scholars, for their own assassination of the throne? The reason why I entered Huan Xuan is not to see through him, to destroy him, only to see him Will he get higher? "

Suzaku said suddenly and coldly: "Maybe Huan Xuan is such a person, but is Liu Yu? If Liu Yu really wiped out Huan Xuan and gained world power, what would you do to restrain him then?"

The room fell into a dead silence. For a long time, Xuanwu sighed: "Go step by step, at least Liu Yu, at least you can be affectionate, restrained by the world's life and the Northern Expedition, it's really impossible, Mafia and Jingba Party consolidation is also an option. "

Suzaku stood up and said coldly: "I hope your decision today, don't let yourself regret one day in the future ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Master Xuanwu, don't forget your predecessor, how did you die!"

He said, without looking back, he walked toward the door on the side, near the door, he suddenly thought of something, turned his head to look at Qinglong, and said in a deep voice: "If you do n’t know why you are sitting here, it ’s better Change someone who knows your identity early and cherish this position. I will not start with other people like the previous guards, I hope you can consciously. "

Bai Hu smiled and said: "Master Suzaku looks very resentful, or else it's the old rules, everyone voted well."

Suzaku gritted her teeth: "Why don't you go this way again? You two want to dissolve the Mafia now and let Liu Yu's Jingba Party replace it. Xuanwu has such an attitude, does it make sense to vote? People don't spit out the bones, but Liu Yu wants to destroy the dragons of my family, because of his nobleness, chivalry, and because of his friendship with you, can he indulge him to destroy the foundation of my family of the world? One day , We have all come to the fountain, how do you see the predecessors of the Mafia? "

He said, as soon as the big iron door was lifted, he stepped in directly. The iron door closed heavily, and his voice echoed throughout the empty hall.

Xuanwu sighed softly: "Continue to act according to plan, Suzaku, let me talk to him!"

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